
Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Urinary from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….

URINARY DIFFICULTIES.-The conditions of the urine itself which call for treatment are increase or decrease of quantity, and changes in the odour, colour, and contents. The abnormal conditions of passing water are-painful urination, too frequent urination or too rare, and involuntary urination. These. conditions may depend on affections of the kidneys or the bladder (including stone), or affections of the passages.

General Treatment.– Nurses should always see that new-born infants pass water, and call the doctor’s attention if there is any delay. Sometimes a slight malformation in boys prevents them passing water, and this will need seeing to at once. Older boys have difficulty from the passage being too narrow, or the fore- skin too long, and for this the remedy is circumcision, and should not be delayed. It is a very dangerous thing to go too long without passing water, and may result in rupture of the bladder or permanent weakness.

Too frequent passing of water, in increased quantities, especially if accompanied with thirst, should arouse suspicion of diabetes, and a doctor should be consulted without delay. Too frequent and too copious urination may be due to nervous causes producing irritability of kidneys and bladder. With some children the excitement of a railway journey is sufficient to cause this; nervousness before an examination will cause it sometimes. This condition is of little consequence, and passes away then the cause is removed. Harm may be down if children from shyness are afraid to relieve themselves, and care should be taken to see that they have plenty of opportunity for so doing.

The opposite condition-diminished secretion of urine-indicates, if there is no obstruction in the passages, something wrong with the kidneys; and if it is not speedily removed, medical advice should be sought without delay. Warm baths, or warm baths, or warm foot-baths, should be given; and internally, thin oatmeal gruel, and plenty of mucilaginous drinks. These will often act on the kidneys and remove the constant desire to urinate, with burning and pain when present.

Medicines.-(Every fifteen minutes to three times a day according to urgency.)


-Stoppage after chill. Painful urging, children put their hands to the parts and scream. Urine red, dark-tinted;only few drops pass.


-After Aconite, if not speedily successful.


-Pressing, cutting pains in bladder on passing water; urging; especially for women in whom the menses are suppressed, tardy, or scanty.

Belladonna 3.

-Piercing pain whilst urinating, extending from the back to the bladder in spells; great anxiety, restlessness, colic.

Apis 3.

-After suppressed eruption;burning, stinging, itching in various parts; shudders, feels chilly on moving especially in the evening; heat without thirst.

Opium 3.

-Most dangerous cases. Bladder paralysed, neither stool nor urine passes. Infants who have nursed soon after the mother was very angry or much frightened.

Arnica 3.

-Bloody urine after injuries.

China 3.

-Bloody urine after excesses.

Camph.0, pilules or 3.

-Total suppression; burning pains;it antidotes cantharides, or “Spanish-fly.”


-Increased urine from nervousness.


-Too frequent or too abundant passage of pale urine- “Diabetes insipidus”.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica