
Moreover, it is easy at any time to immunise a person with a perfectly harmless preparation of either small-pox or vaccine virus, in homoeopathic preparations, given by the mouth. This has received the name of “Internal Vaccination,” and is accepted as valid in some of the States of North America. Variolinum 6 or 30, and Vaccininum, 6 or 30, given once a day for twelve or fourteen days will afford any one the protection needed and leave the blood pure.

General Treatment.–After vaccination a child should be kept in well-ventilated rooms, and should be taken out in open air when the weather is favourable.

When the pustule begins to appear great care should be taken not to rub it in any way. The “shields” sold by the chemists are useful for protecting the arm from being changed by the sleeve. If the arm is very red and inflamed, and the sore looks angry, a little vaseline may be smeared on the inflamed part.


Silica 6.

–(Every two hours until relieved.) For the acute symptoms–swelling of the arm and of the glands; eruptions.

Thuja 6.

— (Once or twice a day.) For the remote consequences— chronic eruptions and constitutional effects.

Weaning.–The best time for weaning children is when they are ten months old. By this time the teeth are so are developed as to be able to bite. If the mother is delicate, and her milk not good, the child should be weaned much earlier–as soon as this is discovered, in fact. And if the child is delicate and suffering from the troubles of teething, if the mother is strong and her milk of good quality, weaning must be delayed till it is in better condition.

Before the time for weaning comes the child may be allowed to exercise its teeth on other food besides its mother’s milk, so that it will be in a measure prepared for the changes. The diet should consist of puddings. See also CHILDREN, Feeding of.

The mother should be very careful of her diet until the secretion of milk has ceased, and live as low as possible. If the breasts become distended and painful, they must be drawn occasionally, and rubbed with camphorated oil.


Pulsatilla 3.

–Given every four hours. This will arrest the secretion of milk. See also BREASTS.

Whites.–It is not uncommon for little girls to be affected with a discharge of whitish mucus, like the whites of adults. It is usually due to some constitutional weakness; more rarely, to neglect of proper cleanliness.

General Treatment.–Frequent washing with lukewarm water will generally suffice to remove it.

Medicines.–Give a dose of Calcarea carb. 6 if it persists, and let this be followed by Pulsatilla 3 if Calcarea does not complete the cure.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica