
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Dioscorea, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Dioscorea villosa, L. Hairy yam. Nat. Ord., Dioscoreaceae.


I. Dr. BURT took, May 5th, 1864, at 10 a. m., 30 dr. of fluid extr. After 1/2 hours began to have pain in whole epigastrium and region of gall-bladder, quite severe, of cutting, tearing character, at times spasmodic. At 3 p. m., distress in stomach being but slight, took 40 dr. At 5, slight dull frontal headache; same gastric pains as before also in umbilical region (aggravated by movement); frequent drawing pain in left shoulder and neck, also in knees and ankles – former very weak when walking; constant dull pain in lumbar region, aggravated by stooping or walking. Took 50 dr. 6th. – Woke 3 times in night with severe cutting pains in umbilicus. This morning constant dull aching here, wit occasional colic; severe frontal headache; thick, yellowish-white coating on tongue; rough, flat taste in mouth; black, dry, lumpy stool; same lumbar pain; fingers ache and are quite stiff; drawing pains in ankles and feet. Took 60 dr. At 9 a. m., all symptoms aggravated; took 100 dr. At 11, intestinal cuttings more severe; drawings also in forearms and hands and between shoulders. At 3, pains being milder, took 200 dr. At 5, great increase of abdominal suffering; bearing-down feeling in rectum; feeling very weak, hands and legs trembling constantly; can hear heart beating after walking a little; pulse 80; sharp pulsating pain top of sternum, lasting an hour; other pains the same; very sharp cutting in soles of feet and toes. at 9, head and abdomen the same, also pains in sternum, loins, and extremities; there is constant dull pain and distress at anus, and three haemorrhoidal tumours have made their appearance, and are partially prolapsed. Took 150 dr. 7th. – Slept soundly at first, perspiring much; but awoke at 2 a. m. with great burning distress at stomach, which is quite painful when pressed upon. Pain later a constant ache; white tongue and pappy taste; stool in first part black, dry, and hard, in latter part mushy and white, followed by protrusion of 4 piles, like large red cherries, with great pain and distress at anus; constant dull headache; hands and feet and painful, relieved after 2 hours exercise. At 10 a. m., took 100 dr. and at noon 200. Piles remain down, very distressing one of a dark livid blue colour. Head pain slight, abdominal and lumbar pains constant and severe (bending spin caused sharp cutting). At 4, headache severe; feels very faint, week, and giddy; hands nd legs tremble constantly; he must lie don to kept from fainting; pain in abdomen and extremities as before. Took 3 doses of camphor without relief, then inhaled chloroform almost every few morning, each time diminishing faintness, which finally left him at 7. Otherwise much the same all evening. Very hard, dry, lumpy stool, causing much distress in hemorrhoids. 8th. – Slept well till mid night, after that restless till morning; skin dry an hot, but pulse (lying down) only 62; head, stomach, and backache same this morning, also extremities, but these became easy on moving about. Easier towards middle of day, but later burning came on again in stomach with headache and lame back; piles still troublesome. Stool soft and yellow. 9th. – Slept well; woke at 5 a. m. with severe pain in umbilical and hypogastric regions, and great distress for stool; this was profuse, thin, and yellow, but did not relieve pain till a second followed at 7, and both caused much faintness of stomach. Felt well during a, but from 6 p.., burning distress at stomach recurred, also severe neuralgic pain in left groin. 10th. – Slept well, but awoke with same abdominal symptoms; hands and feet stiff; dull backache; piles free from pain and getting smaller. Backache ceased only after a weak. (HALE’S New Remedies, 2nd ed.)

2. a. Dr. THOS. NICHOL took, December 1st, 1865, at ‘1 a. m., a teaspoonful of Ix dil. in a little water. At 11:30, nausea and qualmishness, with stitching pain in region o heart and uneasy feel at umbilical region. At 3 p. m., rumbling of bowels with soreness on pressure and considerable bloating. At 9 p. m repeated dose. All symptoms aggravated on lying down, and pain shot at internals down to iliac regions, especially right. Confused sleep with anxious drams. 2nd. – At 8:30 a. m. repeated dose. Abdominal pain, continuous yesterday, is intermittent to- day. Tongue yellow, and eructations taste of rotten eggs. A sour apple eaten at 2 p. m. dispelled all symptoms.

2 b. Resumed proving on 5th with Ix trit. of ” “dioscorein” (concentrated preparation). At 11:30 p. m. took 2 gr. At 1, rumbling of bowels and inclination for stool, with uneasy feeling in stomach, nausea, and disgust for food. 3:30 bloating of umbilical region, with soreness on pressure, and giddy confused feeling in head. 4, repeated dose. 5, unwonted drowsiness, and on waking from a half-sleep unusual languor, with disinclination to mental exertion. 6th. – Passed very restless night, and got up feeling languid and unrefreshed; headache over eyes; and mouth was bitter and clammy. At 7 a. m. a good deal of heat in stomach, with nausea. Gradually vertigo came on, lasting an hour.; head felt hot, and about 8 warm sweat broke out over forehead and there was rumbling of bowels. At noon 5 gr. At 1.55, sudden return of vertigo, with heat in head; this continued with violence for 1/2 hour and then diminished, but continued more or less all the evening 7th.- Early this morning, while in bed, felt mild but persistent nausea, accompanied by sharp pains in umbilical and high iliac regions. Pain was spasmodic and very sharp, uninfluenced by pressure, though this caused a rumbling. At 9:30 a. m., very sharp cutting pains along whole right side of forehead, shooting back as far as ears, not a steady pain, but remittent, aggravated by pressure. At 5, while walking in street, was attacked with vertigo so violent that he was unable to walk and reeled as if intoxicated; at same time neuralgic pain was aggravated. 8th.–At 2.45 p.m.took 15 gr, At 3.25, return of sharp pains in temples, aggravated by exposure to cold air. Took no more med., and symptoms gradually declined. (Ibid.)

3. Dr. H. A. SUMMER took 1/2 gr. doses of dioscorein 3 times a day till 25 doses has been taken. Soon after first he had considerable pain in abdomen, pains as well as diarrhoea; these soon passed off, and though he continued use of drug till he had taken 12 such doses, no other effects were perceptible. After 3 day he began taking 2 gr. doses; but after 4 of such was seized with such severe griping pains in abdomen that he was obliged to discontinue experiment. Since he commenced it appetite was very much increased. (PAINE, in Ibid.)

4. I commenced taking 1/2 gr. of dioscorein with the following effects: -First dose caused slight fulness in head, with increased saliva, and agreeable sweetish taste. Symptoms continued 3 hours. Same dose was taken 3 times a day on 7th and 8th with like effects. On 9th dose was doubled in morning which caused slight continuous pain in abdomen, as if point of finger was placed upon umbilicus and pressed upward and backward. At noon dose tripled, with increase in severity of symptoms, and defecation, which is unusual at this time. In evening dose was quadrupled, but I fell asleep before its action commenced and lay undisturbed about 4 hours when I awoke from a horrible dream, feeling much pain in abdomen. It soon subsided and I fell asleep again, but awoke soon and found myself sore on pressure. I now took 5 doses of 1, increasing to 3 gr. In 1/2 hour there was fulness in head speedily followed by severe pain in abdomen, more spasmodic than heretofore. During the intermissions there was a burning sensation which lasted 3 hours. I now thought it prudent to discontinue experiment. Soreness lasted 2 day (Ibid)

5. Dr. O. M. DRAKE, well save for occasional dull, heavy pain at inferior angle of left scapula during last 12 morning, took, October 29th, 1867, at 10 a. m., a gr. of 1st trit. In 10 morning considerable nausea, with rumbling in cardiac portion of stomach. 11, dull headache and nausea, both lasting till 3; at 3:30, hard, lumpy stool. At 10, all unpleasant effects having passed away, took 2 gr. In 15 morning, sharp pain in left side, about 8th rib, hindering deep inspiration; pain at base of right 2nd toe passing off on motion, but immediately returning, lasting some 6 morning; rumbling in bowels. In 40 morning cutting pain in right lobe of liver for 5 morning. 30th. – Got up with bad- tasting mouth tongue yellowish white. At 10 a. m., 1 gr. AT once considerable nausea, but not to bad as yesterday. In 30 morning, dull headache returned, mostly through temples lasting till afternoon. At 10 p. m., 2 gr. In 20 morning, pain in umbilicus; in 1/2 hours heaviness in head and aching over right eye. 31st – awoke, after sleeping well, with a horrid headache, so severe it made him reel; spine felt weak and sore; whitish coating on tongue, with sticking taste. 11, feeling well, took 1 gr., producing usual feeling in head but no nausea. At 10:30 p. m., 2 gr.; unpleasant feeling through temples, no other effect. November 1st. – In morning, coated tongue. 10 a. m., 2 gr. no symptoms 10 p. m., stool, first part lumpy, second loose. 10:30 p. m., 3 gr. without effect save heaviness in head. 2nd. – Slept well tongue coated, taste in mouth not so bad as yesterday. 11 a. m., 3 gr.; 10 p. m., soft stool, with considerable pain; 10:30, 3 gr. followed by some rumbling in bowels. 3rd. – Slept well; felt sick at stomach, and did not care for breakfast. 9, diarrhoeic stool, with considerable pain at epigastrium and cutting in rectum; 9:30, 4 gr.; rumbling in bowels. 4th. – No symptoms since last dose. At 9 a. m., 6 gr.; in 15 morning pain in region of gall-bladder; in 20 morning heaviness of head returned. 10:45, head symptoms grew worse; great salivation, with peculiar prickly feeling at end of tongue, as though it had been scalded; eructations from stomach, with taste as of bile. 5th. – Restless night; woke at midnight with severe pain in right lobe of liver, also in left side (8th rib), so severe he could not sleep; spine feels bruised in whole length. 3 p. m., have had pain off and on all day in left side and lumbar region, also in liver; took 14 gr. 10, severe headache since taking last dose; took 7 gr., producing pain in left head. For a number of day after this would occasionally feel pains in left side and in liver. ( Publ. of Mass. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc., iv, 575.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.