Hyoscyamus niger

7. a. Dr. LINDERMANN, aet.39, health good, made provings with 15th, 3rd and tinct. – February 14th, 4:45 a. m., 8 dr. 3rd dil. Immediately bitter taste, empty eructation, warm feeling in belly, and frequent yawning. 5 a. m., forehead slightly confused; sacrum as if bruised when lying on back (a common symptoms). 5:15 a. m., call to stool; bruised and warm sensation in knees and ankles; inclination to stretch the limbs with relief to the pain. 5:30 a. m., warmth and discomfort in abdomen; feeling of fulness in rectum, but inability to squeeze out flatus 5:45 a. m., pain in sacrum and knees goes off after getting up. 7 a. m., scanty stool. Forenoon, forehead confused; noon, very hearty appetite. Afternoon, call to stool with discharge of flatus, stool scanty, slow, and hard. 9 p. m. frequent and copious micturition; flatus. – 17th, 6 a. m., 12 dr. Immediately, transient but related warmth and full feeling in belly; feeling of fulness in rectum; slight transient confusion of forehead; deep yawning 7 a. m., only slight bruised pain in sacrum. 7:30 a. m., empty eructation. After breakfast, soft, easy, and copious stool. At night, frequent micturition. – 18th 6 a. m., 20 dr. Empty eructation once; full feeling in rectum. 6:30 a. m., sacral pain, eructation, scanty soft stool mucus rattle in throat followed by hawking up of gelatinous blackish mucus. N., much urine passed. – 19th, morning., hawking up of same kind of mucus. Afternoon, full feeling of rectum not removed by copious stood. 24th, 6 a. m., 30 dr. Forehead confused; great drowsiness and going to sleep; awoke at 7, call to stool without result; pulse 80 (it was 65 before taking the lose). Noon, scanty, slow, hard stool. No more symptoms up to 28th except retarded stool, ineffectual call to stool, which was generally scanty and soft.

7 b. March 1st, 5:15 a. m., pulse 65, 3 dr. tinct. Immediately, disgusting bitter taste, empty eructation, yawning. After 2 or 3 morning slight cutting and pinching in umbilical region as before diarrhoea, yawning and eructation again 5:30, forehead confused, difficulty of thinking, drowsiness. 6 a. m., eructation and yawning; the same at 6:30 a. m. Pulse -70. 7 a. m., some sacral pain. After breakfast scanty stool. Afternoon, ineffectual call to stool. – 2nd, morning, scanty soft stool. – 3rd, morning soft stool. Afternoon, all to stool. N., frequent micturition. – 4th, 5:45 a. m., 6 dr. immediately transient disgusting taste, empty eructation. After 10 morning, slight transient cutting and pinching in umbilical region; forehead confused, drowsiness. 6:15 a. m., eructation, yawning bruised pain in sacrum, increased by sitting, relieved walking. 7:15 a. m., scanty, slow, and soft stool. – 5th, morning., pulse 70. Call to stool without result. Afternoon, the same. – 6th, 6 a. m., 12 dr. Immediately disgusting taste, eructation, same pain in umbilical region, forehead confused. 7 a. m., pulse 80; later, in warm room chilliness, increased in open air. 9:30 a. m., pressure in right eyebrow and right eyeball, which is sensitive to touch in upper part, right pupil smaller than left, transient gouty pain in left elbow, pupils not quite round, constant itching in left inner canthus, sacrum feels bruised even when walking, cold along spine, throbbing in frontal protuberance, right eye more sensitive in open air and watery, distant vision worse than usual. Sacrum all day as if bruised; this goes off at noon. 3 p. m., pulse 70; ineffectual call to stool, discharge of flatus. E., after clyster copious lumpy stool. N., many dreams. – 7th, 6:15 a. m., pulse 82. Sacrum bruised. 8:30 a. m., pulse 78. 9 a. m., copious, soft, easy stool. E., the above pain in both eyes, but worst in right. – 8th, 5:30 a. m., pulse 76. Stool easy, soft. – 9th, 6:15 a. m., pulse 74. Stool delayed but easy and soft. 10 p. m., pulse 70, pupils dilated. – 10th, 5 a. m., 15 dr. Disgusting taste, eructation, yawning. After 20 morning right conjunctiva red, slight burning and watering of eyes, drowsiness. 6 a. m., pulse 72, pupils smaller. 6:15 a. m., forehead confused, pain in eyes as before eructation, sacral pain when seated. 6:45 a. m., yawning, unusually good appetite; after breakfast, stool soft, slow. 10:30 a. m., forehead confused when walking; slight pressure in eyeballs, anxiety in warm room, flush of heat over spine, especially in lumbar region, searching and slight pinching in umbilical region, slight photophobia, watering of eyes in open air. 11 a. m., slight, transient oppression in cardiac region, causing sighing, unusually good appetite. Noon, pulse 73. 12:30 p. m., good appetite. 3:30 p. m., hot feeling in lumbar region in room, when sitting, pupils smaller, pulse 70. 5 p. m., great pain in sacrum when sitting, invincible drowsiness, yawning discharge of faults; chilliness inspite in open air, bruised pain in sacrum when walking, much flatus discharged. E., drowsiness, yawning, discharge of flatus; chilliness in spine in open air, bruised pain in sacrum when walking, much flatus discharged. E., drowsiness. N., many tiresome dreams. -11th, 6 a. m., pulse 68. Forehead confused, sacrum as if bruised, going off when walking, returns at noon when sitting, hunger, flatus without stool. Noon, pulse 72. Afternoon, soft and sluggish stool. – 12th, morning, scanty, sluggish, soft stool, bruised feeling in sacrum, weariness of knees when walking. Afternoon, call to stool without result, enema brought away copious lumpy stool. E., pressive feeling in cardiac region, hot feeling in loins. – 13th, 7 a. m., pulse 70. Sacral pain when walking, forehead confused, stool scanty, easy, and soft. Afternoon, after enema dry stool, before and after much urging to stool. E., diarrhoeic stool. – 14th, 5:30 a. m., 30 dr. Pulse 76, disgusting taste. After 8 morning constant empty eructation with taste of medicine; soon afterwards pressive pain in umbilical region, forehead confused, eyes fatigued when reading drowsiness. 6 a. m., loud rumbling in belly, ineffectual efforts to eructate, call to stool. 6:15 a. m., rumbling increased, slight burning in eyes, giddy, nausea. 6:30 a. m., increase of pinching in umbilical region. 7 a. m., full feeling in rectum, relieved by eructation; yawning, sudden chilliness in room; stool soft, easy, scanty. Noon, an indescribable tiresome feeling rises only from pit of stomach to sternum, and spreads out on either side of it; heat up back. Afternoon, call to stool, only flatus passed. 5 p. m., right eyeball still sensitive, its pupil contracted. 7 p. m., pulse 68. – 15, 6 a. m., pulse 85. Stool scanty, sluggish soft. Forenoon, transient pain in heart as before, heat up back. N., many dreams. – 16th, 5:45 a. m., pulse 70. Stool soft, easy, scanty. Afternoon, call to stool, with discharge of flatus only. 17th, 5:15 a. m., pulse 70. Sacrum feels bruised, stool soft, sluggish, scanty. – 26th, 5:30 dr. Pulse 77, disgusting taste lasts long. After a few morning rumbling in abdomen. 5:45 a. m., eructation, soon afterwards drowsiness; inability to fix attention when reading, pressive sensation in eyeballs, heaviness of upper lids, slight pinching about navel, fulness of vertex. 6 a. m., disgusting taste inures, slight transient nausea, then frequent yawning. 6:15 a. m., hunger. 6:30 a. m., difficulty of fixing attention when reading return of pinching in belly, drowsiness; pulse 70, futile attempts to eructate, forehead confused, constant itching in left inner canthus, transient chilliness in back when walking in room; uncommonly good appetite for breakfast. 7:45 a. m., stool dry and sluggish, pulse 70, slight transient chill in back, especially loins and sacrum, forehead confused eyeballs, sensitive to pressure, right pupil contracted and down to an angle. 9:45 a. m., pulse 80 after walking; 30 dr. After 1/4 hour eructation fatigue of knees on going upstairs, pressure on eyeballs, which are painful when touched; heat over back, also in open air, slight oppression of chest, especially in cardiac region; heat in epigastrium, rising up to chest; transient tearing in left upper arm, then in forearm in it posterior aspect, increase of fatigue of knees, frequent yawning, ineffectual efforts to eructate, yawning, hunger, pressure in cardiac region increased, fatigue of knees. Noon, pulse 70, much smaller than in morning 4:45 p. m., pulse 70, rather fuller, right pupil more contracted. E., ineffectual call to stool, invincible drowsiness, pain in sacrum. N., frequent and copious micturition, sleep restless, anxious dreams, pain in occiput. 27th, morning sacral pain when sitting and stopping forehead and occiput confused. 6 a. m., pulse 90, frequent micturation, hot feeling in sacrum and loins even in open air. 10 a. m., hunger, pulse 90, all afternoon indisposed for study, invincible sleepiness, constant urging to stool, which only came at 6 a. m. after enema; pulse 76. N., anxious dreams and restless sleep. Frequent micturition. 28th, 5:30 a. m. dr. Pulse 70. Immediately eructation with taste of med. After 10 m. heaviness in upper eyelids and sleepiness, inability to think, forehead confused, yawning. 6 a. m., sacral pain when sitting, then slight transient pinching in umbilical region, head symptoms increased. 6:30 a. m., feeling in eyes as if he has not slept all night, head heavy, need to sight, pupils contracted, right most, both not quite round, hunger, call to stool, chill down back in room, itching in left inner canthus, then in right 7 a. m., pulse 66, less full. 7:30 a. m., pulse 66, eyeballs sensitive to touch, good appetite for breakfast, stool soft, easy; bright red deep-seated vessels in eyes, heat in sacrum and lumbar region. 10 a. m., after moderate walking pulse 94, pupils more dilated, right least so. 50 dr. Heat along back, then sweat on sacrum and in axillae; heat in scrob. cordis, oppression of chest, making him breathe deeply, knees tired on going upstairs, forehead confused; all symptoms worse in heated room. Empty eructations, pupils much more dilated, quite round, sweat increased by walking, transient rheumatic (earning, twitching, gnawing) pains on outer and back surface of left upper arm and lower end of left ulna an scapula; very transient stitches in heart. 11 a. m., the tightness of chest concentrated in cardiac region, eyeballs painful superiorly when moved outwards and upwards, a severe stitches, feeling of pressure in eyebrow, giddy. 11:30 a. m., pulse 73, small, pupils smaller, hunger. 11:45 a. m., hypogastrium painful as from incarcerated flatulence pulse 93, somewhat larger. 12:30 p. m., right pupil contracted, frequent micturition, but quantity of urine not unusual; diminished sexual appetite. 2 p. m., hunger; from after dinner till 3 p. m., great drowsiness, with inability to study and weariness. 3 p. m., pulse 76, much larger and freer both pupils rather dilated, left most so 50 dr. After 15 morning slight transient pain in stomach and umbilical region, forehead confused. 3:15 p. m., ineffectual call to stool, with discharge of flatus, pulse 70; itching of left inner canthus, slight pressure in heart, making him breathe deeply, tired knees, stomach painful on pressure, empty eructations, hunger, smarting in left canthus. 4:30 p. m., pupils more dilated, sensitiveness of stomach increased, pinching as from flatulence in umbilical region, fatigue from walking, pain in loins. 6:30 p. m., pulse 80, small, forehead tense, occasional tightness of chest, discharge of flatus, transient pain in left upper or forearm, as if in bone, especially in lower end of humerus posteriorly. N., frequent micturition, quantity of urine not great. -20th, 6 a. m., could hardly be awakened he left to soundly, head stupid, tension in forehead, conjunctiva of both eyes very much injected, especially of left eye, in which the lids stuck together slightly; sclerotic vessels also injected, pupils not dialed, pulse 90 and broad. 7 a. m., forehead confused and warm, throbbing and drawing in right frontal eminences, increased by movement and stooping, occiput tense, pressive sensation in right eyeball, most felt when looking upwards and outwards; after this the pain in most concentrated on left side of is as if sore and slightly burning, relieved by pressure, but then the pressure in forehead increases compelling him to pucker up the skin. 8:30 a. m., frontal pain worse, transient stitches in left scapula, stool soft, easy, scanty. 8:45 a. m., pulse 84, knees, feet, and joints of upper extremities as if bruised and fatigued; drowsiness during occupation. 9 to 9:45 a. m., redness of left inner canthus increased, eye weeps and burns, head as if surrounded by a hoop, occasional transient shoots in left hip; lameness of limbs, especially lower ones, trembling of right hand when writing, the worse the headache the more contracted the pupils. 10 a. m., pupils small, right smaller than left, transient pain in right zygoma and upper maxilla, then transient dull pain in ears, especially left, pain in forehead and eyes, encored in cool wind, becomes throbbing in on left frontal protuberance, smarting on outside of left lower lid, soon afterwards of right lid, fatigue of knees and lameness of lower limbs continues, sacral pains on stooping; later, pain in temporal region, especially right, aggravated by cold air, relieved in room 11 a. m., hunger, fatigue of knees. Noon, pulse 73, pinching as from flatulence about navel. 12:15 p. m., pupils smaller, especially right call to stool, great appetite. 1 p. m., left frontal headache, drowsiness. 2 p. m., call to stool, only flatus discharged; forehead feels screwed in, full, general itching here and there 2:30 p. m., pupils larger. Between 4 and 5 headache went off, frequent micturition all day. 6 p. m. hen walking in open air suddenly violent shooting in right side of neck at point of insertion of sterno-cleidomastoideus, soon going off on applying pressure. 6:30 p. m., pulse 90, pretty full. Night deep and heavy sleep, frequent micturition. The next few days similar though milder symptoms occurred. (Ibid., 246.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.