
8. KITCHEN took 4 dr. of 1x Jan. 6th and 10 dr. on 7th; 20 dr. of 2x on 10th and 40 dr. on 20th. Painful pressure on forehead with constant gaping; neuralgic pain in left groin; in middle of n. neuralgic pain shooting from anus and lower rectum along perinaeum to middle of penis, followed in a few m. by same in right big toe; constrictive feeling at praecordia, with pressure on temples; lancinating pains in left little and ring finger; neuralgic pain in outer part of right thigh. (Ibid.)

9. RHEES. (Manner of proving unknown.) [In Hering’s chronological list of sources we have “1835-7, Bauer, C. Hering;” and in the information he gives as to provers & c., “C Hering proved the tincture from the root.” In the actual pathogenesis, however, we have no symptoms from him, but there are a number from Rhees, who is not mentioned in the above lists. Possibly, therefore, Hering may have proved on his person (see Alumen, I, 2) ] On waking in m. sense of entire indifference to life and disgust for business of day; pain in vertex and sensation as if brain were bruised, when stepping from a high step to ground; sense of obstruction in l. Eustachian tube, with rushing sound in ear of same side and feeling as if hearing were dull (whereas it is fully sensitive); total obstruction of nose, only when riding, obliging breathing through mouth, not relieved by blowing nose; pit of stomach tender to touch; tenderness of muscles of chest, as if they were bruised; dull aching and tenderness along top of right shoulder, along upper edge of trapezius, increasing by pressure and by contracting muscle; dull aching and excessive tenderness, as from a bruise, in outer muscles of right upper arm, most severe about 2 in. above elbow, felt particularly on pressure and during extension of arm, – in left tenderness at corresponding spot, similarly excited; twitching and fluttering in muscles of right upper arm, while limb rests on a table. (Ibid.)

10. Dr. BURT proved both P. and its “concentrated preparation” phytolaccin, but in manner unknown. The following results are reported. – Dull heavy frontal headache (a constant symptom); sharp shooting pain in right temple. Great smarting in eyes and lids (constant); dull heavy aching pains in eyeballs, aggravated by motion, light, and especially by reading; sensation as if there was a feather over the light; lids agglutinated every m. Tongue feels rough, with blisters on both sides, and very red tip; great pain in root of tongue when swallowing; teeth all ache and are very sore, and feel elongated; metallic taste in mouth. Great dryness of throat; roughness in pharynx (constant); sensation as of a lump, as if something had lodged in throat, causing constant inclination to swallow; great congestion and swelling of soft palate and tonsils, right tonsil half as large again as left, and both very dark red; great heat from fauces down oesophagus; constant choking sensation, and so much pain for 2d. that he could only swallow liquids. Eructations of air, or of some fluid; great distress in stomach and bowels; pains at cardiac end of stomach, aggravated by full inspiration and by walking; nausea with very faint feeling, with severe pain in umbilical region; slight nausea with profuse and easy vomiting, followed by much prostration. Constant dull pain in umbilical region, worse by motion, severe colicky pains there, or burning distress; abdomen very tender on pressure, and pains severely on walking; stools of various kinds, sometimes with straining; pain in left hypochondrium when walking; hiccup with great inclination to vomit. Urine at first diminished, afterwards increased; it remained acid, but became decidedly albuminous, with increased sp. gr.; bottle containing it became lined with white deposit, about 11/16 in. thick. Severe pains between scapulae when walking; constant dully heavy pain in lumbo – sacral region, aggravated by motion; back stiff every m. Arms ache; ends of fingers all throb and ache, as if they were going to suppurate (for 3 d.); legs ache and feel very stiff about knees, worse on walking, which he did with difficulty. (hale, NEW REMEDIES, 2ND ED.) 11. a.Aug. 15th, 1864, Dr. H B FELLOWS put 10 dr. of saturated tinct, of dry root in 3 ij of water, and took a tenth part about 1 hours before dinner. Slight fulness in throat was only symptom experienced. 16th. – Swallowed about twice as much of same preparation about 1 hours before breakfast. Again fulness of fauces and upper larynx, with sensation as of a lid there, which lasted till after noon. 17th. – Put 3 dr. into 3j of water, and took half about 11 a. m. Some fulness followed, with disposition to hawk; whilst riding, 1.1/2 hours later, aching in pyloric region, gradually working up into chest of same side. During n. very restless, though suffering no pain; could not get to sleep till late. 18th. – During forenoon severe headache, which began soon after breakfast, sometimes in whole head, sometimes in temples or occiput only, when in temples accompanied by slight vertigo. Walking or riding increased it, walking most. left shoulder ached for some time about noon; towards evening, whilst riding, laming pain began in left back, below scapula, which by 9:30 had reached spine, and was pricking and stitching. In n. woke with lameness in left side, near heart, with much nervous restlessness; could not get to sleep again for a long while; lameness was felt whenever he moved, and especially during expiration. These pains in chest appeared occasionally for some time after. During proving, mind was gloomy and more than usually irritable.

11b. Nov.4th, took 12 pellets of 1st dil. (from green root) at 11:30 a. m. In a few m., smarting in fauces. At 5 p. m. headache in vertex, beginning while riding, motion increased pain and caused vertigo, pain lasted till he went to sleep at night; forearms ached after going to bed, pain seemed in bones, and was uninfluenced by position. 5th. – Stinging pain in left instep, relieved by pressure. 6th. – About 11 a. m. feeling of weight in head and vertigo began; heavy feeling extended down through shoulders and chest, and later in day through legs. 7th. – Took 15 pellets of same at 10 a. m. While riding in forenoon sense of plug in throat, not relieved by hawking, later replaced by increased discharge of mucus from posterior nares, which was tenacious, and continually excited disposition to expel it. 1 p. m. striking pain in ball of left foot for about 1/2 hours, then heavy aching in head, with vertigo and indisposition to mental exertion. From noon till n. feeling of general lassitude.

11c.14th. – Since last date sticking stinging pains in various parts of extremities, from without inwards, but not very deep. Took 8 dr. of 1st dil. at 9:45 a. m., and started on ride immediately afterwards. Soon heaviness of head came on, accompanied by feeling at back of tongue as if burnt, sensation of throat being so full that it felt choked, followed by much hawking and raising of mucus. Sense of fulness and as if something had lodged on left side of throat came on after bending head forward in writing, and was aggravated by turning it to l. Regurgitation of food through evening and until I went to sleep; feeling of weakness at stomach, causing frequent yawning, attended by stitching pain through part. Itching on left calf, afterwards on right, with, later, a lichenoid eruption. Itching lasted 2 – 3 weeks, always worse first part of n. (Ibid.)

12. Dr. A V MARSHALL, in perfect health, pulse 80, took tinct., 10 dr. at 9 a. m., 20 at 11:30 at 12, and 60 at 2 and 9. After 2 ‘ o clock dose felt dryness of larynx, and sensation as if trachea was strongly grasped. These feelings grew worse in evening, and after last dose there was added heaviness at top of head. On 2nd day awoke with stiffness about neck, tonsils sore and somewhat swollen, profuse saliva, dryness in trachea, dry cough. Took at 8 a. m., at 3, and 3iv at 6 p. m. After 2nd dose pressure at top of head, lasting an h. After 3rd, headache, very dry cough, sense of dryness in lower trachea and upper bronchi, redness and soreness of throat, tonsils swollen; pulse 84, at which rate it continued throughout proving. 3rd day – At 6 took, and at 11 a. m. 3iv. Slight headache all day; dryness of trachea, dry cough, without relief; heat in stomach after taking drug; at noon sharp pains running up each spermatic cord; profuse saliva each day 4th day – Took at 8 a. m., 3ivat 12 and 2. In m. hard grinding pain shooting up both spermatic cords; for last 2 day urine double in quantity and clear as water; throat dry, sore, rough, and red all the time; hoarseness at times but not continually; saliva profuse; metallic taste in mouth; cough dry, with but little expectoration. 5th day – Took 3iv at 7 a. m., at 2 p. m. Same symptoms as yesterday. 6th day – Symptoms declining. Continued soreness of spermatic cords, instead of paroxysmal pains experienced on preceding days. A while coating on tongue, which appeared 3rd day, still persists. 7th day – No trace of drug disease remaining. (Ibid).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.