PERSPIRATION.-Perspiration may become so excessive as to constitute disease, or it may be accompanied by an offensive odour. Excessive perspiration is a symptoms of many debilitating diseases, and then it does not constitute a disease in itself. Sometimes it is purely nervous in character. General Treatment.-All debilitating causes must be avoided; a cold morning sponge-down, followed by brisk rubbing, when the patient is not too weak, to obtain a reaction. Medicines.-(Two or three times a day.)
China 3.
-When due to debility after exhausting diseases.
Phosphorus 3.
-Exhausting perspiration all over; perspiration after waking; perspiration smelling like garlic.
Calcarea c. 6.
-Perspiration of the head; cold clammy feet.
Mercurius 6.
-Sour perspiration, worse at night; rheumatic subjects.
Sulph. 6.
-Offensive perspiration of various parts, especially in scrofulous subjects and after the disappearance of eruptions.