
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Digitalinum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


A glucoside obtained from Digitalis purpurea,. C5H8O2.


I. a. HOMOLLE, in good health, with average pulse of 64, having on previous evening blistered a small surface on inside of left arm, applied, July 12th, 1841, at 11 a. m., over this abraded pot I ctgrm. of day 12, dazzlings, painful numbness of arms, slight headache; pulse 64. 2.0 p. m., continued headache, yawnings, general muscular weakness; pulse 70 5, headache had disappeared; dined with appetite. 7, pulse 72, regular; bowels moved. 9, raw surface looks irritable; another ctgrm. applied. 10, pulse 60, less regular, and now and then intermittent; headache, dazzlings, muscular weakness. Slept well. 13th. – Abraded surface covered with a little muco-pus. Two more ctgrm. applied at 7 a. m., 8 pulse 64-68, slight headache and fleeting dazzlings. Same kind of symptoms continued till evening; urine diminished; appetite good. At 8, pulse 68-72, soft, very irregular as to force and rhythm, intermitting once in about 20 beats, then about every 5th beat one very feeble; slight shivering. 10, pulse 57, very irregular. Sleep very agitated and often interrupted; painful and unusual sense of heat in hands and feet. 14th, 8 a. m., pulse 68, regular again applied 2 ctgrm. 11, headache, dazzlings, vision slightly disturbed, pulse 60, appetite good. 2 p. m., pulse 60, irregular and intermittent; arm very painful. 6, after dinner return of headache, dazzlings, great sense of fatigue. 8:30, pulse 60, unequal, irregular, intermittent; great fatigue, with aching in loins, not to be accounted for by day’s occupation; urine scanty and bowels costive; great feebleness, as after violent emotion or syncope. Pain and swelling of arm obliged discontinuance of experiments. He thought appetite rather increased during their continuance.

1 b. July 28th. – Pulse 64 – 72, took at 8 a. m. 5 mlgram. No appreciable effect to 2 p. m., when 5 more were taken. 5, appetite good, slight faintness. Pulse varied from 60 to 50 and again to 56; there were frontal headache, dazzlings, loss of appetite, sinking at epigastrium, intestinal flatulence, borborygmi, eructation, slight abdominal pains; urine abundant; great fatigue; painful heat in evening but no thirst. 31st. – Sleepless night; at 6 a. m., pulse at rest 54, moving raises it at once to 66, falling immediately to 54 when at rest. Throughout this day and next frontal headache, yawnings, dazzling of sight, and disorder of stomach continued. Urine was abundant and passed with heat. As pulse fell it became irregular and intermittent. For 2 days after drug was discontinued pulse continued lowered, and then gradually regained its normal frequency and rhythm.[*Homolle also made experiments on the products obtained from the plant by various solvents. All acted like digitaline save the substance taken up from the alcoholic solution by ether, consisting chiefly of a nauseous, foetid, and acid principle, resembling the “digitalic acid” of Kosman. After taking 45 ctgrm. of this, he had no symptoms for 8 hours., but was then seized with great nausea, faintness, and vomiting, which continued at 1/4 hour intervals for 30 hours. Next day his pulse had fallen, and on 4th day was as low as 48. Vision was impaired, and he could not look steadily at a bright object. Urine was abundant, but bladder’s contractility was impaired, and external pressure was required to expel urine. He had pulsation of abdominal aorta, anxiety, epigastric constriction, and cough with pneumonic expectoration, lasting for a week, but these, he thought, were caused by the continuous vomiting. See Digitalis, 1, 20b.*] (From Mat. Medorrhinum Phys. and Applied, vol. i.)

2. a. BAHR, in good health save for a chronic catarrh of nose and fauces, began May 14th, 1858, with 2x trit., taking gr. 1/5 Slight confusion and heat in head and rise in pulse (86), falling in evening (71). When playing piano felt as if heart stood still. 15th. – Same dose. Increase of nasal catarrh. 16th, 10:25 a. m., pulse 58. Took same. An hour after, fleeting pulsating pain in region of heart’s apex; afterwards sensation as if heart stood still, followed by much palpitation. Pulse 10 p. m., 80 sitting, 96 standing. 17th. – Took same. 9:30 a. m., pulse sitting 74, standing 84; 10:30, 69 sitting,78 standing; 5:30 p. m., 80 sitting; 11, 80 sitting, pulse unequal. Frequent recurrence of pressive pain in cardiac region, lasting short time. Colicky pains as if diarrhoea might come on. About an hour after dinner squeezing pains in stomach, relieved for the time by eructation and discharge of offensive flatus. 6:30 p. m., on walking slowly tightness of chest, with sensation as if heart stood still; dull cutting pains in abdomen, feeling of flow of blood to head. Sleep sound, seminal emission occurring without waking,. 18th. – Dose increased to 1/2 gr. Pulse 70. 10:30, 72 sitting, 87 standing; 12:10, 68 sitting; 3:20 p. m., before eating, 86 sitting; 11, 84 sitting. In forenoon throbbing drawing pain in region of left tensor fasciae late, lasting an hours, increased by pressure. E., face hot and red, is usually pale. 19th. – After gr. 1/2 at 9:40 a. m., when stooping over writing sudden oppression of breath. One gr. taken at 10:45, pulse being 70 sitting, 78 standing; 11, pulse 64; 9 p. m., 78 sitting. The sleep of two previous night disturbed by dreams, an unusual circumstance with prover. Pulse rapidly increased by movement. 20th, 21st, 22nd. -No medicine. On latter day he experienced sudden rheumatic pains in left side of nape of neck and left arm, hindering movement (but it is doubtful if these pains can be attributed to medicine, as Bahr caught cold at this).

2 b. June 1st. – The nasal catarrh had much diminished when proving was resumed by taking 1/2 gr. at 10:25 a. m., pulse being 60 sitting, 68 standing. It remained much the same all day. 6:30 p. m., 82 sitting. Noon, while walking, great weariness in limbs, they feel like lead. In evening in bed, lying on left side, 3 or 4 violent palpitations in succession, immediately ceasing on turning to right side. During this time pulse was slow and full, with pulsations in head like a hammer; afterwards pulse became quicker and smaller. 2nd and 3rd. – Nothing to report. 4th, 10 a. m., took 2 gr. Pulse, sitting 65, standing 73; in 1/2 hour, while reclining 65, on standing up 97, then 89, 84, and on lying down 62. M., violent burning itching on eyelids; rubbing does not relieve. In evening stitches in cardiac region, with palpitation. No medicine next 2 days 7th. – at 10:45 a. m.took 2 1/2 gr. Return of oppression of breathing, and after long sitting cutting pain in right breast. Appetite very small; tongue clean. Pulse not affected. 8th. – Took 2 gr. at 10 a. m. The rheumatic pain in both breasts more acute, with slight oppression of breathing. At 10:30 a. m. trembling of hands, then pulsating pressive pain in left temporal and frontal regions, single stitches in cardiac region, dull pain in right side of chest. Nasal catarrh again increased, and urine diminished. 9th. – Took 2 1/2 gr. Ten morning after felt confusion of sight and head, which increased in forehead, with throbbing pain in occiput, relieved by going into open air; giddiness when standing; legs weak and trembling. 4 p. m., sudden throbbing tearing pain in right elbow, extending from external condyle upwards, very violent for a time, and then decreasing; oppression at chest; urine diminished. an increase of nasal catarrh here occurs, so reports are omitted until 15th. 10 a. m., pulse 68 sitting, 82 standing. Took 2 gr. 10:50, pulse 72 sitting, 82 standing. After this pulse unaffected. Soon after taking dose felt weak and faint sitting or standing; also frequent recurring attacks of pinching pains in stomach and abdomen as if diarrhoea might come, but motions natural. In 1/2 hour general malaise, with trembling and weakness of legs. In afternoon throbbing pain in left shoulder-joint on walking; arm feels weak. After dinner shooting in epigastrium; at same time throbbing shooting pain in middle joint of right index finger. Dyspnoea afternoon and evening 16th. – Took 2 gr. at 10 a. m. Much the same as on 15th. In evening, lying in bed on left side, violent shooting throbbing pain in left side between nipple and axilla. Pulse, sitting 68, standing 90, very unequal. 18th. – Took at 10:30 2 gr. In 5 morning, pulse rose from 66 sitting to 78, falling in 10 morning to 66, at which it remained. Drawing pain in right thigh, as if radiating from sacrum. Sense of powerlessness in legs, also throbbing pain in right side of chest. Griping pain, but no diarrhoea; in evening return of oppressed breathing; night quite quiet. 19th. – Took 3 gr. at 10 a. m. Soon throbbing pain in right chest. After 3/4 hour frequent stitches through cardiac region, with persistent pressive stabbing pain; at same time feeling of looseness with pinching and digging in bowels. After 1 1/2 hours faint feeling, weakness in limbs, jerking throbbing frontal pain, throbbing in right chest and increasing pain in limbs; slight nausea. At noon on walking severe dull stitches in cardiac region; great weariness, and dislike to professional visits; irritability about trifles. In evening more severe palpitation of heart than he has yet experienced; the right pupil is somewhat larger than the left 21st, 10:10 a. m., took 3 gr. and at 10:30 p. m. 1 gr. No marked effect on pulse. On leaving bed griping pain in abdomen, with frequent passing of flatus; then diarrhoea. Soon after first dose, while sitting, giddiness and confused vision; it seemed as if he could not fix distant objects; weakness of legs and trembling of hands, rendering writing difficult. Urine in morning very abundant, though he had drunk very little on previous evening. After evening dose return of confusion in head, with shooting frontal headache. Pains in abdomen as if diarrhoea was coming on; pains as before in chest and left shoulder joint. 22nd – No med. N. rather restless. M., great hunger; after rising, griping in belly and discharge of foetid flatus. Later, when walking, colic pains in bowels with nausea as if breakfast remained in upper part of oesophagus. After 1/2 hour, sudden call to stool, with violent jerking pain in abdomen; off and on same pain as yesterday in right chest and shoulder. E., another soft stool. 23rd. – The experiment was carried on from this date until the 28th in 3 gr. doses once or twice a day. The symptoms were much the same as have been reported; the most prominent were violent palpitations of the heart when lying on left side, shortness of breath, sense of oppression at chest, with increase of pain in both sides of thorax; severe throbbing pain in right pectoral muscle, increased by pressure; great weakness, with ebullition of blood and vertigo. On 24th some muscae violent; and in evening upper part of visual field seemed shaded by a dark cloud. On 26th he complained of violent shootings through right eye lasting some morning; a little later violent cramp-like drawing pains from toes through left leg, with pain in forehead, shivering and pinching pain in bowels. No more day was taken after 26th, but after this date night were restless and disturbed by diuresis and erections, and long-continued throbbing tearing extending upwards from inner condyle to right thigh. On July 6th an acute smear attack of coryza, which he attributes to day, as it was different from his ordinary attacks; he complained of dull pain in arms until 13th (Opium cit.) 3. Mrs. BAHR, aet.28, sanguineous temperament. – June 16th, 10 a. m., 1 gr. 2x trit. Previously pulse 72 when sitting, 92 when standing. After 1/2 hour cold feeling followed by rigors, and feeling of goose-skin. This is frequently repeated during following hours. Noon, menses came on a day or two too soon, and without the usual pain. – 17th. Slept ill. M., great exhaustion and very violent sacral pains; pulse, when standing, 104. E., greater menstrual flow than usual. Sacral pains increased, and extend to anus and thighs. Belly painful as if it would be torn asunder in places. No more symptoms the following day. – June 23rd, 11 a. m., 2 gr. Pulse 72 sitting, 92 standing. No alteration in it after 1 hours p. m., frequent chilliness and rigor, and painful as if shoulders were drawn together. all day feeling of fulness and nausea as if contents of stomach stuck in thought. E., more severe chills. N., cannot sleep on account of drawing and uneasiness in arms. In first half-sleep nightmare, with great internal chilliness – 24th, morning boring pain in right side of chest from scapula to scrob cordis, aggravated by deep breathing; pulse, standing, 90. P. m., pain in middle of sternum, connecting itself with pain in scapula by sundry shootings. 5 p. m., 1 gr – 25th, 10 a. m., 2 gr. Previously pulse 72 sitting, 88 standing. Pain in heart continues; pressure in scrob. cordis increased; great weariness all day; frequent tasteless eructations. E., pains in scrob. cordis and chest increased, and accompanied by dyspnoea both when fitting and moving. Pulse, 11 p. m., when sitting 72. Signs of commencing catarrh. – 2th, morning, acute pains between scapulae. 11:30 a. m., 3 gr. A.m., chilliness and increased chest pain, feeling of general drawing and great impatience. 2 hours after dinner hot red face, feeling as if blood rushed in behind eyes. Pulse when 82. The feeling of general ebullition of blood lasts all evening. Pains in chest become very severe in evening, and are so much increased by walking that the breathing is affected. The coryza, which had ceased in the morning, returns with great anxiety, nose completely stopped up. Head confused. Pulse when seated 78, when standing 102. In afternoon transient digging toothache in right lower molars. – 27th. No med. Noon, when walking suddenly very violent pains between scapulae, with oppression of chest like spasm, relieved by eructation. Several severe rigors. Headache, already slight in morning becomes a regular megrim in evening. (Her usual headaches are always worse in morning on rising). After eating little, nausea and full feeling. – 28th, morning still headache. 10:15 a. m., 2 gr. Noon, chest pains more severe, with pressive pain in right side, which was hitherto free. These pains came in fits, and also, but independently a desire to draw a long breath very frequently. All day frequent rigors and general chilliness. M., severe pinching in bowels. Pulse, p. m., when sitting 92, evening 96, when standing 108. All day nausea, with pressure in stomach, p. m.; appetite bad. – 29th. No med. M., on left side of chest violent pressive shooting pains near axilla. Nausea, full feeling. Pulse when seated 96, when standing 116. – 30th. P. m., when sitting for 1/2 hour violent bearing- down pains from sacrum into bowels, as though the menses were coming on. Pains in chest gone, but shortness of breath continues. Then there come on a catarrhal affection of eyes, with soreness of both external canthi, much pain when reading and sewing, slight redness (she had the same thing 8 weeks previously). Up to July 2nd she had occasionally a very violent stitches through chest from before backwards when walking. (BAHR, op. cit. 195.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.