
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Viburnum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


L. Guelder rose, high cranberry. Nat. ord., Caprifoliaceae. left Provings.


1. Dr. H. C. ALLEN took, July 6th, 1879, 10 dr. of tinct. Prepared from inner bark of shrub and bark of roots. 3 times; on 7th, 15 dr. twice; on 8th, 15,20, and 25 dr.; on 9th, 50 dr. From March 10th, 1881, took 10 dr. of 3x every m. for a week. – Confused, and unable to concentrate mind on usual mental labour. Dull frontal headache; dull, throbbing, frontal headache, extending to eyeballs, aggravated by mental exertion, and relieved by moving about. Severe stitching darting pain in left hypochondrium, deep – seated as if in spleen, with sensation as if some hot fluid were running through splenic vessels, relieved by walking about room (e. of 3rd d.); intense pain in region of spleen, producing faintness, relieved by perspiration; severe throbbing pain under floating ribs of left side, relieved by hard pressure and walking about room (11 p. m. of July 8th till 3 a. m. of 9th); violent throbbing in left hypochondrium if he attempted to lie on left side, could not lie on left side at all; most intense pain in left lumbar region between floating ribs and wing of ilium, – pressure relieved its intensity, but he must keep continually moving; pain in left lumbar and left hypochondriac regions, so intense as to produce faintness, and, though n. was cool, a warm perspiration broke out all over body, giving relief (from 30th, after several doses). After 3rd day of first proving, stool was small, dry, and composed of hard round balls, evacuated with much effort, and for over 3 weeks after drug was discontinued there was great inactivity of rectum, and no inclination for stool; for 2 mos. after second proving a similar condition obtained, – stool being so large, dry, and difficult that mechanical assistance was often necessary to effect (a painful) expulsion. On 3rd day profuse flow of clear watery urine every hours, p. m.; at n. also urine profuse and pale, sp. gr. 1021; same condition m. of 4th day, sp. gr. 1019. Tired, bruised pain in muscles of back, extending from point of scapula to wing of ilium on each side of spine, relieved by firm pressure. Wandering tired pains in muscles of back, worse on left side; same, extending to hips and knees, with disinclination to move about. Restless and unrefreshing sleep. Muscles to lie on left side during entire proving. (Trans. of Amer. Inst., 1881, p. 160.)

2. a. Miss L. F. W – took 10 dr. July 10th at 3 p. m., and on 11th repeated dose 3 times. – Stupid feeling on waking in m., as if she could not tell where she was or what to do. Dull throbbing headache all evening, so severe on retiring that she felt ill all over. Sore feeling in eyeballs; heaviness over eyes and in eyeballs, so severe that a times she had to look twice to be sure of seeing an object. Sharp jerking pains in ears like stabbings with a sharp knife, lasting nearly an hours (1st d.). Deathly sick feeling at stomach as if she could not live, not relieved by any position,- this occurred every n. for several d. Rumbling darting pains in bowels; cramping colic pains in lower abdomen during menstruation, pains coming on suddenly and with terrible severity (never had anything like it before), felt as if breath would leave her body and heart cease beating. Diarrhoea during menstruation, profuse, watery, 4 or 5 stools in an hours, accompanied by terrible chills, cold sweat running off forehead. Flow (menses) ceased entirely for several hours, then came in four large clots, colour of raw beef and solid as liver. Strange buzzing (sic) feeling in hands as if they would burst. Tired in m. on rising.

2 b. After an interval she took 10 dr. of 30th n. and m. for 3 – 4 day with similar results. It produced same deathly sickness at stomach, worse at n., and cramping pains in hypogastrium as if going to be unwell. This last symptom occurred, chiefly at n., in four young lady provers, who declined to experiment further on account of severity of pains.–H.C.A. (Ibid.)

3. Miss E. A. C – took 10 dr. of 1x evening of May 21st; same m. and evening 26th – 28th. – Whole abdomen tender and sensitive to pressure, especially about umbilicus, bearing-down pains in abdomen as during menstruation, with heavy aching in sacrum and over pubes, accompanied by drawing pains in anterior muscles of thighs, and occasional sharp shooting pains in ovarian regions (on 27th), – this recurred next day after 3 p. m., and again 3 day after discontinuing drug, with great nervousness, she could not sit or lie still more than a few m. at a time on account of the pain, therewith a flow just like menses lasting 2 d. Proving had begun at mid-menstrual period, so that this flow anticipated next period by 4 d. During proving an irregularity of pulse-remission every 3rd beat, of which she had felt nothing for 6 mo., returned. (Ibid.)

4. Miss E. M. S – took 10 dr. of 30x dil. every m. for a week. It caused uneasy sensation in pelvic region and slight bearing – down pains all the time; also pain in back, loins, and lower abdomen – “across her” – as if menses were coming on, worse in early evening and in a close room, ameliorated by open air and moving about. Catamenia occurred during following week, and she was entirely free from the pain and uneasiness customary at her period. (Ibid.)

5. Miss E. E. B – from Jan. 7th took 20 dr. of tinct m. and evening for 4 day, without effect. From 26th she took 20 dr. of 30x dil. in m. for 5 day-Dull heavy headache, mostly over eyes, worse on left side, at times extending to vertex and occiput, aggravated by a sudden jar or false step, or by bending over (during delay of menses); severe pain in left parietal region, pain sharp and penetrating into brain, aggravated by coughing, by moving head, and when bowels act. Eyes heavy; feels almost ill enough to go to bed. On 1st and several subsequent n. awoke with great pain in ears, deep in bone, external ear sore as if bruised; would have to rub ear, and felt as if she must straighten it, – sensation being as if it were pinned to head; she could not lie on affected side, but after lying on other would be wakened with similar feeling in that ear, and was compelled to change position many times during n. in consequence. Menses delayed 10 day; when flow appeared it was scanty, thin, and pale, and continued but a few hours, attended with sensation of tightness of head and nausea, so that she must lie down, when she attempted to sit up she would faint; these last symptoms continued for 10 day after menses ceased, there was sense of emptiness in stomach accompanying, and they were temporarily relieved by eating; ther was thin yellowish-white leucorrhoea for 2 day following; and subsequently leucorrhoea occurred-thin, white, and blood-streaked. Constipation during entire proving, with great tenesmus; when bowels moved, pain felt in left orbital region. During menses, obliged every hours or two to urinate, passing at each time large quantities of clear, light-coloured urine. Neck stiff for several day, with pain in occiput. Sleepiness after dinner. (Ibid.)

6.S.E. BURCHFIELD, April 7th, took 5 dr. of 1x dil.; on 18th 10 dr. m. and afternoon, 15 dr. e.; on 19th 15 dr. twice. – Slight frontal headache (forenoon); vertigo, with inclination to turn to 1.; severe pressive pain in right supra – orbital region (in an h.); finally, a severe frontal headache with occasional vertigo set in, continuing severe for 6-7 day, almost incapacitating for study, and accompanied by profuse and frequent urination (this diuresis seems to have begun even before the headache set in). (Ibid.)

7. H. K. BRASTED took 10 dr. of 1x each day for 4 day; three weeks later took 20 dr. once. – Profuse discharge of watery urine, repeated quite regularly every hours, p. m. and evening of 3rd day; on 4th day after each micturition was a constant sensation as if urine continued to flow. Severe pain and swelling of epididymis and testicle of left side; next day epididymis of right side so painful and swollen that he was obliged to use a suspensory bandage. Prover had been subject to attacks of epididymitis from cold or violent exercise, but on this occasion had been exposed to neither.–H.C.A. Severe pain in renal region, relieved by pressing across back with arms crossed; felt again next day, but less severely (without repeating dose). (Ibid.)

8. H. C. KASSELMANN, Feb. 27th, took 20 dr. of 1x in evening; 28th, took same m. and evening; March 1st – 4th, same. – Dull aching over left eye; headache beginning about 3 p. m., worse at n. Dizzy feeling all the time; vertigo on rising from seat, feels as though he would fall forwards; vertigo on closing eyes, p. m. Eyes burn, can hardly see on account of profuse lachrymation (3rd d.). Aching in stomach, p. m., relieved by stretching body and throwing stomach forwards. Constipation; stool long, large, hard, and difficult to expel; has desire to evacuate, but when attempting feels as though there were nothing there, and evacuation occurs slowly, and only after long straining. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.