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Homeopathic therapeutics for Exhaustion symptoms from ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics by G H Clarke….

Acetanilid, loss of nervous control,18.

Ammonium chloride, weak heart action, 37.

Arsenic, poor nutrition, 51-52-53.

Asafoetida, hysterical, 55.

Aurum, neurasthenia, 57.

Baptisia, typhoid, 58.

Bromide of potash, erethism, 173.

Caffeine, muscular weakness of heart, 69-70.

Calcarea phos, excess of phosphates in urine,

Camphor, adynamic fever,76.

Capsicum, feeble digestion, 81.

Chloral, sleeplessness, 85.

Cinchona, malaria, loss of blood, 90-91. Digitalis, cyanotic lips and nose, 110.

Ferrum, anaemic, atonic, 115-116.

Ignatia, nervous exhaustion,136.

Manganese, with iron,147.

Nux vomica, nervous exhaustion, 151-153.

Opium, melancholia, weak pulse, 158.

Phosphorous, fatty degenerations, 162-163.

Physostigma, general muscular weakness, 165.

Stannum, neuraSTHENIA, 186.

Turpentine, intestinal walls relaxed, 1q55.

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.