Helleborus niger

3 c. November 24th. Took t dr. tinct. (1/10). After 1/4 hour pains in forehead, knee, dorsum of foot, calf, occiput. After 1 hour heat and fulness of head; pressure in stomach. Towards evening pressure and shooting in knees and thoracic wall. Effect lasted 12 hours. – 28th. 10 dr., caused more heat and weight in face and head, in between increased coldness in back, then pain in thoracic wall, in heel, legs, cranial bones. All day sinciput dazed, heavy, painful. Twitching in upper eyelid. – December 5th. 15 dr., after 1/2 hour pressure in sinciput, head hot and heavy; intolerance of light, pain in knee, big toe, leg. Nausea; pressure in muscles of arm, scapulae, temples, cranial bones, lumbar muscles; shooting in thoracic wall. Effect lasted 14 hours – 12th. 25 dr. acted more strongly. Immediately pain in knee; prickling and numbness of right hand, which felt furry, coldness all through right arm; all this lasted 2 hours. Numbness in both feet; boring and shooting in forehead, occiput, right thigh and leg. Deep in throat shooting, burning, dryness; heat in back, violent boring deep in right eye. Effect lasted 10 hours. – 20th. 30 dr. soon drawing in calves, numbness of right hand, coldness all through arm to points of fingers; prickling in left foot; sinciput heavy; before eyes dark and bright spots; pressure in thoracic wall, toes, and fingers, in right groin, deep in left eye, in knees and ankles, frontal bone, dorsum of feet, heels and calves. For several hour coldness throughout body, with cold hands and feet; heaviness in sinciput, anorexia, painful distension of abdomen. Evening, violent cutting in belly great pressure deep in sinciput. – January 11th. 40 dr., after 1/4 hour heaviness of head, great coldness through back, furry feeling with increased coldness in right arm and hand, shooting and tearing in ankle to toes. Pressive burning pain in stomach; pressure on eyes; formication in left cheek; shooting in calves, shoulders, toes; prickling in all toes. All day pressure in sinciput; boring and drawing in forehead, fingers, forearm, knee; the symptoms lasted till 11 p. m. – 12th, morning boring in forehead and along coronal suture. Evening, pressure in right ankle and above and below it, then in metacarpal bones. Effect lasted 36 hour (N. Z. f. hom. Kl., vii, 172.).

4. FRANK, aet.29, sanguineo-choleric temperament, healthy though rather delicate. February 8th, took for a troublesome vesicle on tongue which had been there a few days, at 10 p. m. 3 or 4 dr. H. 1 on tongue without swallowing them. – 9th Woke about 5 a. m. with pain in belly and urgent call to urinate, though there was but a small quantity of urine in bladder. The pain in belly continued, consisted of cutting and twisting round navel, a sort of flatulent colic, which could only be alleviated by lying curled up. Flatus was discharged, and the pain gradually subsided, was quite gone in 1 hour, and left behind a feeling of disagreeable relaxation of abdomen, which was relieved by pressing on it. He hardly felt the vesicle on tongue, and after a few hour chewing was hardly interfered with, but he had a sore pain in the affected part of tongue of a short time. 8 a. m., stool passed with difficulty, as though the bowel had no contractive power, though the stool was soft and partly thin.

Nothing more all day. On going to bed took 4 dr. – 10th, 7 a. m., a transient pain in abdomen with discharge of flatus. 10:30 a. m., twitching cutting from right iliac region downwards, and from navel outwards, extending to left side of umbilical region. Immediately afterwards the same pain, which remained confined to the first-named point, and this was painful to pressure. Continued to take the med. to the extent of 3 to 5 dr. in evening, but felt nothing peculiar from it. ( Allg. h. Z., xviii, 114)

5. Dr. BRUNO LINCK, aet.36, with exception of occasional catarrhal attacks, strong and healthy, took, September 27th, 6 dr. tinct. All day scraping sensation in soft palate and fauces, occasional eructation of air, and twice a pinching sensation once, in the right side of chest in front, the other time on the left side or cardiac region. – 28th, 10 dr. After 1 hour, forcing and pressing as under in anus, followed by a difficult stool, consisting of balls of faeces with a frothy substance intermixed. After 2 hour cold feeling in abdomen, such as usually precedes an attack of colic, but it soon went off. At every inspiration a rattling in throat, as from mucus there, not observed during expiration; it sounded like the opening and shutting of a ventilator. On inspiring, the respiratory passages seemed to be narrowed, and the act of inspiration, in place of being noiseless, was audible as after running when catarrh is present. – 29th. No med. Pressing asunder suddenly in rectum, as though about to have a stool, but the evacuation was of thick dry faeces, passed with difficulty and with sore pain in anus, which lasted some time after the stool. E., a very violent pressive tearing pain on a small spot at external side of left orbital border as though seated between eyeball and orbit and involving the eyeball; this lasted 5 morning and there were three fits of it. After this, a very marked painfulness of the whole anterior and external part of right thigh, something like sciatica a sort of tearing cramp not moving from one part to another; it lasted but a short time. Great drowsiness in evening-30th. Large, formed, difficult stool with burning sore pain in anus, which continues afterwards in sphincter. In evening pain like sciatica as before. All day feeling in anus as if suffering from obstinate constipation. – October 1st, morning, no call to stool, feeling in anus as if it wee completely closed, then sudden pressure and distended feeling with call to stool, at first merely flatus, then a large firm stool, during and after which extreme sore feeling in anus. E., tired pain in both legs, especially when standing, with bruised pain in sacrum. – 2nd. 20 dr., pain in left keen, in patella, aggravated by bending knee and pressure a from a violent blow. After 1 hour discomfort in abdomen, with cold feeling as if diarrhoea were coming on. Soon afterwards, sudden call to stool with cutting in abdomen, and then another stool, pappy, with relief of discomfort. Trachea full of mucus, breathing audible, all these symptoms gone by noon. After dinner, extreme heat of face, burning red face. – 3rd. Pain like sciatica in left hip; discomfort in abdomen with some drawing, as when colic is about to unsure, then urging to stool and pappy evacuation. In afternoon renewal of sciatica like pain in fits in the region of the outer surface of so ilii. Chilliness along back, dodging about near the vertebrae of left side; for a moment spreading over left shoulder forewords. Painful pressure in a small spot in left eyeball between this and external superior orbital wall. The same pain as in the left hip in the right hough. Tearing in left shoulder. – 4th. Pain in abdominal parietes in front and side, as if bruised; sudden, obtuse

pressure as from foreign body in anus, with call to stool, but only flatus comes; after a while renewal of the pressure and evacuation of a scanty thick-shaped stool. In scrobiculus cordis, and just below it, a pain like spasm of stomachs compelling him to rise up, whereby it is ameliorated, with nausea. While walking, this feeling goes off, but returns when sitting immediately; then eructation, without relief. The sacral pain continues. Bruised pain in anterior and lateral abdominal integuments. Fine tearing in right forearm; tendency to sweat in afternoon. All day nearly, painful feeling in left hip as if excoriated or burnt, aggravated by the slightest touch. – 5th. Fruitless call to stool; fine tearing pressive pains in left frontal protuberance, affecting left eye. Continued burnt pain in left hip. (A.h. Z., xxix, 282.)

6. GOTTLIEB SCHROFF, farmer, aet.23, phlegmatic temperament, subject to pimple on face. – September 20th. 4 dr. tinct. Boring stitches in spine close under shoulders. Obfuscation and pressure in forehead, and especially in eyes, as though something would fall out of them. – 2nd. 4 dr. Shooting in l. costal region. – 23rd. 5 dr. Bitter taste of food all day. – 24th. 7 dr. Pain in forehead as if head would burst, violent pressure deep in orbits. Digging pain in abdomen. stools more frequent, pappy, and undigested. E., relaxed state of arms and legs. Staggering vertigo with tendency to fall forwards. Qualmishness and nausea with constant inclination to vomit; frequent yawning; loss of appetite; some transient slight stitches in left side of chest occasionally. – 27th. 10 dr., feeling in stomach as if he should vomit. -29th. 10 dr. Painful pressure in head above eyes. – 30th. 10 dr. Bitter taste lasting long; after 5 to 8 hour sourish taste with increased saliva. Sneezing with nausea. – October 1st. Full feeling in stomach along with ravenous hunger. Stool badly digested; confusion of head with heat, increased by stooping. Belching up of bitter fluid, hiccup; sense of smell dulled; cross humour; heaviness of limbs; symptoms worst p. m. and evening Fermentation in abdomen; shooting in left eyeball. (Ibid. 284.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.