CHINA – Homeopathic Medicine

Respiratory Organs

      Whistling and wheezing in trachea on breathing. Voice deep and rough, with hoarseness, as from sometimes adhering to the larynx. Cough caused by laughing; after eating; as from sulphur fumes. Suffocative attacks, as if the larynx were full of mucus, worse towards evening and at night on waking. Oppression of the chest, as though from fulness in the stomach, or caused by long talking.


      Sticking pains in the cartilages of third and fourth false ribs. A feeling of fulness like a rush of blood to the chest, with violent palpitation.


      Palpitation, with a rush of blood to the face, which was hot and red, with cold hands; with intermitting pulse.

Neck and Back

      Pain in the nape of the neck, as from swelling, (<) touch. Pressure, as from a stone between the scapulae. Pain in the small of the back at night when lying on back. Tensive pain in the sacrum, as from a heavy load or after long stooping. Tensive pain in the small of the back as from cramp or as if bruised and crushed, with sudden crying out on motion.


      Jerking pains, (<) touch. Trembling. Laxity of all the extremities and trembling of the hands; tremulous weakness. Heaviness as if lead were hanging to them. Paralytic stiffness in all the joints on rising in the morning, or after midday nap, with depressed spirits. Falling. or asleep of the limbs on which he lies. Sensation of a band tied tightly around different parts.

Upper Extremities

      Paralytic jerking-tearing in long bones, (<) touch. Paralytic jerking-tearing on top of shoulder, with sensitiveness to touch, the pain renewed by touch, even of coat. Paralytic jerking- tearing extending from head of humerus along muscles and bones to phalanges, where it is painless, the pain (<) touch, with weakness of whole arm. Paralytic pain in head of right humerus, extending to the hand, like a tearing. Trembling of the hands when writing. Tearing in bones of right distal phalanges, especially of the joints.

Lower Extremities

      Drawing pains in bones, as if periosteum had been scraped. Hot swelling of right knee. Weakness in the knees. Swelling of the feet. Sensation as if garters were too tight, and leg would go to sleep or were numb. Jerking-tearing in metatarsal bones and in toes, (<) touch. Weakness of the feet as if bruised.


      Sensitiveness of the whole skin, even of the palms. Yellowness of the skin.


      Overpowering sleepiness during the day, when sitting and after eating. Restless sleep at night, with anxious dreams. Falls asleep late on account of excitability; rush of ideas. Dreamy kind of reverie as soon as he falls asleep. Stertorous respiration in sleep. Sleep restless, unrefreshing.


      Coldness at intervals during the day, with cold sweat. Thirst after the coldness; in the evening in bed he cannot get warm. Chill increased after drinking. and yet he is obliged to drink constantly. Heat, with inclination to uncover. Heat continued, even with delirium. Sweat during sleep, all over the body, as soon as it is covered. Sweat after waking at 3 A. M., with thirst; without sweat on feet or head, except where he lies upon cheek. Sweat on the face and hands.

Clinical. Intermittent fever, without constitutional cachexia, except general weakness and anaemia; the paroxysm is fully developed, the three stages of chill, fever and sweat are fully marked; preceding the chill there is violent thirst, often violent temporal headache; there is an interval between the chill and fever, but rarely any gastric disturbance; during the fever there is generally thirst, sometimes unnatural hunger; an interval between the fever and sweat; the sweat is profuse, debilitating, with thirst; during the apyrexia great debility, ringing in the ears, feeling of emptiness in stomach, soreness over the spleen and liver, many symptoms characteristic of the drug.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.