
5. C. J. WILTBANK, in good health, proved 6th and 3rd dils. From former he had bruised feeling in shoulders and upper arms, with gloominess, restlessness, and marked weakness of memory. After some day bruised feeling seemed to descend into lower extremities, with severe headache and slight fever. From 3rd he had great desire to urinate, with little result; violent pain at back of right head; aversion to water, to think of which makes him sick; frequent emission and actions, with constant desire for embrace; cannot settle mind on study. After these symptoms had subsided, took a dose of 12th dil., which brought them all back, but in milder form. (Ibid.)

6. A.P. HOLLETT, aet. 23, took, October 1st, 1867, 2 dr. of tinct. at 10 p. m., 2nd. – At 9 a. m. flashes of chilliness over back and hips, extending down extremities; dull stupefying headache over eye and root of nose. 3, general lassitude and feeling of weariness; limbs ache, with quite a tendency to go to sleep; irritable disposition; flow of large quantities of urine, with frequent desire to urinate; headache all day. 3rd. – Symptoms all aggravated; unable to study or read. Took antidote, and discontinued proving. (Ibid.)

7. C. H. EVANS, aet.22, on evening of October 1st, 1867, took 2 dr. of tinct. 2nd – Headache in temples, worse in morning; thirst towards evening. Slight pain in right neck, along sterno- mastoid, worse on movement. Took antidote, and discontinued proving. (Ibid.)

8. W. M. JAMES, aet.19, October 1st, 1867, took 2 dr. of tinct. and retired to bed. 2nd. – Arose at 7:30 a. m., with hoarseness as from a cold; about 10 throat became slightly sore, causing pain on swallowing, continuing till bedtime. 3rd. – Arose at 8:30 a. m. with soreness of throat increased, also dryness, with thirst, causing him to drink large quantities of water at short intervals of time. 4th – On rising, soreness of throat slightly better, almost entirely disappearing by evening. Took 3 dr. on retiring. Soreness of throat quite gone by next morning; emissions on night of 4th and 6th, and on 7th, at noon, severe pressing headache over right eye, most intense while sitting or lying quiet, disappearing while walking in open air. On evening of 8th felt more thirsty than usual, and at 10 headache returned severely. (Ibid.)

9. C. S. COOPE, aet. 2, took, November 20th, 1867, I dr. of 6th dil. After 2 hours, dulness in head. 21st. – Feeling of languor all over body; micturates too often, with continual desire for it; sensation as if brain was swimming around, throughout this day and on rising next morning.

10. I. B. CHANTLER, student, took, November 1st, 1872, at 2 p. m., 10 dr. of 3rd dil., and at 6 p. m. 15 dr. more. 2nd. – 20 dr. at 7 a. m., and 2 p. m. During morning very severe sore pain in head of right humorous, extending down to elbow-joint with slight stiffness of latter; very severe frontal headache; sensation of heavy weight at back of stomach, also as if anterior lobes of brain were too large for cranium; severe sore pain running down thighs, particularly right; soreness of knee joints; very cross and irritable, not wanting anybody to speak to him. 3rd. – Wants to do nothing but smoke and be alone, though smoking seems to aggravate all symptoms of yesterday. 4th. – 20 dr. at 6 a. m. Frontal headache is intense, can hardly stand it; pain in right humerus from shoulder to elbow is very severe; increased stiffness of elbow joint; forgetfulness, especially of worse when talking, so that his roommate thinks him crazy. At 2 p. m., same dose; throat very sore; general languor and depression; heaviness at back of stomach increased. 5h. – At 6 a. m., 10 dr. Profuse urination, though only a little at a time; it feels as if bladder fills up very quickly, urine light-coloured; very sore throat, every inhalation seems to dry it up; severe pain in renal region on rising in morning; sore pain in popliteal spaces; pain in both humeri; sore pain in right femur, very severe. 6th. – Dry cough, sometimes expectoration of thick yellowish or greenish-grey mucus; putrid taste; every time he coughs stinging pain in right uvula, as if it would break off; slight nausea. 7th. – Terrible frontal headache, worse sitting or standing, better lying; very severe sore pain on mastoid process of right apparel bone; sore pain in eyes; muscles of face feel very sore and stiff; soreness and headache all over head; rubbing forehead relieves frontal headache, pressure also; spasmodic contraction of sphincter ani; vertigo; as if drunk; urine very profuse, pale greasy deposit sinking to bottom of vessel, rising to top when shaken, looking like laudable pus; no thirst during entire time; cannot go to sleep at night for thinking. at 10 p. m., took 10 dr. more. 8th. – All symptoms very much increased; feel too ill to go to lectures; fluent coryza daily 4-10 p. m., burning and smarting wherever discharge touches; sore pain down cervical vertebrae; stopped up condition of head; pain in right humerus intense. Symptoms yet increased on 9th, but then gradually left pain in humerus leaving last. (Ibid.).


I. A carpenter had been taking pond’s extract for several day for acute rheumatism. Suddenly very alarming haemorrhage from the lungs set in, from which he recovered under camphor, arnica, and china. (THOMAS, M. H.R., i, 251).

2. a. Drs. H. and FRANCIS BURRITT prepared a tincture of the bark, twigs, and leaves, and employed it in several cases of burns with the happiest results. The latter says; “In applying it to my own burnt fingers the suffering was instantly relieved. Some of it running down my hand, I thoughtlessly arrested it with my tongue. It produced immediate coldness of the whole body, and was not followed by any sudden reaction; no heat or fever followed, but the system gradually recovered its accustomed heat. Immediately after the sensation of heat was felt a tearing pain across the small of the back was experienced, and a painful fulness of the joints of the legs as if they would burst, which soon extended to all the joints of the body; at the same time a painful fulness of the brain was felt, especially a the top, with a desire to hear lofty sublime conversation, attended with perfect indisposition to talk myself. After the fulness of the joints disappeared there was a dread of moving the limbs as if it would cause suffering, with a weary stiff, full feeling. There was also a dry thirsty feeling of the throat, which water would not relieve, lasting full 24 hours.

2 b. “I afterwards gave a lady, for pain in the hypogastric region, 1 dr. of H.15. The same pain was felt across the back, the same suffering of the joints, and the same distress of head as in my own case, with a feeling as if a bolt was passed from temple to temple through the head and tightly screwed. This was accompanied by a feeling that she ought to be reverenced by all around her, and have great repeat paid to her opinions. This condition continued for about 1 hour. This lady had no knowledge of what she took or of what might be expected from the action of the remedy. ” (Amer. Hom. Rev., i, 511.)

3. Dr. DAVIDSON gave 6th dil. to a woman for haemorrhoids. These were relieved at first, but after taking medicine 3 times a day for 6 days for 2 days she suffered severely from peculiar pricking pain, increased on pressure from wrist to shoulders. On examination pain was found to follow course of superficial veins. Six months later she again took hours, but after 4th dose had pricking pain in region of heart, lasting 10 day. and accompanied after 2nd day by similar pain in veins of both arms. (Monthly Hom. Rev., iii, 447.)

4. I was treating a young lady suffering from a complication of disorders, amongst which were almost daily epistaxis and throbbing headache. To check the epistaxis I put a few drops of the tinct. of hours into a tumblerful of water and ordered a dessertspoonful to be taken alternately with the china which was being administered for the headache. The first dose of the hours was followed by flushing of the face, with most distressing throbbing, aching, and sense of fulness in head. These symptoms gradually subsided, and the intermediate dose of china was taken without any appreciable result. The 2nd dose of hours, however, was immediately followed by the same symptoms as at first, head feeling as if it would burst. I stopped the medicine, and the epistaxis recurred next morning as usual. IN a day or two I resumed it, giving it in the 3x dil. Again the dilatation of the cerebral vessels took place, though the symptoms were not so severe as on the first occasion. (HUGHES, Brit. Journ. of Hom., xxiii, 256.)

5. H., in 10 or 15 gr. doses 3 or 4 times a day, has caused violent contractions of the vagina, and a smarting burning sensation, followed by pruritus. In the same doses, administered to a man, I have known it to produce irritation of urethra, followed by a discharge and order urinae (this last also in women) (PAINE, quoted by Hale, New Remedies, 2nd ed.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.