Lilium Tigrinum

8a. Mrs. B-, student of medicine, took daily from November 1st 5 dr. of tinct. at 6 a. m. Each day “nervous symptoms” came on about 3 p. m., getting worse at every recurrence. Trembling of knees was prominent among these; on 3rd same tremor involved abdomen, lower back, and hands. When walking joints seem to lack synovia; she can almost hear the crepitus. On 4th everything in the least exciting causes cold hands; there is paralysis or stiffness of fingers, so that she can hardly hold a pencil firmly enough to write. Menses delayed. After last dose symptoms gradually wore off.

8b. Dec. 7th, took, 2 hours before dinner, 12 dr. and at 8 p. m. had to leave company on account of cutting pain in bowels, so severe that she had to take nux, which relieved; extremities cold and clammy; sudden chills not followed by fever, but with fulness of head. Woke next m. tremulous and weak as after an illness. On 9 th menses appeared, scanty and of short duration; appetite failed. Dec. 13th-15th. – Fulness of head and pressing from within outwards as if contents would issue from every aperture, also aching of flesh and bones throughout body; latter recurred on 24th and 25th, with great soreness. Effects of last dose did not seem to wear away till after nearly 4 weeks. 9. Mrs. J. F. -, student of medicine, took 5 dr. of 3rd dil. twice on March 22nd, 1870, without effect. 23 rd. -8 dr. twice. No physical effects, but an hours after 2nd dose she noticed a nervous tremulousness, and inability to apply mind to any subject steadily; could not think clearly or remember well. 24 th. – 16 dr., 3 times. No marked change in feeling till afternoon, when she had severe pain in back, much nervousness, inability to apply mind, depression, disposition to weep, headache. On each day increased secretion of urine. Took no more medicine till April 4th, when, feeling remarkably well, she took 12 dr., which was quickly followed by tremulousness, and peculiar pressive headache. (Ibid)

10. Mrs. L. B.C., M. D. “Oct.8th, 1869, I took for one week 5 dr. of 3rd dil. n. and m. without effect; then doubled dose for another week. Now for a week have felt utterly incapacitated for mental work or physical exertion; feel like sitting quietly without speaking or being spoken to, or compelled to think; dull heavy feeling in head; everything seems unreal to me: my eyes look wild, and my husband fears I may become insane.” After writing above stopped medicine, and within 24 hours all nervous symptoms ceased, but next period was not one fourth as much as usual, and was followed by profuse bright yellow leucorrhoea, so acrid as to excoriate whole perinaeum. For some time after continued to have severe attacks of pain in uterus, lasting about 1 1\2 hours, during which she could not bear to he touched or moved, even jar against bed was torture, and she could not endure weight of clothes upon pelvic region. On examination womb was found anteverted. (No. 10 also experienced out pressing headache.) (Ibid)

11. Dr. LILIENTHAL., aet.54.”October 30th, 1869. -Lilium seems to be a a cumulative medicine; it takes a long time to get any symptoms from it. I have taken in the last few day nearly 3j of tinct. without great results. Last evening felt irritable, sleep broken by disagreeable dreams; arose earlier than usual, not refreshed by sleep; head feels full, especially over eyes; reel and stagger when walking, with inclination to fall forward; outward pressure in whole forehead; cold chills runs over face; feel chillier than in cold weather, with hot congested sensation in chest; usual cigar is nauseous and causes water brash; dull pressive aching from left temple over ear to occiput, in paroxysms, with steady dull frontal headache, especially over left eye. 31 st. -Feel well, except for a little chilliness; in evening, burning in forehead, with burning pressing pains, especially over left eye; grumbling bellyache, with little inclination to stool; not so irritable, but want to be left alone, and not troubled to answer questions. 1st. -Felt pretty well during day, but taciturn and reticent; between 5 and 6 p. m., burning pressing headache returns, more in right side of forehead, increasing in strength as evening passes on. 3rd. -Took 3ss. During forenoon chilliness over face, followed by fever, congestion to chest, and slight momentary spasmodic twitchings around heart; dull pain in left temple, extending thence to forehead, with vertigo, especially when walking. Whole afternoon feel as if intoxicated, staggering forwards; dull in head, obtuse, cannot find right ward, forget what I want to say; eyes full of water; face, especially forehead, flushed and hot, and pricking sensation in skin of forehead. 4th. -Engaged in fresh air in forenoon, and no symptoms observable; felt bright and clear in mind. Evening passed in warm room; old headache returned, with some lachrymation; sensation as if a rubber band were stretched tightly from temple to temple, with old pricking sensation in forehead. 5th. -Was called out in n., and after lying down again was miserable and restless; everything seemed to hot. In m. dullness of head, a kind of dizziness, more in eyes, before which there seems a veil; impossibility of getting a clear idea; oppression and heat of chest- a kind of ebullition; must go into fresh air for relief, when headache becomes worse; steady pain in lumbar spine, spreading both ways to kidneys, continuing all day; slight stitches occasionally in right hip-joint; staggering gait, have to exert myself to utmost to walk straight; chilliness from face downwards; burning hot urine, seeming more like oil than water; burning stringing frontal headache, with same feeling as of an elastic band stretched over it; mind so muddled that I feared to lecture, – nevertheless, the more I spoke the better I was able to concentrate my mind on my subject; eyes feel as if full of tears all day; disinclination to work, and lassitude in lower extremities; oppressive and congestive feeling in chest, increased in evening; irritable, depressed in body and in mind, and unfit for work. 5th. -An hours after rising, pressive pains at angle between forehead and left temple, digging down into orbit, making me wink; pains spread over whole left hemisphere of brain; congestive chill, continuing whole forenoon, in fresh open air, it commenced in face and extended downwards; lassitudes in thighs; compressive sensation in chest, with choked feeling, as if I would suffocate, but would feel relieved if the blood could be discharged, which seems shut up in heart-slight relief by deep sighing; heart feels heavy; pulse small and weak, as if blood did not reach radial artery in usual quantity; low-spirited, and not relieved by work. 7th. – P. m., usual headache; tearing pains in muscles of left upper arm; frequent urination during day; but urine not so hot. 8th. – Same symptoms, with smarting in urethra during micturition; if desire to urinate is not attended to, there is congested feeling in chest; rousing of sexual desire, which has been dormant for years. 12th. -Felt well for last 3 day, save for a trifling headache every e. Awoke this m. irritable; increase of headache, which became severe towards noon, passing from forehead and temples to occipital, protuberances, pain dull, pressive, heavy, continuing, whole evening and through n., with sense of burning internally and externally; again chills running down from face, and congested feeling of chest. Felt burning hot all m., with queer, half walking dreams; when awake time seemed much prolonged. 13th. -Woke unrefreshed, with fulness and weight in forehead. During day make mistakes in speaking; eyes heavy and sight dim; legs weak, as if unable to support body; dull pressive pain under sternum to right, relieved by sighing and pressure; screwing pain in left occipital protuberance, with drawing in left nucha, which increased on going to bed to burning sensation, whole neck feeling lame and tired; pain in head shifts about, at last concentrating in left temple. Frequent urination. 14th. – Restless sleep, full of dreams; emission towards m., extremely rare. Woke with same dull headache. Palpitation and beating of arteries, felt only while lying on bed or during siesta; amelioration of most symptoms in fresh air. During day, momentary twitches in left temple. From 15th onwards headache continued during day, worse in evening, gradually lessened from 22nd, and on Dec.1st leaving only tenderness in left forehead and temple. (At this spot since a slight sunstroke some years ago, I have suffered from pain during the hot season, or after excessive mental labour, neither of which causes were in operation now.) ” (Ibid.)

12. Mrs. M. -, aet.28, took 2 dr. of Ix dil., April 3rd, 1869, every 2 h. After a few hours, sensation as if a hard body were rolling around in stomach, continuing several hours, but passing off in n. 4 th. -Took 4 dr. every 6 h. Fine pains, sometimes gnawing, in right chest, with feeling of lameness and soreness of muscles, and desire to stretch parts; lameness extended through to scapula of that side. 5th. -6 dr. every 6 h. Gnawing and fine pains increased, and extended over to left side. Voice much affected when attempting to sing, could not control it. Chest pains continued through 6th, but by m. of 7th had disappeared. Took 6 dr. Bowels confined since 5th; pain in lower sacrum. Confusion and dimness of sight, with disposition to cover eyes and press upon them. 8th. -10 dr. In 15 m. pains in right chest returned, with pressure and sense as of weight on chest. Craving appetite; dry hacking cough in evening, better in open air; pain in lower part of back, and gripping in hypogastrium, followed by 4 loose stools the 1st day, and continuing the 3 subsequent day, with great languor. (Ibid).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.