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Arthritis deformans

Homeopathic therapeutics for Arthritis deformans symptoms from ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics by G H Clarke….

Arsenic in small frequent doses, 50.

Cimicifuga, 93.

Hot Springs,

Iodide of potash in syphilitic or rheumatic thickening of the periosteum, 143.

Massage and hot packs.

Proper diet and hygienic surroundings.

Syrup of iodide of iron up to one dram three times a day.

Thyroid gland, five grains three times a day.

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.