Hydrastis canadense

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Hydrastis Canadense, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Hydrastis canadensis, L. Golden seal. Nat. Ord., Ranunculaceae.


November 9th, 1862, took 10 gr. of powered root at 3 p. m. Constant slight pain in umbilical region with hot sensation there. 7, soft stool followed by severe cutting pains in hypogastric region, and dull aching pains in testicles, accompanied by a very faint feeling; eructations of sour fluid; dull heavy weight in lumbar region. 10th. – Feeling well, at 9 a. m., took 20 gr. 12 morning, dull, heavy frontal headache; constant distress in umbilical region, with loud rumbling in bowels; dull ache in region of kidneys. Took 15 gr. 5 p. m., dull headache; slight constant pain in umbilical region; still renal pain. Took 40 gr. Constant dull headache, with much pain in hypogastric region and small of back; slight stool, with faint feeling after; legs very weak and aching; urine 20 oz., acid. 11th. – Woke several times in night with severe pain in small of back and hypogastric region, and dull pain in umbilical region, worse on motion, with great rumbling in bowels. Stool at 6 a. m., soft, papescent, followed by very faint feeling, and severe pains in hypogastric region; dull headache; eyes secrete large quantities of thick white mucus; mucous membrane of eyelids a good deal congested; nose very much stuffed up; slight hacking cough, with scraping sensation in larynx. At 10 a. m., 50 gr. 5,

constant dull frontal headache; nose secreting constantly a thick white mucus; constant rough hacking cough; constant coryza. Soft mushy stool at 2, with great rumbling in bowels. R. knee has pained much all day, much worse in walking. Took 60 gr. 9, constant dull headache; frequent coryza, with profuse lachrymations, nose running constantly with thick white mucus; continued slight hacking cough; constant dull pain in umbilical region; soft mushy stool; urine 42 oz., unaffected by heat. 12th. – Slept well; eyelids agglutinated; lids congested; obstruction of nose with thick white mucus; coryza and cough as before, also umbilical pain and stool; dull aching in loins; aphthous sore on m. m. of under lip. At 10 a. m., 70 gr. 12, constant dull aching in stomach, causing “gone” or faintish feeling; dull frontal headache. 5, feeling in stomach has persisted; stool as before; very sad and gloomy. Took 80 gr. Pain in stomach and umbilical region all evening; dull heavy backache; urine 36 oz., acid. 13th. – Woke many times with severe cutting pains in stomach and umbilical region; nose stuffed up; aphtha is better; soft papescent stool. At 10 a. m. took 100 gr. 11 p. m. umbilical pain as usual; by spells quite sharp pains in region of spleen, with hot sensation; very gloomy. at 4 p. m. took 70 dr. of tinct. Constant dull burning pains all evening; cramps in umbilical region; smarting of eye. Urine 41 oz., slightly acid. 14th. – Prevented from sleeping most of night by dull heavy aching pains in umbilical region; dull heavy headache; eyelids agglutinated, m. m. congested; nose stuffed up; soft mushy stool. At 9 a. m. too 50 dr. of Tilden’s fluid extr. 12, there has been constant dull burning pain in umbilical region, accompanied by faintish “goneness” in epigastrium; dull, frontal headache; burning in eyes. Took 75 dr. Symptoms were present all day. Urine 66 oz., acid. 15th. – Very chilly all night, in spite of abundant covering, and great pain in umbilical and caecal regions. Pain all day in whole abdomen; soft mushy stool; urine 50 oz. 16th. – Felt quite well. (W. H. BURT, M. D., in Hale’s New Remedies, 2nd ed.)

2. Dr. W. N. WHITESIDE proved tinct. of dried root, 1 in 10. November 11th, 1865, took 30 dr. 12th. – Same dose. Sticky mucus about palate and bad taste. 14th. – Weight in stomach. Same dose. 15th. – Less ability to retain urine; had to micturate more frequently, but not (he thinks) more copiously. 16th. – Frequently, when eructating, a little urine escapes. Great ennui and lassitude 17th and 18th. – On each day 45 dr. 19th. – Unusual clearing of throat while singing. 20th. – Sticky mucus about fauces. 21st. – At 9 a. m., 130, at 12:30 p. m. 180 dr. A little mucus in fauces which he cannot swallow. 22nd. – On waking at night (habitual) whizzing noise in ears, and crick in left elbow and phalanges of left hand-quite painful. Tongue seems large and marked by teeth; flatus fetid. Took 300 dr. Roaring in ears at 9 p. m.; pulse 56, 23rd. – Broad yellow stripe on tongue and bad taste. At 6 p. m., 300 dr. 24th. – Noise in ears on waking at night, and rumbling in bowels; chilliness at 9 a. m., pulse 52, some pain in stomach. At 10 a. m., 220 dr. 10 p. m., urine was smells a little decomposed. 25th. – Rumbling an tinnitus at night as before; mouth sticky, with light fur on tongue; a small aphtha on upper lip (patient had one there, which soon disappeared, when he began proving). 7 a. m., troublesome aching in left sole for 1 or 2 hours. Ringing in ears, with slight pain in anus. Took 120 dr. 27th. – Bad taste in morning; an aphtha on under lip. urine has unusual odour. 28th. – At 9 a. m. 50 dr. Noise in ears in 5 morning, pulse 66. An aphtha on tongue, and that on lip quite large and sore. 30th. – 150 dr. December 2nd. – Painless gurgling in stomach. Stools all through proving a little softer than usual, and of smaller diameter. (Ibid.)

3. a. W. S. VIRGIN, aet.24, bilious temp., in perfect health, took 5 dr of tinct. on going to bed. November 3rd, 1866. Next morning, cutting pain in bowels before and after stool; some coryza; heavy full aching in forehead while in warm room, going off in open air; while walking, pain in right hip and left knee. Symptoms went off p. m., but returned next morning nostrils being very sore and sensitive to cold air. In evening pain from left mastoid process to scapula. Next day catarrh had descended into chest, and there was aching and soreness in many places, and a recurrence of some chest pains which only come on when he takes a violent cold. On 7th, besides other symptoms, while lying in bed at night sharp cutting, pain from right iliac region into testicle, leaving parts above Poupart’s ligament very sore and tender with pain into root of penis while pressing upon it, and next morning after urinating.

3 b. On 18th, being quite well again, took at 11 p. m. 10 dr. of 3rd dil. Had to be awakened next morning, which occurred also on morning after first dose, but never before proving; felt unrefreshed and full, with little appetite for breakfast. All day dull and heavy, forgetful, indisposed to mental exertion, and singularly spiteful and irritable. Some aching in cerebellum and neck and uneasiness in abdomen. 20th. – Still spiteful and angry disposition all day, but otherwise well; which he was in all respects on 21st. (Dr. LIPPE’S provings, in Ibid.).

4. C. B. DREHER, aet. 21, well save for occasional dyspeptic symptoms. October 31st, 1866, took 1 dr. of tinct. at 6:30 p. m. No symptoms save those of dyspepsia. On November 3rd took 5 dr. at 11 p. m. In 15 morning rumbling in abdomen as if diarrhoea was coming on. 4th. – Slept well. At 9 a. m., pain over left eye, with soreness in forehead; right nostril stopped up. On walking in open air headache disappeared, and a watery coryza set in; latter stopped again in room. Same thing occurred on 6th, and on 7th he had rheumatic pains in both thighs, extending later to hip-and knee-joints; pain worse on first sitting down after walking. (Ibid.)

5. N. F.- took 4 times daily 3 pellets medicated with the Ix dil. He had constrictive pressive feeling about sternum; shortness of breath; sharp cutting pains through temples, with dimness of vision; griping in bowels, with profuse light-colored diarrhoea, so prostrating that he was obliged to discontinue proving. (Amer. observer, iii, 518.)

6. a. Dr. C. H. WEAVER, in ordinary health, of spare habit and nervobilious temperament took, July 25th, 1865, 8 dr. of tinct. at 1 p. m. Immediate feeling as though brain were partially narcotized, soon followed by sharp, cutting pains darting through temples, also in elbows and biceps muscles; feeling also of contusive lameness in last-mentioned parts. At 4, took 10 dr. Sore and raw feeling in throat, especially around epiglottis, with hoarseness; stuffed-up, smarting sensation in posterior nares, as from a recent cold; increased secretion of nasal mucus; griping in bowels, with several light but somewhat arid stools. The proving was continued 2 or 3 day, and about the same sensation produced.

6 b. “August 21st at 5 p. m., took 190 dr Sharp stinging pain sin temples, but dull in vertex and over eyes; very acrid feeling near epiglottis, with hoarseness. At 8, same dose. Passed very restless night, troubled with frightful dreams and fancies Next morning, feeling as if intoxicated; stinging, rheumatic pains in right shoulder, elbows and forearms, and in knees; pulse slow and laboured, but considerable heat of skin; headache up to noon; constriction in chest at middle of sternum; acute distressing pain in stomach; continued stuffed up feeling posterior nares and frontal sinuses, with discharge of thin clear mucus; continual snuffing and occasional sneezing throughout days and hoarseness; passed much limpid urine frequently. About 4 began to feel very weak; griping in bowels and soreness over surface of abdomen, also great soreness of muscles of neck; somewhat feverish, wit intense itching in various parts of body. Arose next day feeling weak; passed a very copious, mushy, light- coloured stool; have still dull headache with some sharp stitches through temples; but most marked symptoms is a sharp, raw, excoriation feeling in both nares, with constant inclination to empty the nose; discharge of nasal mucus is very free; sneezing constant for 20 morning. At 6 a. m., took 15 dr. Sharp, aching pains in shoulders, arms, and especially first finger of left hand; increased hoarseness nausea; almost constant weakness, so increased towards evening with terrible headache and giddiness, that I was obliged to cling to my horse for support in the saddle; fell 2 or 3 times in walking to my room, but after a cup of warm tea and a little nux vomica was able to get about. Next day, headache continues, and not till expiration of a week does it feel quite easy; discharge of mucus from nose also is profuse almost incessant, for 10 days, bronchi being affected similarly, but less severely. ” (Ibid).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.