Silicea [Sil]
Necrosis, caries (dead) of bones, also Calcarea phos. may be required.
Calcarea fluor. [Calc-f]
Bone bruises, exostoses (tumors), hard growths, nodes.
Calcarea fluor. [Calc-f]
Diseases from mercury.
Ferrum phos. [Ferr-p]
Periostitis, inflammation of the surface of the bones.
Calcarea phos. [Calc-p]
Broken bones do not knit readily.
Kali phos. [Kali-p]
Silicea [Sil]
Fistula, discharging splinters of bone, or Calc fluor.
The chief remedies in all diseases involving the bones are Silicea, Calcarea fluorica and Calcarea phosphorica.
Natrum phos. [Nat-p]
Hip joint disease, which is due to scrofula, requires or Silicea.
While other remedies may be called for in diseases of the bones, Silicea may be regarded as the primary one.