
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Murex, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Murex purpurea L. The (desiccated) juice contained in an organ near the head, which constituted the Tyrian purple dye of the ancients.


1. A woman of 46, of nervous constitution and very impressionable, but in good health, save for some leucorrhoea and weight at stomach, proved a sol. of a decigr. of the 4th trit. in 6 spoonfuls of water, of which she took a spoonful each e. Jan. 6th. – Sleep quiet. In 12 hours after dose, sharp pain in right side of uterus, which extends to left breast; extreme weakness of voluntary movements; giving way of legs and irresistible desire to remain sitting; confusion of ideas, repugnance to conversation, profound sadness. 6 p. m., palpitation of heart and throbbing of arteries in neck; later, excessive fatigue, somnolence, heat in hands, pulse 80; pain in knees, sense of excoriation and burning in breaths; bruised feeling in chest. N. good. 7th. – Burning, pungent pain under left false ribs, towards spine, increasing constantly; drowsiness and sadness; difficult evacuation, requiring pavement. Pain in side continued all day Evening, painful tension in right hypochondrium; dry cough, not frequent; dyspnoea; voice hoarse. 8th. after a good n., woke feeling very well. Pain in side had gone. Sense of dryness and constriction in uterus, but weight much less since yesterday, and no leucorrhoea since first spoonful. No further symptoms till 11th, when she had feeling of heaviness and enlargement in labia; urine had white sediment. (PETROZ, Etudes, ed. Cretin, 1864.)

2. A woman of 38, of sanguine temp., sound mind, and good health, save for some leucorrhoea, took same as No. 1. Ist day – Towards midday pain in occiput and in forearms. 2nd day – Headache on awaking, which goes off on getting up. During day, pains in left temple, coming and going; dulness of head from time to time without mental clouding. Towards evening, tightness in occiput, when it passes from left to right she involuntarily raises opposite hand to head, bending head back seems to relax nerves and relieve. Constant desire to urinate during d.: at 3 p. m., strong desire to sleep. 3rd day – Headache as on previous evening; he had troublesome dreams during n., she fled from a stormy sea, and found herself in a meadow with water; during day momentary dulness of head; at 5 p. m. right cheek was burning; l in evening, twice, a very violent stitch on left side of abdomen, low down, it went straight up, lasting only a m.; at 9 p. m., strong drowsiness. During day, pains in legs from time to time; tightness of head on each side above the ears; pains in breasts. 4th day – Distressing dreams. On waking, headache, going off as on previous days about 10 a. m. Pretty severe colic; hunger during day, but little appetite at dinner time; pains in breasts. 5th day – Almost uncontrollable sexual excitement. 6th day – Left cheek burning; hunger during day; in evening painful headache for about an hour. 7th day – Dreams as before; woke with a start, frightened. In m., leucorrhoea, which had ceased from Ist day, returned, scanty, but greenish. In evening, flatulent griping and frontal headache. She had been constipated since 2nd day, and to – day had no stool. During first days of proving, she coughed several times before breakfast, and had wheezing on inspiration in e. During later days, occasional attacks of anxiety, with restlessness and dread. (Ibid.)

3. A woman, aet. 39, sanguine – lymphatic temp., has leucorrhoea, with some pains in loins and thighs. Took drug in same manner. Ist day – At 2 and 4 p. m., sharp but transient pains above cerebellum. Less leucorrhoea, but always mixed with blood. 2nd day – Since noon, head embarrassed and a little heavy; not much aptitude for work. At 2:30, humming in ears and increased dulness of head; latter went off about 4. At 6:30. sharp pain in left abdomen, involving whole, but as it were at painful points only; left side remained painful all evening. Leucorrhoea less copious and unmixed with blood. 3rd day – Less dulness of head; leucorrhoea as yesterday; abdomen also, but felt less. 4th day – Towards 3 p. m., severe pain above right temple; in evening, return of blood from uterus; to – day and yesterday, pain in breasts. 5th day – No blood. 6th day – No blood, and but little leucorrhoea. Breasts had been very painful, and she had violent shootings in them while in bed. 7th day – Woke during n. with a start, and violent desire to urinate, which she did very copiously. heaviness of head, and even dizziness. Since taking med. failure of memory; she cannot remember words. Her pains had rather been increased than otherwise since taking med., and on 8th day they were very bad; blood also had returned with the leucorrhoea. She felt as before period, which was not due for another fortnight. Next day she was much better. (Ibid.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.