Zincum iodatum

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Zincum Iodatum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Zincic iodide, ZnI2.


1 JOSEPH RHODES, aet. 24, health good. Proved 3x trit. in 2 gr. powders. 1st, 2nd and 4th day – Took powder in m., which caused temporary nausea (as sac. lac. does), soon relieved by food. On latter day repeated dose at 3 p. m., when nausea was followed by burning in stomach and cramp – like pains in bowels. These soon passed off while walking. Doses were repeated on 6th and again on 19th day, with no further effect. ( Trans. of Amer. Inst., 1888, p. 167.)

2. H. E. KISTLER, aet. 29, took 5 gr. doses of same 8 times in 2 d. No effect was observed, save, an hours after first, painful undulation from free border of ribs, right side, upwards to 3rd rib, lasting 10 m. (Ibid.)

3. EVERETT B. FINNEY took 3 gr. of same 8 times in 4 day without any effect. (Ibid.)

4. D. M. LANDIS, aet. 24, healthy, took 3 gr. of same 12 times in 3 day without result. On 4th day took 5 gr. at 9 a. m., 1 and 6 p. m. In afternoon felt very sleepy, with slight headache, continuing till e. At 5 p. m. felt slight pain in left lumbar region for a short time. On 5th day took 5 gr. 4 times. Symptoms of previous day recurred. On 6th day repeated dose 3 times. At different intervals felt splinter – like pains in throat. Very sleepy p. m., with headache, which continued till late in e. On 7th day repeated dose at 9:25 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Headache between 8 and 9 a. m., beginning again at 3:45 p. m. and continuing rest of d. At 12:30 p. m. On 8th day pain in thighs again, felt after rising early, but gradually subsiding after 8 a. m. (Ibid.)

5. a. JOHN N. YATES, aet. 47, feels well, though dyspeptic, but urine, 29 oz. daily, leaves dark deposit on sides of vessel, and is slightly albuminous. Has stool only very other d. After a negative test with sacch. lact., took 1 gr. of 3x trit. at 7:30 a. m. In 2 hours cold clammy sweat in palms; tremulous feeling in lower extremities, followed by shifting crampy pains in muscles of legs; the same tremulous feeling and muscular pains were present in arms, but came on later in d. At 9:30 a. m. peculiar feeling of coldness in stomach and bowels, with tendency to perspire; pulse was slow, feeble and wiry, about 71; had taste in mouth like carbonate of soda; vertigo, and belching of wind, attended with feeling of coldness in lumbar region. About 3 p. m. these symptoms had all disappeared, leaving tired and aching sensation in legs and arms, and slight neuralgic pains in left side of head. By 11 p. m. these symptoms began rapidly to disappear; pulse and temperature became normal. Slept well during n. 2nd day – At 7 a. m. pulse and temp. normal; experienced slight giddiness in head on rising, with creeping sensation in backs of legs and soles of feet, and aching in lumbar vertebrae. 12 m., these symptoms had entirely passed off, and he felt in his normal condition. The symptoms above referred to were attended with feeling of emptiness at pit of stomach.

5 b. After an interval of a few day took similar powder at 7 a. m. Temp. 96.4/5, pulse 71. 10 a. m., felt slight chill, attended with trembling of lower extremities, and nausea. 12 m., felt sinking at pit of stomach with inclination to vomit, which soon passed off. 4 p. m., had cold perspiration in umbilical and lumbar region. 8, temp. 98.4/5; pulse 80, strong. 10:30, went to bed, with no symptoms to note. 3rd day – Temp. and pulse normal. No symptoms to report. ( Trans. of Hom. Medorrhinum Soc. of Pennsylvania, 1889, p. 199.)

6. a. FREDERICK VAN GUNTEN, jr., aet. 21, single, medical student; height, 5 feet 7.1/2 inches; weight, 140 pounds; has acquired catarrh of nasal mucous membrane, particularly on left side, no hereditary tendencies, temp. bilious; of stimulants takes coffee only; normal pulse, lying down 76, sitting 80, standing 84; normal respiration 18; normal temperature, m. 98, evening 98.6; urine normal; stools usually regular. 1st day – At 8 a. m. took a 1-gr. powder of 3x trit. No symptoms. At 11 a. m. took another powder. 11:20 passed a rather soft but well formed stool, preceded by a little flatus. 11:35, beginning of dulness in head. 12:30 p. m., dulness continues. 1.37, had a small stool, well – formed, and again preceded by a little flatus. 2:55, a tickling in throat, giving rise to a dry cough – the more he coughs the worse the tickling becomes. 3.5, dull pains in right chest. 3:15, tickling still continues; brain seems to be clouded, so that it seems hard to keep mind on what is read. 4, tickling continues. 4.5, passed a stool much smaller than last, and not so much flatus. 5:30, took another powder. No symptoms.

6 b. Same, after an interval of 4 day, at 11 a. m. took a powder. No symptoms. 1 p. m. repeated dose. 6:25, passed a small well – formed stool with little flatus. 2nd day – At 8:30 and 11:30 a. m. took a powder. 12:35 p. m. had a stool, but with little flatus. 3:30, took another powder. 6:30, passed another well – formed brown stool, with a good deal of flatus. 8:15, peculiar tingling on right side of face, extending from zygoma to top of vertex; the skin (in the same region) also feels tense. 3rd day – Passed a somewhat restless n., having awakened once or twice, feeling as though he could not get rested; this m. feels dull, and does not seem disposed to do anything. At 8:40 a. m. constant tickling of nasal mucous membrane, causing constant ineffectual desire to sneeze; tickling lasted some time. Skin is very dry; and scattered over face can be seen patches where it is scaling, giving appearance of whitish spots. 10:15, took a powder. At varying intervals experienced dull, lancinating pains in right vertex; during course of m. passed considerable flatus. 3:15, took another powder. 6:20 p. m., passed a medium stool, well – formed, and with flatus.

6 c. Same, after another 4 day, at 9 a. m. took 3 gr. During day had several ineffectual efforts to stool, daily passage in m. having been very small. 10:45 p. m., dull lancinating pains in right groin, worse from walking. 2nd day – At 10 a. m. took 3 gr. Felt dull all day, did not have animation enough to do anything. 2 p. m., repeated dose. 3:15, tingling in region of left nipple; constipation continues, having had several ineffectual efforts to stool; during day there was clear discharge of mucus from nasal passages. 7, repeated dose. No symptoms. 3rd day – At 9:15 a. m. took another gr. No symptoms. Bowels are a little better to – day, but stool was voided with difficulty, and not large enough for the amount of food eaten. (Ibid.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.