
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Plumbum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Including the metal, the carbonate – PbCO3, and the acetate – Pb (C2H3O2)2.3H2O.


BETHMANN. [The only information given as to this and the four following symptoms – lists is that they are the result of “a careful proving on the healthy with moderate doses of the acetate.”] Fermentation in bowels, with cutting. Diarrhoea with rumbling, but without pain. (Hartl. u. Trinks’ Arzn., i,1.)

2. HARTLAUB. – Great confusion of head; a mixture of dulness and gloominess, so that he often passes his hand over forehead (Ist hours). Heaviness of whole head, especially occiput, with slight shooting in sinciput (after 3 hours). The hair becomes very greasy (Ist d.). Redness of eyelids (2nd d.) Acute drawing under right ala nasi in flesh of upper lip (Ist d.). Frequent itching in face (Ist d.). Pricking here and there in skin of face (6th and 7th d.). Very pale face (Ist d.). Violent grinding of teeth, n., with frequent waking (Ist d.). Slight pain in spleen (2nd d.). Flatulent pains (2nd d.). Stool harder or more difficult (Ist d.). Easy stool in a costive person (Ist d.). Drawing pain from pudendum to middle of spine. Constrictive pain in left testicle, which sometimes comes from spermatic cord (4th d.). Very scanty emission in coitus. Fluent coryza (3rd and 4th d.). Moist viscid mucus in nose which he draws through posterior nares (2nd d.). Dry mucus at top of windpipe, which is coughed away with effort and slight pain in chest, at same time whistling in top of chest during inspiration (2nd d.). Slight cough from dry mucus in top of chest, m. (Ist and 2nd d.). Oppression of chest, m. (2nd d.). Violent obtuse pressure as from a piece of wood pushed against anterior and lower part of left side of chest, superficial, as if on surface of lung, during inspiration, much increased by deep breathing and laughing, from m. on rising till after dinner; when he lay down on sofa he could not bear the pain, nor find relief in any position; at same time a drawing shooting in left upper arm and shooting betwixt scapulae, that lasted a couple of m. and then suddenly went off along with the pain in chest (9th d.). Great itching on coccyx above anus, going off when scratched (Ist d.). Single, burning pricks on right shoulder (Ist d.). Dull but very painful drawing in bones of upper arm, hand and fingers (4th d.). Painful drawing in right humerus (8th d.) Itching betwixt right thumb and index (Ist d.). Violent pricking itching between left middle and ring fingers (Ist d.). Painful drawing in right hip – joint when lying (Ist d.). Paralytic pain or painful lame feeling in hip, knee and ankle joints, when going upstairs (Ist d.). Stitches first in right then in left thigh when walking (3rd d.). Slight boring pricks in inner side of left knee when sitting (Ist d.). Throbbing in a small spot on outer side of right calf when lying (Ist d.). Painful dislocation – feeling on outer side of right ankle – joint when treading, m., after rising and all m. (5th d.). Weakness in lower limbs when walking (Ist d.). Sleep restless, many dreams, turns about (Ist d.). Voluptuous dreams with erections but not emission, p. m. (6th and 7th d.). (Ibid.)

3. HERING. – Very low – spirited and weary of life. Discontented with his fate, on waking, m. While walking in open air, a. m., increased feeling of health and diminished myopia. Dull shooting pain in right temple, which is painful externally (Ist d.). Hair of eyebrows falls out. Hair of moustache falls out. In eyes difficulty of moving, and backward drawing pain rectus internus muscle (Ist d.). Pressive pain above eyes when moving, for several days. Feeling as if there were something under eyelid and as if eyeball were too large, pressive pain. Must often wipe eyes, they seem dim for 1/2 h. Increased myopia. Transient pains in interior and in meatus of left ear. Pain in tip of nose, erysipelatous redness of nose. Vesicle on reddened ala nasi with thick matter on pressure (Ist d.). Cold nose for several d. The air in a crowded room is very disagreeable to him, he feels as if he should faint; afterwards darkness before eyes (Ist d.). The skin of face looks and feels greasy. Vesicles on forehead and nose. Desquamation of lips without pain or dryness. A tooth became more decayed, had a bad smell, and then broke off; one of its walls, which was the thickest, became very brittle. When eating bad smell from mouth proceeding from decayed tooth (2nd d.). Feeling as if something moved quickly up in throat to base of skull and thence to left eyebrow, when it became shooting (when smoking) (Ist d.). Dryness of mouth, closing mouth, m., 1 border of tongue furred yellow. On waking, m., much viscid mucus in mouth (2nd d.), much sweetish slimy saliva in front of mouth with dryness of soft palate and fauces, going off on swallowing saliva (Ist d.). Tongue coated with frothy saliva (2nd d.). Tongue coated yellow. Great appetite, e (Ist d.), all the time great longing for bread and pastry even a few hours after a meal, also evening and m. Tobacco much relished (Ist d.). Thirst. Great thirst for cold water. Jerking eructation repeatedly. Eructation of sweetish water from empty stomach. Fine pinching in portal region. Pressure in stomach after eating. Pressure on scrob. cordis, a sharp anxious pain (Ist d.). Dull pain in liver. Shooting pressure in liver; shooting pain in liver first in front, then in back. Oppression in abdomen (Ist d.). Pressive pain in a spot on abdomen in a line from crista ilii to symphysis pubis but nearer the former, all day, as if in muscle; the spot was swollen. Bruised pain in abdominal muscles across below ribs and about navel, felt when pressed on, coughing &c. and worse in m. Movement about navel (after 1/4 hours), much flatus. Short half – loud flatus of penetrating odour (Ist d.). After eating fish stinking flatus. NO stool. Stool every other day. Viscid, slow stool, latterly with streaks of blood. Stool at first liquid, after wards small lumps of penetrating odour (Ist d.). Feels as if a liquid stool would pass but nothing comes (Ist d.). Urging to stool which comes slowly, viscid faeces. Painful forcing pain, deep in abdomen and rectum, a kind of painful desire to pass wind but none comes. The piles itch, anus drawn in. Slight twitchings in spermatic cord, m., shootings in it at its exit from belly (Ist d.). After sweat soreness in skin of scrotum and thigh where they touch. After drinking wine unnoticed emission in sleep, with soft penis; afterwards, m., exhaustion and painful erections at slight excitement: for several successive n. Frothy mucus easily hawked out of larynx, it is transparent, in lumps, and in yellowish – green masses (Ist d.). After exercise a pressive squeezing in chest inferiorly, is very weary. Dull sensation and pressive pain in left side of chest in front and back, ceasing and recurring. Obtuse pressure on left side of chest. Obtuse pressive stitches in left chest, going and returning. Pressive pain where sacrum is attached to os ilii. Bruised pain in deltoid muscle. On a spot on inner side of right wrist itching, with burning, especially after scratching; after scratching for longer time numb feeling for several hours (Ist d.). When walking, each time he extends leg, pain on a small spot in middle of left thigh a hand’s breadth below groin, as if a sinew would snap. Dull pain, deep inwardly in right knee, m., when going upstairs. Transient pain in tibia when walking (Ist d.). Tormenting pains by jerks in bones, repeatedly recurring, especially in left thigh above knee and in left forearm and left thumb. Sensitiveness of skin to air (Ist and 2nd d.). Painless, red pimples on chest, that run a slow course. Small red papulae on chest, which desquamate after 24 h. A small cut inflames rapidly, suppurates and heals quickly. Weariness in knees when going upstairs (Ist d.). Unusually tired and worse after exercise. Trembling of limbs and facial muscles. Exhaustion, on lying down feels the beating of arteries in neck and belly, and can sleep but little (Ist d.). Great prostration in evening, he lies down, feels the throbbing of arteries in body, face gets hot and burns in many spots without thirst or perspiration, at same time trembling in hands and vertigo, as though the bed moved, renewed by thinking of it, and sensitiveness to noise; at last he falls asleep, and awakes after 3 hours with weariness which goes off after moving, but there remains confusion of head and bruised feeling in sacrum (this was in great contrast to the previous feeling of bien – etre). Before going to sleep at n. longing thoughts about a distant friend. Many agreeable dreams at n. After midnight pleasant dreams about a distant friend (Ist and 2nd d.). Speaks with some one in dream. Speaks in sleep, but has no recollection of it in the m. (2nd d.). Chilliness from m. till p. m. Chilliness, which always becomes worse in evening, even when near the fire, head confused and giddy, with thirst, red face, and soft quick pulse over 100; in bed extreme heat with internal chill; the heat increased, skin dry and hot, pulse quick, no thirst; after midnight skin became gradually moist, and perspiration broke out on cheek, belly and head; after 2 a. m. sleep with confused dreams; in m., tongue furred, head confused, face pale, and at every step a shoot through head from below upwards; this attack recurred after ten weeks. (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.