SEPIA – Homeopathic Medicine

SEPIA homeopathic drug picture symptoms from A Primer of Materia Medica by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathy remedy SEPIA …


      Tremulous weakness, with weariness, sleepiness. Restlessness after sitting a long time. Emaciation; take cold easily. Symptoms are (<) sitting quietly. a feeling of weakness, especially of goneness in the epigastric region, particularly during the menses and in the morning. Faintness, with heat and coldness at alternately. Jaundiced hue. General aggravation both morning and evening, sometimes from washing in water.


      Apathy. Anxiety. Sadness in the morning on waking. An irritable, fault-finding disposition. Indisposed to mental labor, which aggravates the headache. Stupid, forgetful; cannot collect thoughts to answer the simplest questions.


      Boring neuralgic headaches during rest, (>) external pressure, with vomiting. Brain feels loose on shaking the head. One-sided tearing or shooting headache in the evening after lying down. Rush of blood to the head on stooping, with bursting pain. Drawing from over the left eye to the occiput; (>) after eating. Falling out of the hair; the roots of the hair seem sore to the touch.


      Pain as from sand in the eyes; (<)closing the eyes or rubbing the lids. Burning, dry, gritty feeling in the eyes. Heaviness, especially when reading. Eyes tend to close. Lachrymation morning and evening. Scaly eruption on the upper lid. Itching on the margins of lids. Development of pustules or vesicles on conjunctiva. Vision vanishes, with anemia, particularly during the menses, with weakness; (>)lying down. Whites of the eyes yellow. Yellow or green shimmer around the light in the evening. Black spots or a veil seem to be before the eyes.


      Sneezing, with dry coryza. Tip of the nose inflamed and swollen. Nostrils ulcerated. Blows blood from the nose, especially in the morning after rising and in the evening, particularly during the menses.


      Yellow across the upper part of the face and around the mouth. Herpetic eruptions on the lips.


      Swelling and bleeding of the gums. The teeth decay rapidly, with various pains from hot or cold things, and from every draught of cold air. General relief of the toothache from inhaling cold air, (though it may be (<)a draft of air across the face.).


      Difficult swallowing as from a lump in the throat.


      Appetite, with hasty eating (sometimes aversion to all food, especially to animal food.) General loss of thirst. Eructations from eating a little. Sour or painful eructations. Nausea in the morning or from riding in a carriage. Vomiting, with great straining, even vomiting, with great straining, even vomiting of blood. Gnawing in the stomach, (>) eating, with a feeling of emptiness, with nausea, even on thinking of food.


      Distention, as from flatulence, with burning and shooting pains, extending to the chest or down the thighs. A feeling of heaviness or of emptiness.

Pains over the region of the liver, with soreness and shooting, or a feeling of fulness. Dragging; the pains in the hypogastric region extend into the genitals in women. Pressing down, as if the contents of the abdomen or pelvis would be forced downward, particularly during menses. This pelvic distress is felt at night on walking, especially during the day when standing or walking; even when sitting or lying down.

Anus and Stool

      Hemorrhoids protrude when waking or during stool; painful and sore to touch. Constipation and hard, difficult stool, often mixed with mucus. Diarrhoea after boiled milk.

Urinary Organs

      A feeling of pressure on the bladder, with frequent micturition and tension. Urging, with bearing down in the pelvic region. Urine slimy, offensive, deposits a yellow, pasty sediment or turbid and clay-colored, with reddish sediment. Urine deposits a sediment which stains the vessel red, like powdered brick.

Clinical. Cystitis, with constant desire and dragging in the bladder, with slow micturition. Nocturnal enuresis. An adherent red sediment seems to be quite characteristic.

Sexual Organs

      Dryness of the vagina and external genitals, (<)after menses. Heavy dragging as though the uterus and internal organs would be forced downward; has to cross her legs to prevent threatening protrusion. Leucorrhoea; yellowish, profuse, profuse, acrid or milky, with burning pain and excoriation; or purulent and fetid. Menstruation too late and scanty, or sometimes early and scanty; at times entirely suppressed, giving place to the leucorrhoea, as above.

Respiratory Organs

      Cough in the evening and at night in bed, spasmodic, prevents sleep, causes pain in the pit of the stomach. Seems to come from tickling in the larynx or at times, seems to be reflex from indigestion or even constipation, often (>) eating. Rarely a loose night cough, (<)before midnight in bed, with oppression of the chest, rattling in the throat. Cough (<)both evening and morning, with nausea and bitter vomiting.

Heart and Pulse

      Palpitation in the evening in bed, and throbbing through all the blood vessels.

Neck and Back

      Stiffness in the back and neck. Pain and weakness in the small of the back, with dragging, extending into the hips. Tired pain in the sacrum, (>)pressure.


      General heaviness and bruised feeling; or lameness and stiffness of the lower extremities.


      Roughness, herpetic eruptions, with itching. Yellow or brownish spots, particularly on the face and neck. Itching, particularly in the bends-elbows and knees. The skin becomes rough the moist after scratching, which somewhat relieves.


      Very sleepy during the day, falls asleep as soon as she sits down. Sleeplessness at night, but wakes late, with difficulty, and has no desire to rise in the morning. Waking at night from frightful dreams, with screaming out. Sleep disturbed by rushes of blood, by heaviness of the legs and by anxious dreams; talks in sleep.


      Shivering through the day, (<)towards evening, with thirst. General lack of warmth of the body. Paroxysms of heat while sitting down and while walking in the open air. Feet are cold and wet, especially in the morning and evening, even in bed. Flushes of heat as from a dash of hot water, then general sweat, with anxiety, without thirst. Sudden flushes of the head and face. Sweat in the morning after waking, and on moderate exertion.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.