
Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Spasms from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….

-Any part of the body which contains muscular fibres may be the seat of spasms; but the affection which is commonly known by that name is an affection of the bowels and stomach, which become spasmodically contracted in consequences of some irritation or other, and principally wind. Gouty persons are more liable to these attacks than others. Voiding of wind, wither by the mouth or the bowel, gives relief. The attacks are exceedingly painful.

General Treatment.-The thing not to do for spasms is to drink spirits or take carbonate of soda. These, if they give temporary ease, only aggravate in the long run. Hot applications to the stomach will relieve-either as an india-rubber hot-water bottle or a bag of hot salt; a little milk or weak chicken-tea may be sipped from time to time.

Medicines.-(Every five or ten minutes until relieved.

Nux. v. 3.

-Pain severe after eating, after rising early; sometimes disturbing the patient in his sleep. Chest oppressed as if encircled by a band; nausea, salivation, sour bitter, burning fluid rising fluid rising in the throat; vomiting of food; sour, putrid taste in the mouth; flatulency, distension of the abdomen, and constipation; cramp in the stomach during menstruation.

Pulsatilla 3.

-May be given after Nux vomica, if the latter ceases to benefit. Piercing pains when walking, especially on making a false step, always accompanied by nausea and vomiting; evacuations loose; tension of the body with violent throbbing and anxiety.

Suited to persons of a mild disposition, and to cases where eating rich or fat food was the cause. Cramp in the stomach during menstruation if the flow is scanty.

Ignat. 3.

-After Pulsatilla. Pains like those of Nux vomica, but without hard stools, and with less vomiting. Pressure in upper part of the throat; stomach feels as if hanging on a thread. Suitable to cases due to insufficient food.

China. 3.

-In persons debilitated by cathartic drugs, emetics, loss of blood, or nursing women. Stomach weak, feet cold, food causes inflation of the stomach; pains worse when patient is at rest, better when in motion.

Carbo veg. 6.

-After Nux. Burning pain, or constant, painful, anxious pressure, worse when touched; or contracting, spasmodic sensation, forcing the patient to bend, taking away his breath, aggravated by lying down; heartburn, nausea, loathing at the very thought of food; constipation.

Chamomilla 6.

-Pressure in the stomach as from a stone; pit of stomach and the parts under the ribs distended so as to cause anxiety or shortness of breath. Symptoms worse during the night; patient extremely uneasy and agitated, tosses about on the bed and sweats profusely. Cramp in the stomach during menstruation. After Nux.

Bryonia 3.

-Pressure as from a load on the stomach, as Chamomilla, especially when it begins during a meal or immediately after; the pit of the stomach feels as if swollen; the pressure may change to a pinching, or cutting pain, relieved by pressing on the stomach or by eructations of wind; pains aggravated by motion (opposite to those of China); constipation; pressure in the forehead.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica