
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Podophyllum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Podophyllum peltatum, L. May apple, mandrake. Nat. Ord., Berberidacea. (The resin, Podophyllin, is the part mainly used.).


1. Dr. SNOW made 3vj of extract from 3iiss of leaves, and formed from this pills of 2 gr. each. Taking one of these, pulse, which was 76, fell in 1 hours to 65, and continued so for about 2 h. Another time he took 2 pills, pulse being 74, full and strong; in 1 hours it had fallen to 61, and 2 hours later it was the same, weak and small. In a third experiment 3 pills were taken, pulse 76, full and strong. In 1 hours it fell to 64, and in 2 hours more was the same, small and feeble, and there was some nausea. (Thesis, 1819, from Mat. Med of Amer. Provings.)

2. WILLIAMSON. [The only information given as to this proving is that “the attenuations made use of in collecting the symptoms were the Ist, 3rd, and 15th.”] Sudden shocks of jerking pains. Sleepiness in daytime, especially in forenoon, with dulness and headache, and rumbling in bowels; sleepiness early in evening; restlessness in forepart of night; too heavy sleep at night; distress after first sleep; rising up in bed during sleep, without waking; moaning in sleep with lids half closed; drowsy and difficult to wake in morning; unrefreshed in m. Giddiness, with sense of fulness in eyes; momentary darts of pain in forehead, obliging one to shut eyes, with giddiness; pain on top of head, with heat and heaviness of eyes, when rising in morning; pressing pain in temples in forenoon with drawing in eyes as if strabismus would follow; stunning headache through temples, relieved by pressure; sudden pain in forehead, with soreness of throat in evening; vertigo with inclination to fall forwards; headache alternating with diarrhoea; heavy dull pain in forehead, with soreness over seat of it; pain in left frontal eminence, worse p. m. Smarting of eyes; pain in eyeballs and temples, with heat, and throbbing of temporal arteries. Teeth are covered with dried mucus in morning; copious flow of saliva; taste of fried liver in mouth at night; soreness of mouth; dryness of mouth and tongue on walking in m. Soreness in left throat, especially painful on swallowing liquids, worse in morning; dryness of throat; soreness of throat extending to ears. Indifference to food; desire for something sour; thirst towards evening; acidity, p. m., with unpleasant sickly sensation in stomach; extreme nausea, continuing several hours; vomiting of hot frothy mucus; heat in stomach; sense of hollowness in epigastrium; throbbing in epigastrium followed by diarrhoea. Fulness in right hypochondrium, with flatulence; stitches in right hypochondrium, worse while eating; sense of weight and dragging in left hypochondrium, close under ribs; pain in transverse colon at 3 a. m., followed by diarrhoea; pain in bowels at daylight in m., relieved by external warmth and by bending forwards while lying on side, but aggravated by lying on back, at first attended with coldness, which is followed by heat and warm perspiration; sense of heat in bowels, accompanying inclination to go to stool; twisting pain in right hypochondrium, with sensation of heart in the part; faintness with sensation of emptiness in abdomen after stool. Diarrhoea early in m., which continues through forenoon, followed by natural stool in evening; diarrhoea immediately after eating or drinking; green stools in m., 6 to 8 evacuations in day; stool in m. attended with strong urging in bowels, with heat and pain in anus; flashes of heat running up back after stool; too much bearing down at stool, as if from inactivity of rectum; secretion of mucus from anus. Scanty urine, with frequent voidings; sticking pain above pubes and in course of spermatic cords. Pains in chest, increased by taking a deep inspiration; snapping in right lung, like breaking a thread, when taking a deep inspiration; inclination to breathe deeply (sigh); shortness of breath; sensation in chest as if heart were ascending to throat; sense of suffocation when first lying down at night; sticking pain in region of heart; palpitation from exertion or mental emotion. Pain in small of back when walking or standing, with sensation of back bending inwards; pain in lumbar region, with sensation of coldness, worse at n. and from motion; pain in loins, increased by a miss – step and by walking over uneven ground; pain between shoulders, with soreness worse n. and m., and increased by motion; pain under right shoulder – blade; stiffness of nape, with soreness of muscles of neck and shoulders; pain in nape with soreness, increased by motion. Weakness of wrists, with soreness to touch; pain and weakness in left hip, like rheumatism from cold, increased by going upstairs; pains in thighs, legs, and knees, worse from standing; weakness of joints, especially of knees; cracking in knee – joints from motion; heaviness and stiffness of knees as after a long walk; stiffness on beginning to move; aching of limbs, worse at night; pain in left knee leg, and foot; sharp pain in upper and outer portion of left foot; coldness of feet; perspiration of feet in e. The symptoms generally, but especially the abdominal symptoms, are aggravated in the m., but better in the evening (Ibid.)

3a. Dr. PIETRO took 5 centigr., which caused nausea and a little irritation of stomach, but these symptoms disappeared when he went to bed. He had also an evacuation of liquid yellow matter, and every hours for 5 hours this was repeated.

3b. On a second occasion he took 10 centigr. Immediately nausea and attempts to vomit, which lasted 2 h. After 4 hours shivering and a feeling of prostration. Next day violent colic, followed by liquid stools, which were repeated till 9 o’clock (?a. m. or p. m.). (Brit. and For. Medorrhinum – Chir. Rev., 1869, ii, 516.)

4. From 3 doses of gr. 1/4 each, 1. eye sore, uncomfortable, and red – looking, especially at inner canthus. (BERRIDGE, M. H. right, xv, 298.)

5. S. A. MOORE, student, aet. 21, nervous – sanguine temp., not easily affected by medicine. Took 4 dr. of tinct. before going to bed, and had no unpleasant feeling till about 3 a. m. Was then awakened by violent pains in stomach and bowels of griping stitching character, relieved for a short time by pressure on bowels. About 4 a. m., stool of yellow undigested faeces mixed with mucus, of offensive odour. Temperature was considerably increased; pulse quicker and smaller than usual, with slight palpitation and much feeling of oppression of chest, causing constant inclination to draw a deep breath, which, however, was hindered by a sense of constriction in chest. After rising, sick feeling at stomach; appetite much impaired, with unusual thirst for cold water; tongue coated white, with much viscid mucus in mouth. After breakfast, violent burning in stomach, as if caused by hot steam. About 10 a. m. had another evacuation, accompanied with violent tenesmus lasting for some time after; stool was of burning acrid character. After this, feverishness, with frontal headache and sensation of great dryness of forehead and eyes, relieved for a short time by bathing parts in cold water. No more symptoms till after dinner, when same burning sensation was felt in stomach; thirst also, but cold water caused much oppression and uneasiness, and small quantities of it were ejected, tasting very bitter, and giving rise to much burning in oesophagus. Felt feverish during afternoon, with occasional spells of chilliness, not relieved by heat of stove, but going off on covering up warmly in bed. Before supper empty feeling in stomach, but did not feel hungry. After supper, sensation as if there would be evacuation of bowels, coming and going at short intervals till he went to bed. Nothing now felt till 2 a. m., when he woke with slight stitching pains in bowels and desire for stool, resulting at 2:30 in an evacuation. Pains continued at times for rest of n., relieved by flexing thighs on abdomen; with them sense of weakness in epigastrium. Had bad taste in mouth for several day after the most prominent symptoms had disappeared, with diarrhoea and constipation alternating every day or two (Trans. of Amer. Inst. of Him., 1872, p. 499.)

6. Dr. WALTER SMITH took gr. 1/4 of resin before breakfast, Oct. 5th. A good deal of flatulence was caused in evening, but no purging. 7th. – Took same without decided effect. 8th. – Took gr. 1/2. No catharsis. 29th. – Took 1 gr. No palpable effect till 5 p. m., when he felt some wandering pains in abdomen: at 9 a small solid evacuation was produced, and at 12 a copious loose stool. Next m. two thin dejections with griping and uncomfortable feeling of chilliness. Nov. 8th. – Took gr. 1/2 at bedtime. Flatulence in m. and increased action of bowels. 9th. – Repeated dose with like results. (Pharm. Journ. and Trans., 2nd ser., x, 462.)

7. Same gave 1 gr. to a young gentleman, in good health, at bedtime. Next m. had a free motion. During day was annoyed with flatulence, loss of appetite, chilliness, and griping pains, and bowels were opened twice loosely. On following m. and day after cathartic action was still manifested, and 6 stools in all resulted. (Ibid.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.