
Homeopathic remedies for the symptoms of Cancer from A Dictionary of Domestic Medicine by John H.Clarke….

Cancer is a new growth, or tumour, due to one or more specific organisms, the essential property of the growth being to increase indefinitely, to recur after removal, and to infect other parts of the body remote from the locality in which it is found. This is what is called “malignant”-a “benign” tumour being one which is purely local, does not return after excision, and does not infect other parts. Cancers, or malignant tumours, are of many different kinds, and have different appearances and characteristics according to the different tissues from which they take their rise; and there is no tissue of the body from which they may not arise.

The treatment of cancer is only to be undertaken by a medical man. The amount of suffering caused by cancers is very variable; some cause hardly any, and others give rise to intense sufferings. Operation never cures cancer, in the true sense of the word “cure”, and very frequently it makes it worse. In a large proportion of cases the growth returns in an aggravated form and is then much more difficult to deal with by medicines. It may be laid down as a fundamental rule that the less the new growth is interfered with the better for the patient.

Cures of cancer have been effected by medicines, and this possibility must never be lost sight of. Arsenic, Hydrastis, Conium, Lachesis, Cundurango, Silica, Sulphur, and (in cancer of the tongue) the Cyanide of Potassium (Kali cyanicum), the cancer nosodes and many other remedies have all been accredited with cures.

But the choice of the remedy will be decided by the symptoms of each patient.

Medicines.-(Two or three doses daily, or oftener, according to the urgency of symptoms.)

Arsen. 3.-

Epithelial cancer. Burning pains; pains worse at night, and especially at 3 a.m.; aggravated by cold, relief from warmth; anxiety, restlessness, thirst.

Cundurango I.-

Cancer of breast. Cracks in the corners of the mouth.

Conium 30.-

Cancer of breast. Scrofulous subjects; women who have scanty menses; cases in which there is history of a blow.

Kali cyanicum 3.-

Cancer of tongue.

Lachesis 6.-

Dirty ulceration, black clots at the bottom of the ulcer like charred straw, blue look of the parts; patient is intolerant of anything tight about her.

Silica 6.-

In subjects who are sensitive to least draught of air.

Sulphur 6.-

Where the well-known indications for Sulph. are present-sinking sensation in the forenoon, cold feet, hot head, hot fainty spells, symptoms worse in bed at night. Sulph. is valuable as an intercurrent remedy.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica