APIS – Homeopathic Medicine

APIS homeopathic drug picture symptoms from A Primer of Materia Medica by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathy remedy APIS…

General Action

      The poison of the honey-bee produces varying degrees of cellulitis, not only under the skin, but in various parts of the body.

It also produces inflammations of serous membranes, particularly in the head, and parenchymatous inflammations of various organs, especially of the kidneys; in this latter property it exhibits many points of analogy with other insect poisons, Cantharis, Doryphora, etc. General oedema usually accompanies the nephritis of Apis.


      The characteristic features of the Apis-disease are general drowsiness, even, with high temperature, fever without thirst, afternoon aggravation, more or less profound apathy; and quick, stinging pains, which sometimes make the patient cry out. Weakness. Dropsical swellings. Inflammatory swellings, erysipelas-like, bright red, puffy, with stinging pains. Prostration. Bruised sensations. Pricking over the whole body. Rarely paralysis; rarely convulsions. Symptoms extend from right to left. General aggravation about the four five P. M. General intolerance of heat.


      Stupor, sometimes amounting to unconsciousness. Muttering delirium. Stupor, interrupted by sudden sharp cries and startings.


      Vertigo with confused headache, somewhat ameliorated by walking. Head feels hot and heavy, ameliorated by external pressure. Hot sweat of the head.


      Stinging pains. Lids swollen, red, hot, everted like a mass of red flesh. Upper lids hang down like sacs. Margins of lids inflamed, burning. Conjunctiva bright red, puffy. Lachrymation with burning and stinging. Sharp pains on attempting to use the eyes. Photophobia. Pain around the orbits, ameliorated by pressure.


      Swollen, red and hot.


      Externally swollen, red and hot. Tip of nose cold (preceding a sore throat).


      Swollen, oedematous, red with piercing pains. OEdematous, pale with dropsical troubles.


      Gums swollen, bleed easily. Tongue swollen. Tongue raw on margins, with scalding. Tongue dry and sore. Vesicles on tip and margins of tongue. Whole mouth sensitive as if scalded.


      Swollen and puffy, bright red. Constriction, difficult swallowing. Hot and dry with stinging pains. Uvula elongated, swollen like a sac. Tonsils swollen, intensely inflamed. Throat so swollen, internally and externally, that breathing is difficult.


      No appetite. No thirst (as a rule, though Apis patients are sometimes thirsty). Vomiting of food, retching (associated with other symptoms). Soreness. Burning.


      General soreness, aggravated by touch. Distention. Sharp, stinging pains, mostly extending upward.

Rectum and Anus

      Anus raw, during diarrhoea. Seem relaxed, anus feels constantly open. Piles protrude.


      Diarrhoea, yellow watery painless, cannot be retained while urinating. Olive-green stools. Mucus, jelly-like stools, streaked with blood.

Urinary Organs

      Urine scanty or suppressed. Urine high colored. Micturition frequent. Burning and soreness when urinating.

Acute nephritis, urine scanty or suppressed, with general oedema, sleepiness, lack of thirst, dry, irritable skin, suffocation on lying down, etc.

Sexual Organs

      Male organs swollen, oedematous. Swollen and inflamed (diffuse cellulitis). Labia swollen, oedematous. Inflamed. Cutting pains in the ovarian region (left or right). Ovary inflamed, great tenderness of abdomen. Violent, sharp pains in ovarian region (not inflammatory). Uterine haemorrhage during pregnancy. Heaviness in uterus, with faintness, etc. Soreness over uterine region. Dysmenorrhoea, with tenderness. ovarian pains, puffy face.

Respiratory Organs

      Hoarseness, rawness in larynx. Cough aggravated after lying and sleeping. (Edema of epiglottis and larynx). Expectorations bloody, frothy. Dyspnoea, as if could not breathe again. Sense of suffocation on lying down. Bruised pain and soreness over the chest. Occasional sharp stitches through the chest.

Heart and Pulse

      Distress in heart. Heart’s action feeble. (Pericardial effusion.) Pulse feeble, rarely full and strong.

Neck and Back

      Cervical glands swollen. Neck stiff, lame. Back lame. Dragging in small of back (with ovarian and uterine diseases). Soreness or bruised feeling over the region of the kidneys. Neuralgia in coccyx and sacrum.


      General oedema. Inflammation of knee joint.


      Urticaria. Erysipelas. Always great sensitiveness, stinging pains. General anasarca, pale swellings. Veins inflamed.


      Sleepiness. Startings in terror.


      Chilliness (periodic at 3 P. M.). Heat predominates, without thirst (usually), with drowsiness. Heat of head with throbbing, ameliorated by pressure. Sweat not marked, skin usually dry.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.