Viola Tricolor

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Viola Tricolor, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Pansy, heart’s – ease.


1. FRANZ proved tinct.; no particulars given. No time stated. – Buzzing in forehead when sitting still. Pressive pain above right eye, going off on touching it. Pressive and tearing headache with heat of face and throat. Burning pressive pain on right side of top of head when sitting. Cloudiness of vision, distant objects appear dimmer. Immediately after eating, great heat all over body, most in face, with sweat on it, oppression of chest with great anxiety, which drives him out of the house. Cutting through abdomen and urging to stool. Single jerking shoots in front part of hypogastrium, which go off on rising up and leave a burning sensation. Great urging to stool, which is as usual. Oppression and stitches in cardiac region when leaning forward chest while sitting. When lying, praecordial anxiety in undulating beating. On waking, m., thighs felt bruised. Drawing along calves and thighs with giving way of knees when walking. When at rest tearing under inner internal ankle in heel, going off when foot is moved, but leaving a slight burning feeling. Long of getting to sleep on account of many thoughts, wakes early, lies on an unusual side, and cannot get thoroughly roused for weariness. Chill through and through in open air. Hurried in all actions, as if impelled by internal anxiety, and at same time great feeling of weakness and prostration. – After 1 hours chilliness for 1/4 hours, a. m., or cold chill through body as though a cold wind were blowing, with dazedness of head, vertigo, and a slight feeling of pressing asunder in middle of brain. After 1/3.4 hours drawing in right thigh when standing. After 2 hours tearing jerking in upper part of thigh when sitting. ( Archiv, vii, 2, 173.)

2. S. GUTMANN proved tinct.; no particulars given. No time stated. – Giddy and staggering when walking. Undulating pressure in forehead. Pressive pain in brain outwards through forehead. Heaviness of head, with pressure towards forehead. Pressive pain uniformly over whole brain. Pressure out at right side of head. Burning stitches in forehead as if externally in bone. The eyelids close from sleepiness p. m. Sensation under upper eyelid as if a hard body lay between it and eyeball, for 3 h. Tensive shooting in muscles at right side of occiput when at rest, also when turning and bowing head. Itching needle-pricks behind left ear. Pressure on membrana tympani from without inwards. Itching on right ala nasi. White tongue. tongue covered with mucus with bitter taste, but food tastes right. Much saliva with dry feeling in mouth; no appetite, and no taste in food. Needle-prick pain in upper part of abdomen, persisting during inspiration and expiration. Lightning – like stitch in whole right side of abdomen and chest when walking. Soft stool following flatus. Erections of penis, m. Emission of semen with lascivious dreams. Itching in right scapula. Pricking in left shoulder-joint, removed by moving. Pricking i left elbow. Pressive stitches in left ring finger, only when at rest; movement relieved, but they returned when at rest. Itching on upper inner side of right thigh. Itching anteriorly over left knee-joint. Itching obtuse stitch in left knee – joint. Itching shooting in right foot behind external ankle. Pressive pain in right foot, especially in ankle-joint, when walking. itching in ball of right big toe when standing, worse when sitting. Relaxation of whole body. Drowsiness for 2 hours, p. m. Lascivious dreams. Restless sleep; vivid dreams. Disinclined for serious work; sadness about domestic affairs, obtuseness of mind, and indisposed to talk, it is almost impossible for him to do so, p. m. and evening-Immediately, burning in glans penis. After 1/2 hours drawing pressive pain from left lower maxilla to right side of head. Itching in dorsal muscles, removed by scratching. After 3/4 hours pressure out at both temples. Drawing tension in left cheek in front of ear. Stitches in chest when standing. After left h. pressive pain out at right tibia, worst when standing, but also felt when walking and sitting. After 1/1.4 hours pinching pain all over belly. After 1/1.2 hours tensive drawing externally from left side of forehead to left nuchal muscle. After 2 hours dull pain in head and pressure in forehead. Pricking itching in left eyebrow, removed by rubbing. Discharge of flatus and rumbling in bowels. Feeling of jerking in muscles of left calf. After 2 1/4 hours pressure in frontal bone with confusion of whole head. Spasmodic jerk in nuchal muscles drawing the head suddenly backwards. After 2 1/2 hours pressive pain in penis, out at glans. Pressive pain in right sole. After 3 hours stitches externally round about navel. After 4 hours itching pressure on left side of nose. After 4.1/2 hours itching cutting pricking in right eye from within outwards. Pressure in right sole when sitting. Tensive shooting in right metatarsus when walking. After 5 hours itching stitch in scrotum. After 6.1/2 hours twitch in left side of chest when walking, persisting during inspiration and expiration. After 7 hours pricking shooting in bowels, making him stand still when walking. Stitch in right side of mons Veneris. After 7 1/2 hours burning on hairy scalp above forehead. After 8 1/2 hours pressive pain in temple near left eye. After 9 hours itching prick in skin of right side of abdomen, going off when touched. Oppressive stitches in right side when walking. After 10 hours smarting in left eye as if sweat had got in it. During inspiration contractive pains in pit of stomach. Pressive shooting in inspiration contractive pains in pit of stomach. Pressive shooting in diaphragm when breathing. Reserved, discontented with himself, loss of self-reliance, especially about the future. After 10 1/2 hours some wheals on left cheek, itching strongly. After 11 hours pressure in forehead and confusion of whole head; when walking the whole brain shakes with a weight as if a stone lay on it and drew the head forwards. After 11.1/2 hours compression of eyelids, the eyes close and are difficult to open. Stitch in left side of chest in the true ribs. After 12 hours heaviness of head as if a weight lay on it and drew it forwards; on stooping the head felt lighter, on raising it felt heaviest. Itching on left inner ankle. After 13 hours pricks in left iliac region when sitting, also slightly on rising up. Hard stool. After 18 hours obtuse stitch in urethra when not urinating. After 22 hours burning shooting in skin of left thigh. After 24 hours soft stool. Twitching in right pectoral muscles. Obtuse stitch in right axilla. After 26 hours pinching movement in whole right pelvis when sitting. Itching betwixt scrotum and thigh, going off by scratching. Obtuse stitch in left scapula. Reserved melancholy, discontented with his work. After 27 hours itching prick in right patella when lying, removed by movement, but recurring when sitting. After 30 hours quivering in right calf towards its inner aspect. After 31 hours dazedness and confusion of whole head. After 32 hours burning stitch in skin of upper part of abdomen when walking. Pressive burning in left big toe when sitting. After 33 hours pricking in dorsum of penis. After 36 hours tensive stitch in left eyeball, continuing when it is moved. Pricking in right tibia when walking. After 37 hours stitch in left gluteus muscle when lying. After 38 hours burning in skin of temple in front of right eye. After 50 hours obtuse persistent stitch in upper part of sternum, worst during expiration. Low spirits, silent, apathetic. After 52 hours obtuse tearing stitch on left temple externally. Disinclination for all mental work. After 60 hours itching smarting in skin of upper part of penis. After 74 hours obtuse stitches in right side of chest, aggravated during inspiration and expiration. (Ibid.)

3. HAHNEMANN proved tinct.; no particulars given No time stated. – Headache from root of nose into brain, going off in open air. Shooting in left side of occiput, day and n. Sore throat, e. Cutting in abdomen with howling and crying, during which she fell asleep at noon; on waking the same pain in belly, thereupon much flatus was passed, and stool with large masses of mucus. Stool in small pieces. Frequent and copious discharge of urine, much more than he has drunk, he can scarcely retain it. Urinary tenesmus, he has urging as if more urine would come. Very turbid urine. Swelling prepuce. On waking, m., a jerk in penis which threatens to make it stiff. Miliary rash over whole body, with pricking eroding sensation. In its sleep the child jerked its hands, turned in thumbs, with great heat over body and red face. Night sweat on 2 n. Disobedient. Cross and lachrymose. (Ibid.)

4. LANGHAMMER proved tinct. No particulars given. No time stated. – Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge (every m. after the 3rd dose). Lascivious dreams. Vivid dreams. Frequent waking. Morose all day, is sensitive and disinclined to talk. All day ill-humoured and disposed to quarrel and scold, cheerful evening – After 1/2 hours empty eructation. After 1 hours very transient flush of heat without thirst. After 2 1/2 hours cutting in abdomen. After 2 3/4 hours contraction of pupils. After 3 hours eye-gum in canthi. After 3 1/2 hours, when standing, a voluptuous itching on prepuce with stiffness of penis. Often as if he had not slept enough when sitting, a. m. After 11 1/2 hours irresistible sleepiness p. m. After 12 hours, when sitting, sudden heat of face. Frequent urging to urinate with copious discharge. When walking some needle-pricks in muscles of left forearm near bend of elbow. After 24 hours scanty urine. On distal joint of index an itching pimple. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.