Magnesia sulphurica

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Magnesia Sulphurica, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Magnesiac sulphate, MgSO 4.7H2O. Epsom salts.


1. NENNING. (The usual absence of information, but see vol.i, p. 30). Soon flow of water into mouth, with loathing and nausea; bitter eructation and taste of food eaten previous d. Borborygmus with discharge of flatus. After 5 m. burning in middle of chest. -Ist d. Some painful tearings from l. lower jaw up into head, p. m. Obtuse stitches in r. side of head. Tearing in l. temple frequently. Confused pain and fulness in forehead. Pain like knife-thrusts in head, m., worse at 1 p. m.; the pain in temples, forehead, and nape lasts till midnight and goes off towards m. Obtuse shooting deep i l. ear, 10 a. m. Croaking in l. ear like frogs, when sitting, for 2 m. Loud intermittent noise in l. ear. Sometimes singing, sometimes rushing like water in l. ear. Tearing in r. facial bones, 3 p. m. Eructation, with taste of hard-boiled eggs, frequently. Severe stitches in l. hypochondrium for 1/2 hours, after lying down evening, relieved by pressure on head. Shooting behind lower l. ribs when sittings. After rumbling in bowels from noon till evening 5 diarrhoeic stools. First flatulent distension, discharge of foetid flatus, rumbling in bowels, then purging. Urine increased. Great heaviness of head during menses. Short cough, with mucous expectoration frequently. Shooting in last r. false ribs. Pressive pain in middle of r. humerus. Tearing in lower surface of l. upper arm. Violent tearing in l. elbow when spinning, it is still tender next d. Formication in l. finger-tips. Bruised feeling all over body as if a disease were impending. Insuperable drowsiness towards e. Chilliness all day, with thirst p. m.-2nd d. Cheerful humour, contented with himself and others. Anxious, lachrymose, very gloomy, thinks some misfortune is imminent, especially m. As if not r. in her mind; when spinning sees strange people around. Frequent pricking in r. internal canthus for 1/2 h. Jerking pain in an upper incisors, 8 p. m. Roughness of tongue after dinner till e. Loathing of all food. Frequent empty eructations, with anorexia. After stool at 6 p. m. some pricking and shooting in belly, then pain in both hips for some time. Soft stool, with burning on anus. Urine increased, must rise several times at n,. to urinate. Urine greenish, but clear and copious. Menses 3 day too soon. Burning in middle of chest, p. m. Tearing and shooting in r. hand, with painful drawing in hand and fingers, p. m. Formication in 4 fingers of l. hand. Tearing in all limbs, especially fingers tips. Tearing in r. big toe, e. After waking as if beaten all over, especially in back and arms, going off after getting up. Itching in an old tetter behind r. ear. -3rd d. Cheerfulness. Sad, fearful, as if not right in her mind, sees strange people about. Obtuse pressive headache, p. m. till e. Tearing in r. frontal bone, which is painful to touch, from 3 to 4 p. m. Eyes burn by candle-light, evening and m. Tearing in eyes with dim vision, m. Thirst on rising m. Thirst evening during menses. Eructation, with slimy taste. Heat during menses. Burning in chest under sternum. Trembling of hands. Tearing in r. hip. Rigor in bed, m. -4th d. Cheerfulness. As if not right in her mind, see strange people around. Thirst all day during menses. Pressure in chest at n. relieved by expectoration of viscid mucus, 3 a. m. Pain in cervical vertebrae like tension, with great tenderness when touched, so that she cannot lie on it, relieved by walking. Shooting in r. and tearing in l. big toe. Sweat, m., after waking. -5th d. Painful feeling in right concha as if it were forcibly twisted, m. Eructations like rotten eggs, m. After sipping on milk pinching and commotion in belly as from a purgative. Violent itching on back, after which small papules appear. On waking m, back feels bruised. l. arm is asleep on waking m. Ulcerative pain with shooting in hollow of left sole. Dreams of weddings. Chilliness and thirst on waking, m. -6th d. Heat and burning in forehead p. m. till e. Tearing in back between shoulders from midnight onwards, must get up to get relief. Dreams of feasts and balls. -7th d. Stools consists of a few hard lumps expelled with much forcing, preceded by pricking under navel; after 1 h. ineffectual urging and straining, followed in 1/2 h. by copious, firm and then loose stool. Urine increased. -8th d. Pressive pain in both sides of head posteriorly. Throbbing in r. side of head when walking in open air. Ulcerative pain in outer angle of r. nostril. Tearing toothache in bed e. Four diarrhoeic stools, with thirst. Clear water drops from nose, without coryza. Fluent coryza with loss of smell for 2 d. Bruised and ulcerative pain between shoulders, with feeling of a lump there as big as a fist, on account of which she cannot lie on it, relieved by rubbing, n. Chilly in open air. -9th d. Vertigo and weight in head after dinner. Thirst e. Frequent empty eructation. Nausea and vomiting n. and m. Tension in both iliac regions, worst in r., as when stream of urine is suddenly stopped; on stretching straight out, feeling as if would burst. Frequent sneezing with feeling of coryza. Dry cough, with burning from larynx to scrobiculus cordis, all d. Pressure and beating in whole chest from both sides, dyspnoea, when writing. -10th d. Bubbling up of water for 2 h. after eating potatoes. Frequent empty eructations. Violent sacral pain as if bruised and as when she has the menses, also pain in iliac regions when sitting and standing, reduced by walking, when she stands thighs also are painful. Soft stools for several day, preceded by hard stool with pressing. Two liquid stools in rapid succession. Menses, that had ceased only 14 day, returned, the discharge thick, black, more copious than usual. Fluent coryza, with pain in chest and cough, no expectoration. On waking m. very fatiguing dry cough, relieved on getting up. Loose cough, with sore feeling in throat and mouth. Heaviness in sacrum and hip for 2 n. -11th d. Peevish, cross, irritable. Sharp stitches in head, here and there, a. m. On turning head to r. obtuse stitch in right side of head, on rising m. Burning of lips with dryness, e. Thirst. Erection at 2 p. m. Hollow bass voice for 2 d. As the cough declines, the coryza increase. Sharp shooting in second phalanx of r. thumb, in fits, when writing. Sacral and thigh pains uninterruptedly for 2 n. left foot goes to sleep m. in bed. Sweat several mornings. -12th d. Head as if screwed in, on moving head in bed, evening, and on moving eyes. On moving head brain feels loose. Anorexia for 2 d., distaste for meat, feels very ill. Stream of urine stops, then urine comes by drops, with burning at orifice of urethra. When coughing and speaking pain in posterior nares as if air were forced through them. Much mucus in nose. Great soreness in interior of chest when coughing, like burning, feels as if she should cough up a piece of lungs. Tearing in bone of r. thigh. Sleeps badly and is restless. Sometimes hot, sometimes shivering, face sometimes red, sometimes pale. -13th d. On waking m., anxiety as if conscience-struck. Dry cough in bed, e. Great weakness of legs. A small red tetter on right upper arm and one on forearm, itching much since 8 day – 17th d. Soft stool, followed by tenesmus. Quivering between l. thumb and index. Throbbing in whole r. index like a whitlow, 5 m. Dreams of being injured by a horse and of wandering in a wood. – 18th d. Pressure on both sides of root of nose. Stitches from both sides of chest towards one another on coming form open air into room. -21st d. Pain in occiput from carrying a weight on shoulders. -22nd d. Photophobia with lachrymation. As if a ball lay on l. eye. Frequent shooting under l. ear. Pressure in chest, with tickling irritation in larynx, a feeling as if lung were too large, in bed m., relieved by getting up. Feels hot when lying. – 23rd d. Violent shooting in both temples for 2 h. Pressive pain as if a hard ball lay on upper orbital border. Frequent rigor over back, evening – No time given. Unusually cheerful, as if somewhat intoxicated. Extremely sad, lachrymose, thinks something bad is going to happen. Cross, declined to talk, p. m. Lazy, tired, sleepy, unable to work. Excited, sensitive, discontented. Wearing of legs, malaise, faintness, extremely anxious, thinks she must die, with earthy complexion. Stupid in head, as though her mind was going. Vertigo as though she should fall forwards during and after dinner, for 1/2 h. Giddy and confused, better in open air. Vertigo evening, eyes close but not sleepy. On waking m. weight and dizziness, goes off on rising. Headache, confused as if bound or screwed up, with heat and sweat. At every step painful rumbling in head for 1/2 h. after dinner. Brain moves when she moves. Frequent beating and hammering as of a clock, first in forehead then in whole head, p. m. and e. Pressive pain in occiput, evening, goes off in open air. Pressive pain from both sides of occiput. Boring pain in l. side of head, with internal heat, p. m. Compressive headache from both sides, with heat of head and red face. Heat in crown and pain as if hair was pulled. Boring in right side of crown, followed by stupid feeling, a. m. Frequent painful tearing on crown. Pricking in both temples, a. m. Tearing in left temple when spinning. p. m. On rising up from stooping feeling as if something pressed forwards in forehead, like congestion. Great sensitiveness in occiput, and on stooping feeling as if something fell forwards in forehead, worst when lying, coughing shakes him. Weight in forehead with heat in head, and feeling as if all would come out at forehead on rising up from stooping. Shattered pain in forehead, a. m. Tearing in forehead, then in whole head, better in open air. Pressing-tearing in forehead at 6 p. m. Painful boring-in above l. eye, in bed, evening, for 1 h., then stupid feeling in head, Frequent darts as with an awl above left orbit. Dimness of eyes with drowsiness. Eye burn all d. Pricking as with needles in eyes all d. On turning eyes to r. or l. violent pain in r. eye as though it would come out of orbit. Shooting in l. ear when standing. Painful boring in l. ear. Ulcerative pain on right side of nose when pressed. Pain when touched on r. ala nasi. Repeated epistaxis, also at 2 a. m. with relief to headache. Epistaxis without relief to headache. Tearing in l. zygoma, which remains sensitive for a long time, also at 2 a. m. A pustule with tensive pain behind l. angle of jaw. Papules on r. side of chin and l. side of nose, which itch when they commence; they disappear after 2 d. A papule under r. angle of mouth, burning when touched. Teeth ache on coming into room from open air for 1/2 h., also in evening when lying down, aggravated by warm and cold things, and by contact of food. Slight darting in l. hollow upper molar, e. Throbbing in l. molar, with heat of head. A blister with cutting pains on l. border of tongue. Often phlegm in throat which he cannot bring up or down. Frequent hawking of tasteless mucus, m. Sour mucous expectoration, m. and during d. Constantly yawning. Dryness and pains in throat. Shooting pain in oesophagus, worst when swallowing, n. Burning and shooting deep in throat, worst when swallowing. Throat and mouth very dry, but with bitter-sweet taste, m. Bitter taste on waking, m. Bitter taste, anorexia, pressure in stomach, distended abdomen, itching on back. No appetite. Loathing at all found, even when thinking of it, till e. Water rises from stomach into mouth frequently, with loathing at all food. At n. loathing and nausea, restless tossing about. Vomiting, p. m., first of food, then of mucus. Trembling in stomach, general weakness, then belching of water, with nausea. Cold and sick at stomach, in bed, m. Stomach feels deranged. Pressure in scrobiculus cordis, which is tender externally. Boring stitches externally in epigastrium, m. Shooting in l. hypochondrium, evening, going off when lying on back. Pain in belly, scrobiculus cordis, and chest. A kind of shooting in whole belly, a. m. Violent shooting about navel, increased by movement. During dinner pinching in belly with call to stool. Abdomen tense and hard. Flatulent distension, evening, discharge of flatus, m. Forcing in both iliac regions, and pain in sacrum as from flatulence, followed by hard stool. Nipping externally down to iliac region, p. m. and e. Itching in l. groin. Alternately hard and soft stools. Urine scanty. After micturition shooting in office of urethra. Erections without sexual desire. Frequent shooting in penis when sitting and walking. Menses 7 d. too soon but scanty. Menses 2 d. too soon. Menses more copious than usual, especially the 1st d. Bloody discharge from vagina not at menstrual period. Menses last only 2 d., cease 2 d., and return for 1 d. Leucorrhoea of thick consistence, as copious as menstrual flux, with paralysed pain in sacrum and thighs. Acrid leucorrhoea. Boring in left nostril as in coryza. Severe coryza with hoarse voice. Cough in m. with little expectoration, but with sore pain as if cut to pieces in chest. Pressure in chest with dyspnoea for 1:30 h. Pressure on lower part;of chest as from a weight, with short breath. Oppression of chest with burning there when walking. Fine shooting from l. axilla to chest, transient. Obtuse shooting under r. breast over scrobiculus cordis, on rising from stooping, a. m. Some fine stitches here and there in chest. Burning and itching on back, as from ice, p. m. and e. As if beaten betwixt shoulders all d. Tension and shooting between shoulders and in nape. Tension in tendons of r. side of nape. Tension in nape and betwixt shoulders on rising, m. Thrice twitching in arms. Tearing in whole right arm. Frequent tearing in l. shoulder when at rest, p. m. Tearing in posterior aspect of upper arm, in bed, m., relieved by getting up. Papules on inner aspect of forearm after itching. Tearing in tendons of l. forearm, 11 a. m. Painful tearing on l. wrist-joint from noon till evening, then great tenderness of the part. Itching in r. palm. Drawing in l. hand, the fingers drawn inwards. Ulcerative pain in ball of l. thumb when moved and pressed. Prickling in tip of r. thumb after dinner. Tearing in finger-tips of both hand, n. Noon, pain in thigh. Bruised pain in l. natis, worst when walking. Tearing in posterior surface of r. hip, a. m. Tearing in both legs down to foot and weakness in r. thigh. Tearing in l. knee when spinning, it cracks when extended. Tension in r. hough when walking. Cracking in ligaments over heel. Transient tearing-shooting in ball of l. foot, noon. Itching in right toes. Pricking in l. big toe after dinner. Tearing in l. toes, which contract, for 2 m. Extreme prostration, staggers when walking. Trembling all over and weary in legs, and small itching papules all over body. Hard itching pimples as if stung by nettles, which burn after scratching and go off after 24 h. Complains all n. of violent belly-ache, m for which she cannot sleep; on rising, m., quite inconsolable. Starts frequently at n., but does not quite awake. Cannot sleep at n. on account of; violent pains in head and abdomen, weariness of feet and tearing in sacrum, on account of violent pains in head and abdomen, weariness of feet and tearing in sacrum, on account of which she cannot lie on back. Bruised feeling preventing sleep at n. Long of falling asleep, frequent walking, many dreams, of weddings, country matters, &c. Gay dreams. Dreams that her dead mother appeared. Anxious dreams, that she was persuade and shot at by soldiers; she wakes in a fright, and on falling asleep again dreams that she fell into the water. Dreams of the death of his father. Dreams that she has to go to the theater, but cannot get dressed in time. Dreams that the next house is in flames. Dreams of danger from horses. Dreams that she found a dead child in a churchyard. Dreams that she saw yellow mice, which disgusted her. In e. chilly, which goes off after lying down; on waking m. bathed in sweat and thirsty. Shivering with watering of;eyes, coryza, and heaviness of head. Chilly at n. till 10 a. m., it gets less after 9 a. m., must go to bed at noon, at 3 p. m. perspiration. Rigor during the headache. Rigor at 9 p. m., which goes off on lying down, afterwards thirst. Transient heat in head coming up from chest, with sweat in upper part of body, later again chilly, and so on alternately till e. On rising up in bed heat for a few m., vertigo and sweat on forehead with red face. Heat all over body for hours, p. m. After midnight wakes frequently with sweat. After midnight sweat and thirst, but at same time chilliness. Chilliness with shivering from 7:30 p. m., cannot get warm in bed for 1 h., feet especially cold, then increased heat towards m., sweat, no thirst. Chilly and hot alternately at n., next n. only chilliness. Though she feels hot, feet are cold all d. Heat of head, coldness of rest of body, better p. m. (Better in open air). (Annal. day hom. Klinik, iv, 466.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.