COLCHICUM – Homeopathic Medicine

COLCHICUM homeopathic drug picture symptoms from A Primer of Materia Medica by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathy remedy COLCHICUM…

General Action

      It produces violent inflammation of the gastro-intestinal canal, with profound depression of the heart and of the temperature. It produces also acute inflammation of the kidneys. It is specially interesting to note that it produces symptoms of the acute manifestations of gout, quite apart from any direct modification of the excretion of urea or uric acid. Its relief of acute gout seems to be purely a homoeopathic action.


      General sensitiveness to the slightest touch. Weakness; exhaustion, with paralytic feeling in all the limbs; very easily affected by night watching. Pains, tearing, jerking, sticking, like electric shocks, in all parts of the body, with paralytic sensation; pains become worse and intolerable towards evening, and become better only at day break. Sensitiveness of the whole body, especially of the affected parts, to the slightest touch and motion. Crawling sensation in various parts of the body as after being frozen. Tearing pains seem worse in warm weather, sticking pains in cold weather. General tendency to collapse, with internal coldness.


      Intolerant of the pain; his troubles seem unendurable. External impressions, as, for example a bright light, or strong odors, or touch, make him beside himself on account of intolerance. Memory weak. Mind generally distracted.


      Aching in the occiput, (<) mental effort. Neuralgic, tearing pains in the scalp; crawling over the head, or on the forehead.


      Diffused inflammation and congestion. Inflammation and swelling of the margins of the lids.

Clinical. Kerato-iritis, with pus in anterior chamber of the eye. Occasional attacks of rheumatic inflammation of iris (see Clematis); ulcerations of cornea and opacities of cornea.


      Tearing pain in the ears, with discharge (after measles). Crawling in the ears.


      Smell morbidly acute; odor of cooking makes him sick and faint.


      Face sunken, pinched as in collapse. Face sometimes yellow, mottled. Pain as if the bones of the face were forced asunder.


      Tearing pain in the roots of the teeth and gum, (<) taking anything cold into the mouth immediately after something warm. General inflammation of the cavity of the mouth and fauces. Saliva profuse. Tongue insensible and stiff.


      Great appetite for a variety of things, but as soon as they are seen or, still more, smelt it distresses him; he is nauseated and cannot eat. Unquenchable thirst. Eructations, with burning in the stomach. Nausea and anxiety from the smell of cooking, or from fat food. Violent retching and vomiting; first of food, then watery. Vomiting, associated with watery diarrhoea and symptoms of cholera. Violent vomiting; must lie bent up and very quietly. Burning in the stomach, internally, sometimes with external coldness.

Clinical. One of the most characteristic indications for Colchicum is craving for various things, but when they are brought to him, especially if he smells them, he is seized with extreme aversion and becomes nauseated, and may even vomit. It is indicated in the most violent attacks of gastralgia, with retching and vomiting of food and bile; from the repression of gout.


      Distention, as if one had eaten too much, or a pressing-downward pain. Burning or feeling of coldness in the abdomen.

Clinical. In typhlitis; in extreme distention of abdomen, with icy coldness in stomach; colic; occasional attacks of nausea and vomiting. Ascites with the characteristic gastric symptoms.

Rectum and Stool

      Crawling, tearing and burning in the rectum. Violent tenesmus, followed by scanty, transparent, bilious, membranous mucus, with relief of colic. Spasmodic constriction of sphincter, with chilliness running up the back, followed by urging to stool. Stool with many white shreds; like dysentery, slimy; bloody, with tenesmus; watery, copious, yellowish and offensive, containing pieces of white membrane, etc.

Clinical. Dysentery; great tenesmus; discharges jellylike or bloody, mucous or changeable in character, but with great tenesmus, with or without stool, with tympanitis, colic, inability to stretch out the legs; at times the dysenteric discharges are reddish, mucous, like scrapings of intestines; sometimes there is even protrusion of the lower bowels (Podophyllum). Especially indicated in autumnal dysentery (compare Aloes and Mercurius).

Urinary Organs

      Frequent urging to urinate, but with scanty discharge. Strangury, with bloody urine. Urine deposits a white sediment.

Clinical. Nephritis, with extreme pain in the region of the kidneys; in some cases aggravated by stretching out legs, as from pressure on the kidneys, in the abdominal cavity; urine bloody or dark albuminous; in some cases there are symptoms of inflammation of the neck of the bladder, with terrible pain after urinating (Cantharis). Inflamed kidneys, with pain in back and sacrum; hot, burning urine: constant chilliness and cold extremities, with coldness in stomach.

Respiratory Organs

      Difficult breathing, with oppression of the chest, (>) bending forward. Cough short, dry. Cough at night, with involuntary micturition. Stitches in the chest on inspiration and coughing.


      Tremulous feeling in the praecordial region, with sticking pain. Anxiety in the region of the heart, causing sighing. Oppression; extending into left side of chest, obliging deep inspiration; or with trembling of the heart. Fulness at night, with oppression, as from stagnation. Sensitiveness in the region of the heart to pressure. Palpitation; dull, irregular, suppressed beats, with indescribable sensation. Impulse of the heart not felt; heart sounds heard with difficulty, or a blowing sound; sounds, like a heart, heard at a great distance, or through a stone wall.

Clinical. Chronic or subacute pericarditis, with exudation of water in pericardium, with severe pain about heart; oppression and dyspnoea, as if the chest were squeezed with a tight band (Cact.); in these case the heart’s action is weak and indistinct, the pulse may even be threadlike; in many cases there is chronic feeling of icy coldness at pit of stomach.

Neck and Back

      Drawing pains in the back, small of the back. Tension and pain in the region of the kidneys (with inflammation). Pains in the region of the kidneys, (>) lying on the back and drawing up legs.


      Pains in the smaller joints, fingers, toes, wrists and ankles; also in the shoulder and knee joints, during rest, with uneasiness. Joints generally feel stiff and inflamed. Paralytic pain in the arms, so that he cannot hold the slightest thing. Tearing in the arms, extending to the fingers. Crawling in the tips of the fingers. Drawing pains in the whole lower extremities, even to the toes. OEdematous swelling of the leg and foot. Crawling in the tips of the toes. Clinical. Gouty diathesis; soreness of the flesh, of the joints; extreme irritability; intolerance of touch, with gastric symptoms.

Articular rheumatism, with tearing, jerking pains, cardiac complications, gastric symptoms. Shifting rheumatism; pains aggravated towards night; the patient is very irritable, etc. It is generally indicated when the smaller joints are affected; the pains are violent, often paralytic, so that the patient can hold nothing in the hands; or when the feet are affected they become swollen, oedematous; it is difficult to lift the feet. Rheumatism or gout in heel, which is extremely sore, with tearing pains. Inflammation of the joint of great toe, with acute pain as from sharp sticking. Cannot bear to have it touched or to have any one come near him.


      General tendency to coldness, especially of the extremities, or internal coldness in the abdomen; sometimes with cold breath, nausea and vomiting, followed by cold sweat, etc. Pulse rapid, irritable. Dry heat, especially at night, with great thirst.

Clinical. Occasionally indicated in typhoid fever, tympanitis, coldness in stomach, cold breath, nausea and vomiting; cold sweat, albuminous urine. Effects of sudden suppression of perspiration in gastralgia, etc.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.