BRYONIA – Homeopathic Medicine

Extremities Lower

      Sticking pains and cracking in the hip joints when walking. Pains in the hip, ex tending along the anterior surface of the thigh to the knee. Weakness of the knees when walking. Tension in the bend of the knee, the pain extending along the tibia. Painful stiffness in the knee. Tearing pains in the calf; during rest this changes to a sensation of numbness. Hot swelling of the foot, with bruised pain on stretching the foot. Stitching pains in the foot. Pain as from sprains, specially in periosteum and ligaments, always (<) motion. Acute inflammation of the joints of the toes. Sudden pain in the balls of the great toes.


      An elevated, red rash over the whole body. Itching eruption over the whole body. Itching stitches, (>) scratching, (<) walking rapidly. Hard nodes in various parts of the body. Acute swelling and inflammation, with shining redness, especially over the joints.


      Much yawning, and sleepiness during the day. Sleep with eyes half open. Sleeplessness before midnight, on account of frequent shivering over one arm and leg, followed by perspiration, warmth and anxiety in the blood. Sleeplessness on account of orgasm of blood, heat and thirst. Sleep restless, busy with the occupations of the previous day. Starting up in fright before falling asleep, with anxious dreams and screaming out. Talks irrationally when he first wakes out of sleep. Vivid, fatiguing dreams about the business of the day.


      Chilliness after the midday nap, with confusion of the head. Chilliness in the evening, with thirst and not cheeks. Chilliness with heat of the head and thirst. Internal heat; the blood seems on fire, with thirst for cold drinks. (Rarely without thirst.) Heat in the head, and face particularly, which is red, with thirst. Sweat from the slightest exertion, even when walking in the cold air. Sweat, especially early in the morning. Sweat oily; of a sour door.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.