IPECACUANHA – Homeopathic Medicine

IPECACUANHA homeopathic drug picture symptoms from A Primer of Materia Medica by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathy remedy IPECACUANHA…

General Action

      Produces nausea and vomiting; increases secretions, especially in the upper part of the intestinal canal; sometimes true dysentery. It increases secretions from the bronchi, and may even cause hepatization, as well as emphysema. The cough is generally spasmodic. A general hemorrhagic tendency.


      Weakness, with aversion to all food; and a general association of nausea with all the symptoms. Sensitiveness to cold and warmth. Rigid stretching out of the whole body. Body bent backward and forward, in rigid spasms. Symptoms in general, (>) in the open air. More frequently found indicated in persons with light hair.


      Very irritable and impatient. Ill humor, but quiet. Intolerance of noise. A child cries and screams constantly. Shooting pains in the vertex. A bruised feeling throughout the brain; extending from the skull down to the root of the tongue, with nausea. Painfulness of the occiput and nape of the neck.


      Violent, shooting pains through the eyes, with profuse lachrymation; redness. Collection of hard mucus in the external canthi.

Clinical. Pustular conjunctivitis, especially in children. Granular lids. Inflammation of the cornea threatening ulceration.


      Clinical. Ears are cold during the fever.


      Sneezing; violent, paroxysmal; discharge of thin mucus; associated with cough and expectoration. Violent nose-bleed.


      Generally pale, with blue rings around the eyes; convulsive twitchings of the facial muscles and lips. Red and sore about the mouth; a biting eruption and ulcers on the margins of the lips.


      Toothache in a hollow tooth as if it would be torn out. Salivation; constantly obliged to swallow; with nausea. Biting pain in the mouth and on the tongue. Tongue yellow, coated yellow. A sweetish taste of blood in the mouth.


      General loss of appetite as from weakness of the stomach. Aversion to all food; or dislike for sweets and dainty things. No thirst. Nausea, which seems to come from the stomach, with empty eructations and salivation. Retching and vomiting of food; of bile; of green, bilious mucus; of blood; renewed after taking cold drinks or smoking tobacco. A feeling as though the stomach hung down relaxed. Persistent nausea is the general accompaniment of Ipecac symptoms.


      Clawing pains as from a hand clawing the intestines; (<) motion. Cutting pains about the navel, with shivering. Colic, with frequent stools.


      Diarrhoea of greenish mucus, with nausea and colic; bloody stools with tenesmus. Fecal stools, covered with bloody mucus.

Urinary Organs

      Urine generally diminished; dark red; sometimes bloody, with cutting pains in abdomen and urethra. Ineffectual urging to urinate.

Sexual Organs

      Menstruation early and profuse. Dragging towards the uterus and anus.

Clinical. Uterine haemorrhage of bright but clotted blood. Haemorrhage following labor or after a miscarriage, with persistent nausea and faintness, sometimes with colic and sinking in the abdomen.

Respiratory Organs

      Cough, suffocative, (a child becomes stiff and blue in the face); caused by constrictive tickling from upper part of larynx to lowest bronchi; so spasmodic as to cause vomiting; (<) walking in cold air and after lying down and by deep inspiration. Suffocative paroxysms of cough, (>) in the open air, (<) in the house. Expectoration of yellow mucus, or of blood. Suffocative dyspnoea, with wheezing throughout the bronchi; weight and anxiety about the heart, etc. Loss of breath on the slightest effort.

Clinical. Spasmodic asthma. Capillary bronchitis, with spasmodic cough and vomiting. Bronchitis, with much mucus, especially in the large tubes, and from expectoration. Cough, like whooping cough; patient gets red and blue in the face and vomits; sometimes has bleeding from the nose or lungs. Bleeding from the lungs, with a feeling of bubbling in the chest and frothy expectoration.


      Bruised pain in all the bones and joints. Pain in the joints as if asleep. A feeling as if the hip would be wrenched out of its socket on lying down. Convulsive jerks in the legs. Cramps in the muscles of the thighs.


      Nettle-rash. Violent itching, without any rash; must keep on scratching until a rash appears.


      Coldness, external, shivering (even without thirst), followed by fever, generally after 4 P.M., and then by sweat. One hand is cold while the other is hot. Clinical. Intermittent fever, characterized by persistent nausea, and especially with the chill and fever; raging headache, generally great thirst, though anything taken into the stomach is vomited.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.