Nux moschata

b. From tinct. rubbed on abdomen. – Soon he had a constant flow of merry conceits, and appears gay to himself. sees the ridiculous side of everything. Thirst for 1 h. Considerable hunger.

c. From mace (aril of kernel). – After 6 hours, when writing, leaves out some letters, writes involuntarily in various alphabets, and goes from one thing to another. – 1st d. When writing, he has only half written down his thought, when all at once he forgets what he was going to write, he must make a great effort to recall the remainder, and often he cannot do so, he must first rest; he begins to write again, but cannot write more than a word, must again make great effort. Under left eye feels swollen. Feeling in rectum as though diarrhoea would come, a part of it seems forced down, but no stool till next m., and then with slight urging and a kind of tenesmus in rectum, faeces very scanty and rather diarrhoeic. Pain in sides of lumbar vertebrae as if he had got a blow from a fist. All day looks very sleepy. – 2nd d. A forward – pressive pain in a small spot over left eye in forehead, mk. Pressive pain in right cheek towards ear and maxillary joint, mj. Slight prickling in incisors, e. Tone of voice altered, dry feeling in larynx. Pain as if dislocated in some joints of left little finger on grasping, m. The right knee pains as if sprained when moving, especially going upstairs. – 3rd d. About the arch of velum and on left tonsil a pressive pain, or as if he had swallowed a hard body and it had left soreness. When lying, noon, feeling of warmth and throbbing in inner border of right foot. – 13th d. Head compressed from back and front on waking from siesta. – No time given. Little appetite, soon satisfied. In whole front of chest, but especially under sternum, feeling of pressure and weight, lasting all day, but is particularly severe on waking up from siesta and on going to bed at n., making him take deep breaths to expand chest. Nausea and flow of water into mouth, with great to sleep, though it is m. (Ibid.)

11. Dr. HENCKE. Soon, heaviness and compression of head, with feeling as if the left side e of it and of the face were slightly swollen, with prickling sensation as from electric stream. Digging pressive pains in middle of soles, m. Wandering, digging, pressive pains, always on small parts, as if in bones, on forehead, eyebrows, upper arms, tibiae; they are like undulating squeezing pains, coming and going. irresistible sleep, disturbed by vivid dreams. After 1/2 hours rumbling and gurgling in abdomen. After 1 hours dryness of lips, palate, and velum, with burning feeling as in catarrh. Nose stopped up, chiefly left side, with creeping and sneezing; must keep mouth open to breathe, goes off when he moves or gets up in bed. After 2 hours pain in sacrum as if he had been broken on the wheel, especially when at rest (also after 7 hours). Dull drawing pains in periosteum of right tibia. After 3 hours out – pressing flatulent disturbance in left flank. After 5 hours flatulent distension of abdomen. Dilatory stools, they are soft but passed with difficulty only after pressing and straining, with feeling of faces remaining. After 9 hours pressive headache on a small spot above left frontal eminence. left nostril stopped up, lasts several d. After 10 hours wandering, digging, pressive pains, always on a small spot, not remaining long there, but soon returning, for several day – 1st d. Sleep at n. disturbed by voluptuous dreams. – 2nd d. Teeth blunted, feel as if covered with lime. Taste like chalk, m. Scrapy eructation short; y after eating. – No time given. Confusion of head. Pustules on chin with broad red borders. Jerking drawing in left upper molars, from long and continuous speaking, also from entrance of air. Dryness at back of throat, no thirst. Scrapy dryness in throat. Sharp scrapy feeling in throat, especially when swallowing. Chalky taste. Qualmish sensation in distended abdomen, with pain in sacrum. Bellyache; a kind of pinching in hypogastrium for several successive day, after breakfast; goes off by resting. Flatulent distress, evening, pinching in bowels with discharge of much flatus with relief. Dilatory, difficult, and yet soft stool, for several d. Constrictive pain in pectoral muscles, with tightness of chest, making him breathe deeply, when moving. Pressive wandering pains on various parts, always only on small spots. Great heat in face and hands, with faintness and hypochondriacal disposition a. m. (Ibid.)

12. KADE, man. – 1st d. He cannot comprehend what he reads. The eyes, which feel dry, are as if stuck together, so that he can hardly open them; drowsy, and the head drawn to left side. – 2nd d. The tendency to bleeding of gums increases. After pressing down towards pelvis there occur some thin evacuations; he has at same time a feeling in rectum as if some acrid fluid was there, which caused biting; after the stool there remained a sensation as if more was to come. He is chilled when he comes into cold air. (Ibid.)

13. KTZL -, man. After 10 hours in the region where the diaphragm is attached, from scorbiculus to back and scapula, a spasmodic pressing pain, like an outward and inward pressure, as from a weight; at same time impeded breathing, and need to breathe deeply and expand chest, with dry cough that seems to come from back and gets loose in m. This lasts several day, and is accompanied by drowsiness and dryness in nose. On 3rd day there was, besides, pain in middle of back betwixt shoulders. ( Ibid.)

14. LUK -, woman. Immediately, heat and redness of cheeks. After 5 m. eructation like pine oil. After 1 hours tickling and pricking in nose, making her rub it. – 1st d. Sour taste. Stool delayed, next day early and diarrhoeic. – No time given. She staggers. Pressure in eyelids as if sleepy. Some earache. ( Ibid.)

15. KORNERIN, woman. – 1st d. Very tired all day, gasps for breath, felt as though she should faint. (Ibid.) 16. LD -, woman. – No time given. Jerking here and there in abdomen. Menses 4 or 5 day too soon, with forcing from navel downwards and drawing in limbs; on the next occasion also they came too soon, and were irregular. Painful drawing here and there in thighs. (Ibid.) 17. LDIN. – 1st d. Slight oppression in scrobiculus. Transient palpitation. Jerking drawing in arms, and sometimes boring out in elbow. Sight rigor followed by heat, m. and e. Agreeable warmth of hands and feet evening (Ibid.) 18. LINKE -, man. – 1st day he is as if intoxicated, and staggers. – No time given. Almost irresistible desire to sleep. (Ibid.) 19. ML -, woman. Immediately, pain in forehead. After 1/4 hours pressure in head betwixt vertex and occiput. Shooting in throat, making her hawk. Griping in umbilical region, relieved by pressure. After 1/2 hours pressing – in on right side of chest inferiorly, it then ran up to throat and mouth, into which bitter water flowed, with dry cough. After 1 hours headache when stooping, pressure form vertex to forehead. Constriction in right upper abdomen when walking. After 24 hours dry feeling in fauces and choana towards front, with desire to swallow but no thirst. – 1st d. Much urging but little urine passed, n. Sleeps restlessly n. – 2nd d. Dry feeling in mouth, but it feels slimy, especially night; at same time thirst, the palate feels floury and the nose dry. Two thin stools in 1 day (in a child aet.6). Sleeps restlessly, m. – 3rd d. After drinking cold water peculiar jerks in molar, and cheek becomes red. (Ibid.) 20. OR -, woman. Immediately, heat rises up to crown, with feeling of constriction and pressing – in on top of head. After 18 hours tension round right eye, especially in lower lid, as though she could not open it, and pressure in eye; must contract the eye, when it seems to her as if she could expand it. – 1st d. Tension and dryness of lids. Discharge of fetid flatus. – No time given. Thinner stool than usual, Menses delayed 2 or 3 day, preceded by pain in sacrum as if a piece of wood lying crosswise were forced out, with headache on top of head, exhaustion, pressure on stomach, with watering of mouth and pain in liver; the blood was darker and thicker, and after drying more gluey than usual. At the time when the menses were due there was only a slimy discharge. Dazed, as if intoxicated and sleepy. ( Ibid.) 21. OS -, man. After 24 hours stool so hard that it can only pass through rectum with a great effort, and on doing so caused prickling as from needles there, painful contraction in rectum and anus during and after stool. – No time given. Increased hunger, with navel and belly very distended. (Ibid.) 22. SCHM -, man. Immediately, very much increased appetite. (Ibid.) 23. SCHULZ, man. – 1st d. Contrary to habit, several loose and easy stools in 1 day (Ibid.) 24. SH -, man. – No time given. Pressure and drawing in spermatic cord from above downwards, where the testicle had had a squeeze some years previously. (Ibid.) 25. SSG. -, man. After left hours throbbing in left calf as though he had burst a blood – vessel, for 20 m. After 2 hours on right side not far from navel, confined to a small spot, contractive pain, a kind of pinching. – 1st d. Oppression in chest, as if he had lard in windpipe which hindered the air from penetrating, evening in open air, lasted 8 m. – 2nd d. Cutting and pressure in abdomen, especially above bladder, as though diarrhoea would ensue, e. Next day stool passed with greater difficulty than usual. Sore feeling in trachea with cough. – No time given. Pressive pain in sinciput with stupefaction; it sometimes closed the eyelids and he yawned. Teeth feel blunt and soft. Dry feeling in mouth, in tongue, and in nose, without thirst. Clean tongue, with sensation of dryness in it and in nose. Fomenting sensation in muscles of upper arm. Drawing pains in muscular parts of limbs, worst when at rest, several d. Anxiety and tendency to tremble of whole body. Laxness of limbs, especially arms, and pressure here and there, weariness. (Ibid.) 26. SIV -, man. Immediately, shooting outwards in temples, in jerks and soon ending. Soon, transient pressure and shooting pain in left temple. Pressure in stomach and burning there, rising upwards. Transient pain in upper and inner part of thigh, as though he had fallen on it, aggravated by movement. – 1st d. Sometime grave, sometimes disposed to laugh. Variable humour, at first he is inclined to do something, but when it comes to the point he changes his mind. Quite contrary to usual, everything makes him laugh, which is particularly noticeable as he is in the open air. he stood still in the street, made silly gesticulations, occasionally sunk in the completes absence of mind, and on collecting himself, everything that was around him appeared ridiculous; at same time he looked stupid and childish, like a fool; rather better in – doors. Loss of thought, like an intoxicated state, and absence of mind. he speaks little, confused images present themselves to his mind, he must always make an effort when he wishes to speak. A violent pressing forwards in head towards forehead, which feels pressed out and twice as big; at same time giddiness as after debauch, and staggering. To the finger, it feels like a part asleep or as if covered with leather. Very great dryness in mouth, the saliva feels like cotton wool. Such great dryness in throat that he cannot swallow a bit of apple. Great want of thirst. Increased appetite for several d. At noon very ravenous hunger; he ate hurriedly, and although he had pressure in stomach, he would like always to eat. Dislike to tobacco. pressure and distress in abdomen, as before haemorrhoidal flux. Feeling as if he had eaten too much and abdomen was over – distended. Pressing from both sides of abdomen towards scorbiculus, such as he used to have before haemorrhoidal flux, n. Stool less easily passed than usual. Has inclination for coitus, though genitals are lax. Feeling of cold in head, sneezing. Oppression on chest and congestion to heart. Hands cold and as if frozen, and when he came into the room he felt a kind of thrilling under nails. Painful weariness in lower limbs as though he had walked a great distance, the dorsum of feet pain as if a hard body had fallen on them, but the pain grows less above the ankles; though treading increases the pain in the feet, he must constantly trample about on account of restlessness in legs. Great drowsiness and at same time much disposed to laugh. Rigor coming from loins, when he took down his trousers to go to stool. Cold feeling in feet with hot hands. – 2nd day the feeling of dryness in mouth, lips, and throat continues. left nostril feels colder, not dry or stopped up, but feels as if he could not breathe through not dry or stopped up, but feels as if he could not breathe through it. The dry cough becomes loose, and he expectorates much mucus. Thrilling in all toes as if they were frozen, especially where the proximal phalanx joins the foot; it extends over soles to heel, which pain as if excoriated, in all positions, and renewed by treading (also in 5 d.). – 3rd d. Frequent violent sneezing, m. Hoarseness. Raw pain in chest from coughing. – 4th d. Elevations the size of a millet seed where the frenum of the tongue is connected with m. m. of mouth, especially on left side; they are bright red, shining, with sore pain, several together. In lumber muscles pain as if he had been well beaten. State as if, after profusely sweating, he had got chilled, nape and bones are all painful, and there is pressing out at forehead. – 5th d. Drawing pain in flesh at border of right lower jaw. Velum and fauces slightly reddened; their blood – vessels injected, with raw feeling. – No time given. Dazedness and loss of though, and when he rouses himself with an effort he has first to collect himself. On account of dryness and roughness in eyes he can hardly open and shut them. Dryness of eyes. Teeth begin to grumble as if they would become painful. When eating bread tenderness of teeth. Tongue feels dry on touching it. Blue spots on skin. Though previously greatly given to sweat, the skin is now always dry. (Ibid.) 27. WW -, man. – 2nd d. Coughs up some blood, sometimes mixed with mucus, sometimes pure, with stitches in chest. ( Ibid.) 28. No name of prover. Immediately, scraping, scratchy dry feeling in throat. Rumbling in bones. Intoxicated feeling in head, it is painful, and she was so sleepy she could not sit down without falling asleep. After 1 hours dryness in mouth, throat, and tongue, with fulness in stomach and anorexia. After 20 hours urine scanty or very saturated. On walking, m., some sudden spasmodic stitches in heart with slight colic. – 1st d. Without actual thirst, and though the tongue is not really dry, she has such a dry feeling in mouth and tongue that it seems to adhere to palate; she feels as though she had eaten salt herring, e. Tongue and buccal cavity covered with white mucus, but yet dry feeling in throat and much thirst. Cutting in mid – belly, with premonitions of flatulence and diarrhoea; pain in temples, e. Chest in front pains as if beaten, especially during inspiration and when there is flatulent colic, evening – 2nd d. After looking out of window in m., there came a pain in left lower anterior molars, which spread thence to a right molar were it pressed outwards; recurred on washing and on getting a chill, e. Pain in front of cheek like a weight, and accompanied by oppression, impeding inspiration, evening – 3rd d. During inspiration, sudden pain around chest in region of diaphragm, a. m. – 4th d. Violent pain in right cheek – bone, n. Feeling of weight in chest, impeding inspiration, e. While lying, when she suddenly moved right lower limb, violent cramp in calf, relieved by pressing foot against something. – No time given. He never executes what he undertakes, but remains standing in one place without thought; he seems quite different to those about him. Shooting pain in right temple, frequently for several d. On both sides of tongue where the salivary ducts open a disagreeable, almost painful, pressive sensation. Stool soft but passed with difficulty, with feeling of fulness and distension of abdomen; several d. Want of desire for coitus, which is attended with little pleasure. Though there is some sexual desire, the erections are feeble and short. Sneezing. Scraping and tickling in right side of chest superiorly, causing cough, m. Oppression of chest coming from pit of stomach. Out of breath after eating. Pain in sacrum and weariness of lower limbs as if he had had a blow on sacrum and calves. Pain in back when driving. Great weariness, his knees feel as if he had had a long walk, accompanied by drowsiness; speaking even is too much for him. Sleepy, dreamy state, eyes close. Great sensitiveness to cold air. (Ibid.) 29. HERING, from chewing wild nutmeg at 10 a. m. For a long time had burning externally on lower lip. After 3 m. pain in left and upper part of forehead (organ of wit). After 4 m. violent pain in right middle finger, as if in bone. After 5 m. the pain in forehead goes to over left eye, is of gnawing pressive character (in organ of locality). Limbs affected, especially thighs, superiorly and externally. For 1 hours pains in various spots left side of top of head and over forehead, slight toothache on left side. After 1 1/2 hours pain in left upper arm near middle, as from severe pressure by a hand grasping it. For several hours pains in left side of sinciput superiorly, and in left upper arm. Before 1 p. m. burning externally on left side of lower lip. Slight burning in stomach and empty feeling. On crossing legs the right feels congested, and then the left thigh feels as if going to sleep, like congestion of blood, prickling, &c. At 1 p. m. very acute pain in left forearm externally and near elbow in radial region, in the flesh of all the muscles and in the bones a kind of pressive gnawing, lasting till 3 p. m. In afternoon headache on right side, and next m. a kind of pressure on a small spot on right side of top of forehead. Headache all afternoon and evening; very cross, unable to work, very lively on walking out. (Hom. Vierteljahrschrift, x, 90.) 30. Mr. – took 10 dr. of tinct. for 2 d. Fifteen m. after each dose repeated shooting in abdomen about level of umbilicus, from right to l. On 4th day same symptoms without repetition of dose. After further doses, painless diarrhoea all day (BERRIDGE, U. S. Medorrhinum Inv., 1875, p. 101.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.