In the chest complaints for which the drug is suitable the cough is excited by tickling low down in the chest in the neighborhood of the epigastrium, it is worse in the evening and from lying down. The cough causes headache (*Belladonna, *Nat., *Mur., *Phosphorus, *Sulph.), nausea and vomiting of food and spurting of urine (*Causticum, *Nat. *Mur., *Pulsatilla, *Sepia). The sputum is copious, muco-purulent, salty, bloody, and offensive. Every draught of air causes a fresh cold. The chest feels weak from talking (*Stann.) and coughing, but relief is obtained from walking. In phthisis with profuse diarrhoea and perspirations phosphoric acid is indicated.


      (1) Mental and nervous debility; mild, yielding temperament.

(2) In their states of apathy and drowsiness patient can easily be roused to full consciousness, but soon relapse.

(3) Diarrhoea which is profuse, painless and does not debilitate, and may bring relief.

(4) Weakness in the chest from coughing.

(5) Sensations of pressure or weight.

(6) Passive haemorrhages from mucous surfaces.

(7) Sexual weakness, the result of excesses or masturbation.

(8) The headache are worse from noise, especially music, and from movement. Headaches of schoolgirls from overwork.

(9) Persons of originally strong constitution weakened by loss of fluids, excesses, violent or acute diseases, chagrin, or a long succession of depressing emotions.

(10) Children and young people who have grown too rapidly, tall, slender and thin. If weakness be considerable, emaciation take place, the face is pale and the eyes sunken and surrounded with bluish areas.


      By noise (especially music), odours which cause vomiting, bad news, being talked to, movement (headache), depressing mental conditions, loss of fluids (especially semen), touch, sitting and standing, cold, draughts, wind, snow-air, lying down (cough), movement (pains).


      By sleep, even a short sleep, walking, fresh air, keeping warm (diarrhoea).

Edwin Awdas Neatby
Edwin Awdas Neatby 1858 – 1933 MD was an orthodox physician who converted to homeopathy to become a physician at the London Homeopathic Hospital, Consulting Physician at the Buchanan Homeopathic Hospital St. Leonard’s on Sea, Consulting Surgeon at the Leaf Hospital Eastbourne, President of the British Homeopathic Society.

Edwin Awdas Neatby founded the Missionary School of Homeopathy and the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1903, and run by the British Homeopathic Association. He died in East Grinstead, Sussex, on the 1st December 1933. Edwin Awdas Neatby wrote The place of operation in the treatment of uterine fibroids, Modern developments in medicine, Pleural effusions in children, Manual of Homoeo Therapeutics,