Calcarea phos. is a remedy for nymphomania, especially when occurring before the menses, and is indicated by a throbbing voluptuous feeling in the genitals as though all the parts are filled with blood. The menses are profuse and preceded by cramping pain in the hypogastrium and left groin, which ceases when the flow is well established. The menses are bright in girls, in older women at first bright then dark throughout. There are often burning in the vagina and pain in the lumbar and sacral regions during the period. There is a leucorrhoea, like white of egg, which continues day and night, for which calc. phos. is indicated.

It is a good remedy for constipation, usually in elderly people, when the stool is hard and causes much pain and bleeding from protruding piles, which are exceedingly painful from touch and walking and are relieved by hot applications; they itch and discharge yellow pus.

Calcarea phos. has gained a reputation in early phthisis when there are enlarged glands and a hacking cough with hoarseness and sharp pains in the chest, especially when they follow or are associated with anal fistula; breathing is difficult and is better while lying down (psor.).

The rheumatic pains for which calc. phos is useful are very similar to those of calc. carb; they are all worse or brought on by cold and damp and are better from warmth; the principal distribution of the pains has been already mentioned. The back is very sensitive to a draught and gets painful and stiff, worse in the morning; there is soreness in the sacro-iliac symphysis. Rheumatic face-ache occurring in every cold spell of weather and which is better from heat and very sensitive to pressure requires calc. phos. There are two kinds of headache in which this remedy is serviceable: (1) a rheumatic headache of the whole head from being in a cold wind, which is worse at night, from walking and exertion, and (2) a nervous headache from brain fag or other cause of exhaustion; the head is sensitive to jar, pressure, to the pressure of a hat for instance, is better from washing it in cold water; the patient wants to be alone and quiet; eating, exertion and going into open the open air aggravate it.

Calcarea phos. is a remedy for eczema of the scalp, when the general constitutional indications are present. It has been useful in polypi of the nose, the rectum and the uterus, for gleet with sharp pains in the urethra and prostrate, for gouty fingers and toes that become painful in cold weather, and for chronic inflammation and enlargement of the tonsils.


      (1) Children: emaciated, undergrown, dirty white or brown skin, backward in walking and teething, of feeble mental development.

(2) Defective nutrition of childhood, puberty, old age.

(3) Heavy with sleep in the morning, aroused with great difficulty.

(4) Ailments from overgrowth, over-lifting, sexual excesses, grief, disappointed love.

(5) Brain proportionately too large for the rest of the body.

(6) Desire for smoked meats, for ham rind and fat bacon.

(7) Predisposition to glandular and bone disease.

(8) Diarrhoea of green, spluttering stools.

(9) Rheumatic pains, worse from cold, wet and movement, better from warmth and rest.

(10) “Schoolgirl`s headache.”


      From motion, thinking of symptoms, mental exertion, cold food (abdominal pains), change of weather; damp, rainy, cold weather, teething.


      From rest, warmth and hot applications, cold washing (headache).

Edwin Awdas Neatby
Edwin Awdas Neatby 1858 – 1933 MD was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become a physician at the London Homeopathic Hospital, Consulting Physician at the Buchanan Homeopathic Hospital St. Leonard’s on Sea, Consulting Surgeon at the Leaf Hospital Eastbourne, President of the British Homeopathic Society.

Edwin Awdas Neatby founded the Missionary School of Homeopathy and the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1903, and run by the British Homeopathic Association. He died in East Grinstead, Sussex, on the 1st December 1933. Edwin Awdas Neatby wrote The place of operation in the treatment of uterine fibroids, Modern developments in medicine, Pleural effusions in children, Manual of Homoeo Therapeutics,