
13. a. Dr. EARLE took gr. doses of American extr. 3 times a days, increasing dose at rate of 1 gr. a day till he took 25 gr. 3 times a day. When taking latter dose he experienced during breakfast fulness of head, as if ligature had been tied round neck, with slight vertigo. Next day he took 120 gr. in 3 doses at morning, 10 a. m., and evening, with little effect beyond more vertigo and sensation as if eyes were swollen and unnaturally protuberant. Next day, before breakfast, took 45 gr.; in addition to the other symptoms had vision slightly dimmed, aggravated by rising from the table; weariness and weakness of knees, and gait not so firm as usual; pupils slightly dilated. At 1 p. m. took 45 gr. soon after eating an apple; in 15 morning sensation of heat in gastric region, followed by the other symptoms. At evening took 45 gr.; effects much the same Next today took, in morning, 50 gr.; vertigo in 20 morning; in 30 morning dim sight and weak knees; sensation of weakness and weariness in biceps brachialis muscle with constant disposition to flex and extend forearm. At 10 a. m. took 60 gr. and had same symptoms, effects ceasing in 1 1/2 hour. At 9:30 took 60 gr. again after eating apple, when no new symptom showed themselves. Double vision noticed on 2 following day.

13 b. In a second series of experiments with English extr. the dose was increased to 100 gr. and symptoms produced ware nearly the same. On two occasions acute lancinating transient pain at neck of bladder. ( Ibid. July, 1845).

14. a. Dr. E. CURTIS took 3ss of Squibb’s fluid extr. while busily occupied in writing, and continued his task. After about 10 morning “I raised my eyes quickly from the MS. on which they had been steadily fixed towards the inkstand some little distance away, but in so doing I instantly experienced a slight difficulty in accurately sighting that object, – the eyes did to strike exactly where they were aimed. Simultaneously a faint but distinct thrill of the peculiar swimming feeling that I know so well as the beginning of sea-sickness, swept through the brain. As the palsy of the ocular muscles advanced, soon the slightest movement of the eyes produced a curious and very disagreeable apparent flickering of the field of view, and was always accompanied by a sudden rush of giddiness. So long as the eyes were kept motionless, then, as long ago pointed out he Harley, there was no giddiness. For experiment, I tried the eyes in various ways, seeking to find, among other things, how the focalizing power on near objects was affected; and the consequence was that I quickly became not only very giddy, but also decidedly nauseated, in fact, veritably sea-sick, the sensations being the same as those e felt as sea. Fearing I should vomit, I got up to cross the room to the wash-stand, but at once the floor seemed to rock and waver, and I staggered against a table. Not being conscious, however, of any real weakness of the legs, it immediately struck me that the uncertainty of step was purely because the eyes were playing false as guides for the feet; if so, I argued, walking ought to be steadier with the eyes shut than open. Accordingly, after getting the proper bearings, I shut the eyes, and sure enough found at once that I could now walk straight and steady, and, what was more, without any feeling of giddiness. Securing a basin, I repeated the little experiment on the return tip to the desk, and with precisely the same result, – giddiness, transient nausea, and staggering gait on trying to walk with eyes open; freedom from all trouble with them shut.

14 b. The paresis, which had hitherto been mainly confined to the ocular muscles, no became general, and then I found that even with the eyes shut any movement involving the balance of the body was attended with a singular uncertainty and falling short of the desired effect, and this was again invariably accompanied by a fresh rush of sea-sick feeling. I accordingly now settled back in my armchair, shut my eyes, and for some 10 morning kept absolutely still, with every muscle completely relaxed. The sea- sickness then completely disappeared, and I became wholly unconscious of any influence of the poison whatever. Indeed I had to open my eyes at last, and experimentally look about, in order to know whether the enemy was still with me at all or not. ”( N. Y. Medorrhinum Record, May, 1875). 15. a. October 29th, 7 a. m., 2 dr. tinct. Shooting in throat, especially on empty swallowing, soon, lasted 1 hour. 10 a. m., heat of face and sinciput more inwardly than outwardly. Pressure in various parts of forehead. In warm room, chilliness through back with cold hands and bluish nails. Tired pain in muscles of upper and external parts of right upper arm, so that it is difficult to raise it, frequently. -31st, 7:45 a. m., 3 dr. 9 a. m., weight and pressure on base of brain, pressure in left side of occiput, nausea and flow of saliva. Black points and stripes before eyes, chilliness in back; pressure from deep in left forearm to fingers; latter, bruised pain in left elbow. – November 3rd, 7:30 a. m. 5 dr. Much scraping in throat and dryness of mouth and lips; dull pressure over both eyes, then in occiput as if a band were round head; with heat of occiput, then of forehead and cheeks; at same time wandering pressure in forehead and right temple. Pressure and weight in sinciput all day. Dull pressure in crown, then down to forehead. Drawing in right zygoma in left toes, and in right calf (8:30 a. m.). Afternoon, pupils dilated, shooting in urethra (9:30 p. m.), repeated weak feeling of whole right arm. Sharp stitches from left axilla to inner side of upper arm repeatedly (7 p. m.). Dull shooting under left 9th and 10th costal cartilages. – 5th, 6 p. m., sharp blow through middle of chest, from sternum to spine when sitting. Much rumbling in bowels. This symptoms always showed itself in all subsequent trials. – 5th, 7 a. m., 8 dr. Scraping in throat (also in all future trials). First 2 hours dryness of mouth, alternating with flow of watery saliva, and at some time dryness in fauces. This symptom occurred in subsequent provings. Occiput as if full and confused (7:30). Pressure in sinciput alternately stronger and weaker, later heaviness; the same symptom in occiput lasting all day 8 a. m., pressure in right side of forehead, left side of occiput, and, at 9:45 a. m. left parietal protuberance. 7:45 a. m., drawing in lower part of left calf and sole, posterior surface of left upper arm, left thumb, left calf and instep, under right scapula, in right, gluteus muscle, worsts when walking, in muscles on inner and outer sides of left forearm, in muscles of right leg to foot and toes, on inner side of right upper arm, on lower surface of left big toe (these symptoms came on till 9:30 a. m., and then against from 5 to 9 p. m.). 7:45 a. m., tickling in larynx and dry cough 8 a. m., before eyes large dark spots wit white borders. 9 a. m., pupils persistently dilated. 8 a. m., pricking in nape – muscles 9 a. m., in left cal as with needles. 8:45 a. m., shooting and burning in left side of tip of tongue 9:45 a. m., shooting in orifice of urethra; sudden pressure like a blow deep in scrobiculus cordis, cutting pain on left side of navel, like lightning. 8 p. m., sudden cutting in stomach on eating. 8:30 a. m., bruised feeling i left ankle – joint, tension and stiff feeling when moving it. 2:30 p. m., after dinner, pressing in flexor tendons above left wrist. All symptoms worse when sitting than when moving. – 6th, morning in bed dull pain and stiff feeling in right 4th finger, then severe pressure on upper and outer part of left upper arm. After symptoms worse when sitting than when moving. – 6th, morning in bed dull pain and stiff feeling in right 4th finger then severe pressure on upper and outer part of left upper arm. After dressing scraping in larynx, irritation to cough and rye cough, bruised pain in extensor muscles of right forearm; pressure over and into right eye; shooting in left axilla; drawing in left elbow and right heel; flying shoots in left hypochonder, evening 7th. ON waking suddenly from a loud noise, anxious palpitation of heart, frequently. 10 a. m., drawing suddenly from a loud noise, anxious palpitation of heat, frequently. 10 a. m., drawing in right fingers and right big toe, and at 6 p. m., on anterior side of right leg, in left toes, evening. Noon, when walking violent shoots in right mamma round nipple, at each inspiration, relieved by strong pressure of hand on chest. 4 p. m., pressure in chest. Noon, shooting in left axilla, in abdomen, with lighting like stitch through glans penis (6 p. m.), 6:30 p. m. in tip of left big toe, as it under nail, when sitting, 8:30 under left border of ribs, when n sitting 5 p. m., much tickling in throat and dry cough, bruised pain in right elbow – joint. 8 th, 7:30 a. m., 8 dr. Heat, weight, confusion of head. These symptoms recurred after each dose, lasted 1 hour or more, and should be distinguished from the various bone pains of head, 10 a. m., pricking, then burning on outer side of left testicle, dull pressure, then hot feeling in stomach. M. and evening, drawing on outer side of right leg, in lower part of right forearm, on inner side of right upper arm. 10 a. m., pressure behind sternum and left side of chest, when sitting. 9:45 a. m., chilliness in back and cold hands, lasting 1/2 hour 5 p. m., shooting in knees often, behind 8th and 9th costal cartilages, under left ribs making him press upon the, when sitting, 7 p. m., under right border of ribs, 5:30 p. m., in lumbar muscles, and painful stiffness on moving back, when sitting. 4 p. m., sharp shoots in right axilla 6 p. m., pressure in ball of right big toe 8 p. m., shooting in orifice of urethra- 9th, 5 a. m., pressure in right calf, in right lumbar region, irritation to cough. 8 a. m., and 4 p. m., pressure in left lumbar region and under edge of left ribs, 4 p. m., in elbow, sinciput. 6 p. m., in right side of occiput as from a peg. 9:30 a. m., drawing in 1st joint of left little finger, with feeling of stiffness, in finger, under right patella, in toes, in extensors of right forearm, repeatedly. 10 a. m., dull pain in chest on left of sternum suddenly when sitting. 5 p. m., shooting in left axilla, stiff felling in right masseter muscle -10th. The noise of opening the door produces a feeling in upper part of abdomen as after a fright, as though diarrhoea would ensue. 13th, 7 a. m., 10 dr. This does caused symptoms that lasted till 29th. During this time there occurred daily, more or less severely, and jumping from one part to another, the following symptoms: – boring, tearing, aching in various parts of cranial bones; shooting-aching tearing in arm, elbow, wrist, and finger – joints drawing and pressing in forearms; shooting in inner side of upper arm, in axillae; pricking in tips of fingers, and same symptoms in lower extremities; aching shooting betwixt scapulae, in lumbar region, in short ribs, in both hypochondria; cutting deep in umbilical region; irritation to cough, morning. Pains in various parts of chest, stitches in chest on inspiration; which they also prevent, chiefly when sitting. Drawing tearing on zygomata, aching he masseter muscles, feeling in throat as from a forming body. – 14th. Shooting in tip of tongue – 15th,. Itching in right leg followed by tearing sore pain when scratched, the front slightly reddened. – 16th, morning and during day this burning remained, spreading around, much aggravated by slightly stroking; a small blood-red spot appeared on the burning place, not removed by pressure, the spot and surrounding skin very sensitive to slightest touch; frequent itching on various spots of both wrists, and on stram for 3 evening. Drawing in left spermatic cord; itching and shooting in legs and feet, in left palm with needle-pricks; in bed shooting in both nipples and around them, and in left inner wall of buccal cavity. – 16th, 17th, 18th. Urine scanty, dark, frothy, with red sediment. – 17th. Shooting in right heel when walking or sitting, in skin over left zygoma, in left elbow; itching in left thumb and little finger, in ball of left hand, and two vesicles size of pins. head filled with clear fluid and red areola; burning pain on a small spot in left palm near root of third finger. Stiffness and pain in tendons of left populate space on commencing to walk. – 19th. Shooting and burning in tip of left big toe. Burning of red on left side of upper lip, after some hour on right; creeping in toes; shooting and smarting in tip of tongue for several day. Cutting pain in flesh near nail of left thumb and right big toe, with burning; frequent call to urinate for some day. – 20th. Burning and great sensitiveness of skin above left knee; cutting in tips of left toes. At night wakes suddenly from a sharp stitch deep in abdomen server shooting deep in chest on right side when lying on left, so that inspiration is impeded, followed by long – continued burning in ball of left toe, felt on waking in morning of 21st; much shooting in urethra, sometimes increased with every cardiac beat. Pulsation in abdomen under 8th and 9th left ribs, alter severe shooting in that part. When sitting sudden shooting betwixt right nipple and sternum, increased by inspiration; severe aching weak feeling on anterior surface of right leg down to foot in bed; next day same in left leg after rising, relieved by moving limb. – 22nd Shooting in right groin when walking. Great burning in skin of right side of forehead. Aching and shooting in right cone. bulbi in its inner canthus and close to inner border of right cornea a thick mesh of fine blood vessels (also on 23d). Pricking and sensitiveness of skin on posterior aspect of right forearm. – 23rd back of right hand, betwixt thumb an index, three small vesicles with rose – red areola and itching after scratching, worst in evening; they dried up on the 25th. Burning a from pepper on tip of tongue; burning on hairy scalp above right frontal protuberance, and sensitiveness of skin there. – 24th. Burning on inner surface of lower lip – 28th. Small itching vesicle on back of left thumb ball, dried up on 30th. -December 2nd, 7 a. m., 15 dr. This dose acted till the 11th. Besides the well – known symptoms in head, chest, the various pains in the joints of the lower extremities, sole, heel, ball of foot, toes, upper extremities, back loins abdomen, the feeling of weakness, burning in tongue and lips, there occurred also shooting under nails of right hand, ringing in right ear and diminished hearing power, feeling of a spider’s web on right cheek small vesicle with red areola near knuckle of left little finger, shooting in edges of lids and canthi, shooting under skin of septum of nose; at night many erections, drawing in limbs, shooting under ribs, copper taste in mouth, and in tip of tongue feeling as if touched with copper; drawing in spermatic cord; confused dreams at night; much itching on right side of body; burning and smarting on inner surface of left cheek – 4th. Needle – pricks in left mamma; much shooting in urethra; emission without dreams three successive night from 6th to 9th; burning in upper part of left concha. – 17th, 7 a. m., 20 dr. Brought on usual symptoms and tearing in nasal bones, shooting in rectum, pain in be increased by pressure, very excited sexual desire, internal uneasiness in scrobiculus cordis, when it is tense, hurriedness in all actions and accelerated breathing. After a cup of coffee with two tablespoonfuls of wine, at 6 p. m., general heat and sweat. In forenoon, after urinating, several drops of urine can out; this occurred frequently. – January 6th 20 dr. caused the usual symptoms, tickling in larynx and dry cough after 1/2 hours, weight in head, staggering when walking and pressure in forehead (7:30 a. m.). 8 p. m., itching on sides of left third and fourth fingers, and toes. – 7th, 8th, and 9th, Same symptoms Sexual excitement without erection. – 11th.30 dr. All symptoms increased; same also on 12th. – 14th, 7 a. m., 30 dr. Same effect; in addition, feeling in lower incisors as if they were pushed up. 8:45 a. m., prickling in toes; burning in lips and tongue. – 15th. Itching in right hough, drawing in spermatic words; itching in back of both thumb balls all evening and in morning of 16th, on both places some small vesicles as formerly. – 17th, morning, sexual excitement Since 11th a soft stool every morning and evening 21st, 7:30 a. m., 40 dr. Soon small, soft, slow pulse till 9:30 a. m.; dyspnoea, weight in head, bright spots before eyes. 8 a. m., when walking in open air, pressure on crown and feeling as if he would fall; shooting in tip of tongue, in room dilated pupils, fulness in head, shooting sternum extending to axillae and restlessness in all actions, dull aching deep in thigh, memory weak, disinclination for all work. 830 a. m., pupils were dilated, many white spots and glittering stars when looking at different things in room. All these symptoms ceased about 9:30 a. m. Swaying when standing; heat of head and cold extremities. Much scraping and tickling in larynx, and frequent dry cough. Many pains in various joints, cranial and other bones, chest and back. Bruised pain in arms and legs, shooting in lips and tongue, itching on flexor side of wrist. – 22, morning urine turbid frothy, with red sediment. During day the affection of larynx, the various pains in itching vesicle on left thumb ball, dried up on 24th. Similar symptoms till February 6th. – Feb. 3rd. Long-continued visible twitching of muscles of left thumb-ball, jerking the thumb by its metacarpal bone to and fro, not painful.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.