
13. a. A.T. H – took Sept. 12th at 4 p. m., dose of 1x trit. In 1 hours dull pain in left hypochondrium, changing to epigastrium, where it was very severe, then shooting up under left scapula, aggravated by motion and relieved while sitting. After walking, dull pain in lumbar region and lower extremities, relieved somewhat by further exercise; soon passing off. On 30th took similar dose. Very soon, throat began to smart and feel rough; dull pain through right forearm; dull throbbing pain under left scapula, running upward. On Dec. 25th took another dose, followed by acrid taste in mouth and smarting in throat, with flow of saliva; later, dull aching in left lumbar region and lower extremities – muscular pains. From 28th to 30th took a dose daily. That of 28th was followed by sore smarting feeling in throat; dull feeling in lower extremities; head felt dull, was unable to fix mind on any particular thing, and absent; dull pains through head and in region of heart; dry coryza and frequent sneezing; throat very sore and sense of constriction and difficulty on swallowing. On 29th, tough tenacious mucus in posterior nares extending into larynx; bowels constipated, with smarting of anus after stool; still unable to concentrate thoughts. On 30th, conjunctiva yellow and a little congested; dull pain in forehead and over left eye; dizziness and nausea on stooping, latter continuing for a long time; dull pain in left leg; vision dull; dull pain through abdomen in m. After omitting drug, felt splendidly well, and mind was unusually clear

13b. Jan. 11th, took dose of 3rd dil. at bedtime. Aroused early in m. to pass urine, which threw down tenacious brick – dust sediment. On getting up took another dose; soon irritation in throat as from dust; anterior nares became stuffed, posterior formed thick mucus; stabbing pains at times during day in right lung. At 7 p. m. repeated dose. Two hours after, dull aching in left lung, some sharp pains in r. Symptoms all of short duration. On 15th, took same. P. m., inability to speak of things he knew perfectly well, to recall names, &c. For some day desire for evening in addition to m. stool. At 6 p. m. took dose of 1x dil., and repeated this next m. During 16th great coldness of extremities; feel felt as if he had damp stockings on, hands similarly; pulse very weak, hardly perceptible; face pale and nose cold. (Ibid.)

14. Dr. P – took a dose of 3rd trit., and did not notice any effect for some day, when he became troubled with great difficulty in remembering words, especially names. He was very busy at the time, and noted nothing else; but this was so marked and unprecedented as to force itself on his attention. (Ibid.)

15. a. Dr. S – took 30th n. and m. from Oct. 23rd to 28th. On 28th there set in dull heavy headache beginning in forehead (especially l.) and spreading later to occiput, with head in forehead and aching and soreness of eyeballs. Pressure and cold relieved, bending forward aggravated much. After getting up next day same pain in head and eyes, but less marked; “gone” feeling at stomach, no appetite; some nausea and vertigo. On attempting to apply mind, became very nervous and irritable; least thing disturbed him, nothing went right; wanted to be quiet and not talk. P. m., sensation of heat spreading up and down from chest, especially up; forehead full and hot; sinking at stomach with thirst, not relieved by drinking. Ate in evening without appetite; 2 hours before marked lassitude, muscles feeling weak; feeling of formication deep in substance of lung. 30th. – Headache continues, much worse 4 to 6 p. m., aggravated by least mental exertion of bodily movement; mind dull. M, stool was softer than usual, with slight burning in rectum; two more stools in evening, much looser, burning more severe, tenesmus following and colic preceding; great itching of skin, some fine red spots visible. Symptoms continued for 4 day more, with aggravation every afternoon; also slight sore throat, raw and smarting as if he had drunk hot water.

15b. Dec. 8th and 9th, took one dose of 12th dil. On 9th dull heavy headache, with depression and disinclination for study; worse 4 – 6 p. m. Temp. was found 96 only. 10th. – Slept well, but next day had same headache, preventing study, and making him very irritable and fault – finding; eyes very sore on moving them, which would cause pain to dart back to occiput; much burning in urethra during micturition. (Ibid.)

16. Miss M. A.B – took 2nd trit. m. and n. Jan. 15th – 17th without effect; but on 18th three oysters taken for supper violently disagreed with her. (Ibid.)

17. Mr. T -, suffering from rheumatism for a long time, took 30th dil. on m. of Jan. 15th and 18th, and every 1/2 hours during 16th and 17th. It made him feel ill from the 17th, and from the 20th he had a crop of boils, some very angry and painful. On 30th a feverish attack set in, from which he was not convalescent till Feb. 7th, even then very weak. He had no rheumatism, however, from time of taking first dose. [This observation would not have been inserted but for what follows. – EDS.]

18. Mr. B -, et. 30 (nothing said as to any ill – health), took medicine like Mr. T – for 2 d. On 3rd day. a boil appeared on right temple, and within 3 day afterwards he had 9 well – developed boils on various parts of body. (Ibid.)

19. Miss A -, et. 24, took medicine in same manner, and experienced nothing unusual till period, 7 day after taking first dose. For 24 hours before menses appeared she had colic, cramps, and profuse watery leucorrhea. Pains lasted through period, leaving her weak and depressed. With the colic there was great nausea and retching, and a considerable quantity of greenish – yellow fluid was thrown up; vomiting was accompanied with agonizing pain in both temples, decreasing during intervals. There was also a fine miliary eruption on face, neck, and head. ( Ibid.)

20. KEPPLER injected 0.1 grm. into inner side of his left thigh. Immediate local effect was development of a dermatitis resembling erysipelas, but much more painful. This increased in volume for 24 hours, remained stationary for same length of time, and then diminished rapidly. General symptoms produced thereby were such as would be excited by any very painful injection. The specific local effect of S., anesthesia, set in about 15 m. after the injection, and lasted less than 15 m.; its area was identical with the pallor caused by the introduction of the solution. Of the specific general effects of the drug the most important was undoubtedly its action on the temperature. This rose steadily for 3 hours, and then fell gradually to the normal joint, which it reached within 24 h. For the 2 next day there was some fever, but on 5th day temp. fell as low as 93; pulse also, which had been somewhat elevated, sinking to 65. Other general effects of the drug were marked bodily and mental depression, somnolence, and salivation; also pain, exophthalmos, and strabismus of left eye. Temp. was more depressed on left side than on right (N. Y. Medorrhinum Record, 1879, p. 153.).

Experiments on animals

I. a. KOHLER experimented with S. on cats and frogs. Five m. after injecting a few dr. of a concentrated sol., there occurs entire suspension of reflex excitability of the part, and also paralysis of both motor and sensory nerve – filaments. Shortly after, muscles of part lose their power of responding to stimuli. The nerve trunks and centres do not become affected unless larger quantities are injected, and then probably through absorption, as effects are general. The arterioles at selected spot become greatly contracted, and so do the larger vessels – as vena cava and aorta – when drug is applied directly to them. When it is applied to the heart, beats gradually become less frequent and then cease altogether (in diastole). Local application to spinal cord induced complete paralysis, gradually improving medulla oblongata and cerebrum, and producing asphyxia, deep coma, and dilatation of pupils. When S. is introduced into stomach, blood – pressure is reduced, and pulse, resp. and temp. all sink, though slowly. Paralysis of extremities does not occur in this case. 2 b. K – gave to a tom cat, dry on the tongue, gr. ij – iv daily for 26 d. During first week effect was immediate salivation; then loss of desire for drink, and, though, appetite seemed present, difficulty of swallowing food. He was stupid. During second week these symptoms continued; and cough which had begun on 7th day increased, with rattling of mucus in larynx and larger bronchi. Stools also changed through olive – brown to greenish hue, then were clay – coloured, then dark green, and finally olive – brown again. During third week stupidity increased, cough and other symptoms remaining the same, and stools still varying. He continued in this state till 26th day, when he was killed. This tenacious mucus was found in larynx and bronchial tubes, and gastric mucous membrane was in a catarrhal condition. No other lesions were found.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.