
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Teucrium, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Teucrium Marum, L. Cat – thyme. Nat. Ord., Labiatae.


1. BETHMANN (no information). All that is said about the following provings is that the symptoms have been observed by the provers on themselves and others, and are conscientiously reported.–EDs. Pressure in forehead over eyes; frequent feeling of flying heat in face without external redness; soon after med. (and frequently recurring), crawling in nose; feeling in right nostril as if half blocked, has to blow, and sneezes, which, however, does not relieve obstruction (3 – 4 d.); a bright red patch in middle of right cheek, 1/2 in. in circumference, in centre of which is a small pointed elevation, painless, getting pale from pressure, but immediately after red again (for 6 hours, 2nd d.); violent tearing in fangs and gums of right lower incisors (2h.); smarting, as from pepper, at root of tongue; smarting and scraping at back of throat, especially left side; unusual irritation to hawk with increased expectoration of mucus; after having hawked up tough mucus has for several hours putrid taste in mouth (4th d.); immediately after med. feeling of warmth down throat; increased appetite in.; very frequent discharge of mostly noiseless very warm flatus, frequently of livery smell (1st d.); increased emission of aqueous urine; feeling of impending coryza; very frequent sneezing with crawling in nose, without coryza; visible, painless, paroxysmal jerking in right biceps, transversely, at point where the two heads unite; bubbling (?) painful feeling deeply in 2nd phalanx of left index (6h.); twitchings in muscles of arms and legs, especially in region of hip (5h.); feeling of lassitude (as after intoxication) and emptiness about noon, especially soon after dinner (8h., 3rd d.); sleepy p. m., wants to sleep, but cannot, from indistinct confused ideas cropping up which he cannot retain (3rd d.); very vivid, mostly pleasant dreams (1st d.); desire for movement in open air, where he takes continued strong exercise without feeling tired in the least, with good humour, gaiety, and serenity (1st d.); lazy, disinclined to either bodily or mental work (2 h.); a few hours after med. an almost irresistible desire to sing. (STAPF’s Beitrage.)

2. CASPARI. Stupid feeling in head with fatigue, so that she has always to lie down; face red and swollen, eyes red and inflamed, with coryza; 1. eye waters much in open air for several day; on passing his hand through his hair and over right ear (2nd d.) a hissing sound occurred in later, passing down parietal bone and throughout internal ear,- the experience could be renewed some time after (a similar sound occurred later when speaking or merely uttering a fine or strong note, also on simply forcibly inhaling through nose); at times quite fine ringing in right ear when blowing nose, a peculiar squeaking note as if air was forced through mucus, after that ear remained as if blocked for a little while, and then reopened with a full sound (30th d.); dry scaly eruption on right ear lobe, skin is cracked, and gradually peels in small white flakes, part is sore and painful to touch; nose blocked both sides several times during day, especially in evening while reading aloud (2nd and 5th d.); in open air at once fluent coryza set in (several d.); a large red efflorescence below left nostril close to septum, sore and biting on touch as if something acrid was poured into a wound, with coryza (for many d.); a few furrow internally on both sides of lower lip, with raised margins, and on left side a very small painless pimple, – when touching with tongue the spot feels sore and velvety, but painless (for 3 d.); pain on right side of tip of tongue as if sore or squeezed by teeth, corrosive, especially when touched by teeth; for many day very disagreeable feeling of roughness and dryness in windpipe, causing constant hawking, with but little coming away after long efforts, – at times something looseness easily, but without relief; stitching pain in neck, with impeded swallowing; unusual feeling of hunger, as if stomach would not fill properly with the food nor yet be satisfied (for several d.); feeling of hunger, preventing sleep (relieved by ignatia); bitter taste in throat after dinner, also several times risings of slightly bitter food (after several d.); during food sometimes violent hiccup with forcible strokes in scrob. cordis; dull pinching in right side of abdomen towards sacrum, passing off quickly (after some m.); rumbling in abdomen (do.); slight colicky pain in lumbar region after food; after partaking of pure light brown beer, some flatulent colic with discharge of very offensive flatus, then feeling of impending diarrhoea and evacuation of very copious pappy offensive stool (13th d.); repeated fine pinching in right hypochondrium at different times, especially in m. and evening; pressing down in right hypogastrium (spermatic cord), evening in bed, towards abdominal ring, painless, but with feeling as if cord were pressed, repeated next m. after breakfast in little starts while sitting, without flatus, nothing felt during stool, it recurred at 5 p. m. during a slight meal; at various times in m. and evening, before food, and after eating a little bread or drinking water, sharp cutting deeply across abdomen, or sudden transient nausea as if about to vomit, as if water disagreed feeling of swelling, itching and crawling in anus, as from worms, restless n. with tossing about, – this lasted for several day, and returned after 4, 6 and 8 weeks; some creeping, at times really violent fine stitches in anus, evening in bed; after stool creeping in rectum; sexual appetite much diminished, no tendency to erections; after a few m. short dry irritative cough, beginning with slight tickling in upper part of trachea, recurring at short intervals; tickling feeling as from dust in trachea, evening in bed, causing disagreeable dry cough which cannot be suppressed, and gets worse as coughing goes on, lasting 1/2 hours, preventing sleep (recurring with other symptoms after 8 weeks); very painful paralytic pressure in upper part of right upper arm, no pain when arm hangs at rest or is slightly moved, but as soon as he lifts it is appears heavy and paralysed, pain worst if arm is raised high and stretched backwards, as when taking off hat, and then at insertion of deltoid, – when trying to bend arm downwards it loses nearly all strength and falls; drawing intermittent pain in back of right metacarpus; creeping in front joint of left thumb and index, spontaneous or from slight pressure, as if they were going to sleep, passing off quickly; ready and painful straining of 1st joint of left little finger, evening g. when rubbing palms of hands together; drawing tearing pain in from joint of left index, by starts, of short duration (9 p. m.); pressive pain in small spot of top of right index when bending it, as if a whitlow were coming on, – passed off after 2 day; in middle phalanx of left index pulsation suddenly perceptible and quick, each beat accompanied with sharp rheumatic pain from behind forward as if in middle of bone, – this lasted some m., then pulse grew gradually slower with diminution of pain; pain from middle of thigh down to bend of knee when sitting, as if n ischiadicus were pressed; limbs go to sleep, with creeping, m. in bed and p. m. sitting (8th – 11th d.); frequent stitches as from fleabites in various parts; some reeling, crosses feet when walking and straggles (soon after med.); cannot get to sleep till after midnight, then awakes frequently, turns from side to side, dreams a little, – heat all over towards m., when in spite of all he feels refreshed (11th and 12th n.); very drowsy during day; feels cold after eating or several day, so that he cannot get warm, with feeling in abdomen as if stool was to come and caused the cold feeling; while quietly taking in warm room in evening with somebody on a disagreeable subject, a chilly trembling of the whole trunk overcame him, which constantly recurred after short intermission, and disappeared after finishing his conversation. (Ibid.)

3. v. GERSDORFF. Confusion of head; frequent dull pinching headache; pressive headache in right forehead; tearing in head from both temples; turns to tearing in interior of right side of head; pressure in forehead over eyes; pale miserable complexion, with deep sunken eyes and feeling as if they so lay, for 2 – 3 hours (a. m., 1st d.); frequent feeling of flying heat in face without external redness; eyes look as if he had wept, and are lachrymose, with smarting therein; upper lids of both eyes are more red than usual, and slightly swollen; pressure in right eye as from grain of sand; smarting in inner corner of both eyes, with redness of conjunctiva; tearing under right eye; some pain in both ears; stitches in left ear; stitching tearing in interior of left ear; soon after med. recurring crawling in nostrils; violent crawling in right nostril, with lachrymation of right eye; short stitches tearing high up of right nostril; frequent short tearing toothache in left and right first molars; violent tearing in fangs and gums of right lower incisors; tearing toothache in last upper molars; burning pain in incisors; incisors and gums ache during mastication; biting as from pepper in left and later right side of root of tongue; biting and scratching feeling in back of throat, especially left side; sometimes slight drawing and tearing in throat; pressive pain in throat, l. side, near pharynx; unusual inclination to hawking, with increased mucous expectoration (1st d.); pressure in scrob. cord.; outward pressure in right inguinal region; pressure outwards in left hypochondrium; tearing drawing in right, later in left side under short ribs, between these and hip-bone, returning in several increasing fits; pressive pain on small spot of left hypochondrium a hand’s breadth to left of and on same level with navel, worse from pressure; rumbling in abdomen, with pinching bellyache and discharge of noisy inoffensive flatus; frequent discharge of mostly noiseless, very warm flatus of bilious odour (1st d.); pinching bellyache with discharge of flatus; pinching feeling deep in abdomen; descending to testicles as if the latter had suffered strong pressure; increased discharge of watery urine; in front of urethra pressive soreness (not when urinating); biting pain in fore part of urethra (apart from urination); on first passing urine soon after awaking, lasting burning in front part of urethra; drawing pain in m. (returning at other times later on) at root of penis, which extends into integuments of left testicle, leaving for some time soreness on touch; very frequent sneezing with crawling in nose, without coryza; violent sneezing, then lasting fluent coryza; coryza with moist obstruction of left nostril, and tearing in left side of neck below jaw; some sharp stitches deep in right chest while breathing; wave-like tearing in chest under right axilla; pressure on right breast; pressing oppressive feeling in front of chest; dull stitches on left ribs a hand’s breadth below left nipple; pressure on right side of spine in region of right kidney; short tearing pain in right side of neck, aggravated from touch; pressive pain on top of right kidney; short tearing pain in right side of neck, aggravated from touch; pressive pain on top of right shoulder near neck; burning on left scapula; rheumatic drawing and tension at left of back near axilla; pressive tearing on right short ribs; pinching pain on short ribs, 1. side; pressive sore pain in left axilla as if an ulcer were about to form; rheumatic drawing in bone of left shoulder; tearing in right arm a little above right side of wrist, and in various parts of upper extremities; tearing in bend of left elbow; short sharp burning in tips of the three middle fingers of left hand; stitching burning in inner side of lowest parts of joints of ring and middle fingers of left hand; pressive pain in front below left knee; stitching tearing above left knee; pressive tension in and above tendo Achillis of left foot; right big toe somewhat inflamed, 1. of nail and above, and painful, as if nail were growing in (which is not the case), better rather than worse from walking, returning when seated quietly in forenoon for several day, redness and pain disappeared p. m.; tensive tearing in lowest parts of joints of the three smallest 2toes of right foot; excited tremulous feeling in whole body; feeling of exhaustion (as after intoxication) and emptiness about noon, especially soon after eating (8 hours and 3rd d.); cannot recover himself after waking in m., tired and exhausted when rising, gradually improving afterwards; restless nights from great excitement, with very vivid often anxious dreams with sudden fright until after midnight; very vivid, generally agreeable dreams (1st d.); increased warmth of body and pleasant mental exaltation, with special inclination to talk much; lazy, disinclined for bodily or mental exertion; angry mood during dinner and soon after, and such irritability as to be painfully distressed by talk of others which has no relation to himself, with pressure on forehead; a few hours after med. an almost irrepressible desire to sing. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.