
19 c. On each morning, from 21st to 26th inclusive, took 10 dr. of Ix dil. of tinct. without effect, save that he has awakened on 23rd at about 4 a. m. by a violent, pressive – throbbing headache in frontal region. Although pain went off on sitting up and moving head, head remained much oppressed all forenoon. (Ibid.)

20. HECHENBERGER. – A single drop. of tinct., morning and evening, seemed to have no effect on ordinary people during 5 or 6 days. On persevering in its use, a copious, strikingly own, often black, stool occurred, preceded by painless rumbling. If dose were still continued, stools kept growing thinner, but always brown, with lively borborygmus. A drop repeated every 2 hours from early morning brought on, p. m., and evening in persons not altogether rapid, diarrhoea, without colic or other inconvenience. From 4 to 8 dr. in single dose in morning, occasional slight diarrhoea amel. afternoon, or at least next morning, preceded by griping in umbilical region. Further almost constant symptoms of continued use of C. were: striking increase of appetite and thirst; more copious secretion of urine, which was often light-brown like beer, becoming cloudy on cooling, and depositing a copious, sometimes sandy sediment; noisy discharge of a great deal of wind; gentle, painless awakening of haemorrhoidal flow, leaving behind peculiar burning around anus and long sacral region; menses more profuse and too early. ( Kolocynthologie, 1840; quoted in Ibid., p. 38.)

21. KRUMBHOIZ, November 26th, 1836, took 3 times during day several drops of tinct. in water. At night quiet sleep. 27th. – Took same. In afternoon uneasiness throughout body, especially in digestive organs. Towards evening pains in bowels, with feeling of great heat in stomach; they increased in severity, till towards 9 p. m. there occurred a troublesome diarrhoea for 1/2 hour, after which pains went off. Sleep not very quiet. December 2nd. – Took in morning and p. m. gtt. xv of same. About 2 p. m. same uneasiness, confusion of head, great heat of stomach, violent pain in bowels, lose stool about 3, whereupon pain and uneasiness subsided. On 3rd took 2 more doses with same results. (Martin’s Provings, Hom. Viertelj., x, 1.)

22. MARTIN took, November 28th, 2 dr. in water at 10 a. m. In 1 hour pain in left arm, soon going off. Urging to stool. In evening same dose. Soon after some pain in bowels and in forehead (left frontal nerve). Urging to stool. At 7 p. m., 3 dr. In 15 morning pains in bowels, with feeling of approaching diarrhoea, pulsation in left arm. After supper abdomen very full and heavy. Same next morning. Urine scanty. At 10 p. m., 3 dr. Violent itching at anus. December 3rd. – At 5:30 p. m., 6 dr. Collection of saliva in mouth. IN 1/4 hour contractive pain in right hand, which constantly increased, until similar pain occurred in left malar bone; as this abated hand-pain extended into forearm, but declined as pain came on in right cheek and (later) bowels. Itching in face with painful drawing, which latter after a time came also in left forearm, persisting at elbow. A similar pain later outside of right thigh, during which there was toothache in left upper molars. In 1 hour heartburn, following voracious hunger; then very crampy pain in left forearm. About 10 p. m. during walk after supper, transient pressive, contractive pain in scrob. cordis. On following day itching at anus. 6th. – At 10 a. m., 10 dr. Oppression in forehead, sore feeling at scrob. cordis, pressive pain in left cheek. After 3/4 hour, violent headache, going of in 1/2 hour. Later, unusual weariness, weight of head, itching at anus, strange burning in pin-scratches on fingers, also on face and head. 7th. – In morning occasional violent pains in left forearm. (Ibid.)

23. MAYER, November 26th, evening took 2 right tinct., and noticed next morning slight pain in stomach with headache, and also moderate diarrhoea. 28th. – Took 2 or 3 dr., and had violent stomach-ache, with flatulence and headache, but without diarrhoea. Became also lazy, gloomy, and listless, almost without spirit. In consequence, he took smaller doses only (1 dr.). Symptoms lasted some time longer, but finally nothing save flatulence remained – till 30th. December 1st. – Again took 3 dr., whereupon previous symptoms immediately recurred. Felt specially pressive headache on small spot at about middle of linea semicircularis; also alternate heat and cold, or transient and recurring perspiration, without change in temperature; there even occurred some threatening of syncope, but this he was able to ward off by holding hand before eyes. These symptoms seemed more severe in evening than in morning; next day they were much less felt; but teeth seemed on edge, as they had begun to do on previous evening. All went off gradually, as it came on; stomachache and depression of spirits lasted longest. (Ibid.)

24. RUNGE. – November 26th. – From 6:30 a. m. to midnight took repeated doses of 2 – 5 dr. of tinct. P. m., had urging to micturate and collection of saliva in mouth. Towards evening, great lassitude; peculiar state of mind, cannot pursue any train of thought. Repeated doses on 27th, without effect. 29th. – From 3:30 to 10:30 p. m., 4 doses of 6-10 dr. After each, rumbling in stomach; towards 8, oppression about heart. Wakeful night, but felt well next morning save for transient pressure in scrob. and abdomen, 30th. – At 6:30 a. m., 10 dr. Soon after liquid stool. At 9 a. m., 12, at 11:30, 20 dr. After dinner stupefied feeling in head; stomach-ache; for a few moments almost giddy; transient deafness – at least he heard everything accompanied by a roaring noise, nothing seeming to him to have its proper sound. All this lasted but a few morning. At 3:30, 10 dr. Towards evening, internal oppressed feeling, accumulation of saliva. At night again great wakefulness; quite liquid evacuation 3 times in evening and once next morning. December 1st – Disagreeable feeling in all limbs on making mental exertion. P. m., great lassitude. At 7:30, 12, at 11, 20 dr. 2nd. – At 9 a. m., 20 dr. Very liquid evacuation. Oppression and stitch on breathing in right side, not very considerable. At 12:30 and at 2, 36 dr. 3rd. – At 8 a. m., 30 dr. Soon after liquid stool. Weakness, fulness, prostration all day; and another watery stool. At 11, 36 dr., without any fresh effects. (Ibid.)

25. Dr. J. V. MULLER took at 9 a. m. 20 dr. of 4th dil. No effect till 5 p. m., thereafter on walking briskly some painful obtuse stitches, suddenly coming and as suddenly ceasing, in right hip, that caused him to stop his walk for a short time. This recurred so often that he had to give up his walk and go home. Amelioration when sitting, but instead of the above pain he felt a heavy weight in the lumbo-dorsal region, which was only relieved somewhat by lying on left side. The painful parts felt warm and sensitive to touch. On rising and walking the stitches above mentioned recurred, but the dull weight went off. At night in the warm bed the pain declined, but it woke him about 4 a. m. It was now throbbing, almost boring in character. The point of origin of the pain was in the sacral region at the seat of the plexus ischiadicus, it passed thence through the incisura ischiadic major towards the hip-joint, whence the pain radiated to the posterior aspect of the thigh and towards the knee-joint and popliteal fossa. In its origin and course it corresponded to the seat of the sciatic nerve. But it also spread to the branches of this nerve to the glutaeus superior and inferior. The feeling was as if the hip-joint were fastened by clamps to the pelvis. Other symptoms were: slight febrile movements with development of heat, tendency to sweat, and moderate thirst. The following morning, after the pain had lasted 17th. (it did not quite go off till after 30 hours), the urine was examined; it was clear, scanty, dark orange coloured, sp. gr. 1030, acid, urophein and uric acid increased, chlorides diminished, increased discharge of epithelium. (Z. d. V. d. Hom. Aerzte Oesterreichs, 1857, i, 43.)

26. Dr. LEMBKE took, February 21st, 7 a. m., 5 and 8 p. m., 5 dr. tinct. At 5 p. m., pressure and drawing in right temple, several times repeated, tearing in forehead. 6 p.m., boring in right knee, several times repeated. – 22nd, 8 a. m., 5 dr. 5 p. m., 10 dr. Tearing and pressure in right temple, stool confined. – 23rd, 7 a. m., 10 dr. At 8 a. m., a soft, dark brown stool. 10 a. m., severe boring in right lower jaw. 2 p. m., soft, dark stool. E., tearing in forehead. – 24th, 8 a. m., 10 dr. Soft stool, boring in right temple 2 p. m., boring in left temple, frequently repeated. 3 p. m., liquid, bright yellow stool. 6 p. m., liquid, dark green stool. – 25th, 8 a. m., 10 dr. Much rumbling in bowels, tearing in both temples frequently repeated. E., a soft yellow stool, tickling in larynx, dry short cough, especially at night, which wakes him. – 26th. At noon a hard dark stool. Much flatulence in bowels and discharge of flatus. – 27th, 8 a. m., 10 dr. Last night frequent dry short cough. Tickling and irritation to cough in larynx. 9 a. m., yellow, small, firm stool. Much flatus discharged. frequent short cough development of flatulence. 2 p. m., a liquid, bright yellow stool, with great development of flatulence. 2 p. m., a liquid, bright yellow stool, preceded by much rumbling in bowels; several times pain in umbilical region, tearing in right temple. 8 p. m., liquid bright stool, preceded and attended by much pain in belly. – 28th. At noon, a liquid, bright yellow stood. During all these day, but more and more frequently at night, short dry cough that wakes him, and is accompanied by much scraping and tickling in larynx. – March 1st, 8 a. m., 5 dr. At noon, bright yellow soft stool, tearing in right temple repeatedly, drawing in right leg when sitting 5 p. m., 5 dr. Drawing and pressure in knees when sitting, with exhaustion and bruised feeling; pressure and drawing in right ankle-joint, boring in right hip-joint bruised pain in sacrum and in both inferior extremities; short dry cough at night.-2nd, morning, pain in knees and hips as if bruised and tired, severe pressure in left ankle-joint. 8 a. m., 5 dr. Drawing in right toes, pressure in right fingers; boring in right shoulder, then in left knee, later in right knee. 9 a. m., small hard, dark stool. Much pressure in knees when sitting; pressure in ankle – joints, boring in shoulders, and in flesh of thighs; tearing in left side of head; wandering pains in joints of toes, angers, and ankles; shooting in calves, boring in skin of calves, mostly in right. Much pain as if tired in knees, worst when sitting; boring in right side of occiput; much drawing and pressive pain in joints of hands, fingers, and shoulders; tearing in forehead and cheeks. All day tearing in joints of arms and legs, worst when at rest. Also during day sometimes scraping in larynx and short dry cough. At night dry short cough, and tickling in larynx. – 3rd. After rising morning pressure in wrist – and ankle-joints; a hard, dark green stool. 8 a. m., 5 dr. Pressive pains in wrists, drawing and pressure in knees and tibiae; tearing in left side of forehead; tired pains in knees when sitting; boring in right toes; boring pain in right lower jaw; drawing above right ear and in right ankle-joints; tearing in left upper arm; pressure in elbow-joints, in flesh of thighs frequently. Much flatulence in bowels; tearing on instep frequently; all these pains frequently recurring during day, more severe when at rest than when moving. By day dry tickling cough with nausea; retching, almost vomiting; the couch comes on suddenly without cause. E., a firm dark stool; severe boring as with a peg in left temple, in evening frequently; boring in elbows and shoulders. 9 p. m., pressive and boring pain in joints of toes and fingers; drawing in hands fingers in various places, then in foot and ankle; tearing in forehead in different spots. 10 p. m., drawing in face and toes. Much tickling cough evening and night – 4th, morning, tearing in cheeks, on different parts of forehead; frequent drawing in tibiae, hands, and fingers 8 a. m., 5 dr. Drawing and boring in shoulders and wrists; drawing in forehead; pressure in joints of upper arms; boring in temples. All these pains are of frequent occurrence, jump from one part to another, but remain nowhere long; tearing in right side of skull; the pains are worst when at rest; a hard dark stool; bellyache about navel. As the pains in limbs increase the cough declines. Tickling cough at night – 5th. The same pains in the limbs as on previous days; tearing in head and left side of forehead; drawing in flesh of thighs when sitting; boring in joints of toes, then shoulders, then drawing in various parts of head; when walking boring and drawing in head, joints of fingers, shoulders, knees, tibiae and ankles; a hard dark stool. In evening pains in limbs increased when sitting; they are particularly severe in knees, feet and shoulder-joints; their character is pressive, drawing and tired pain. Tickling cough at night – 6th, morning same symptoms in limbs as last evening also boring in bones of head, especially on right side, repeatedly; they are always worst when at rest, not so had at night 8 a. m., 5 dr. Much boring in forehead and cranial bones; a hard dark stool; much aching in knees and ankle-joints; drawing pains in knees; severe and frequent aching in wrists; tearing and burning pains in right elbow; burning and drawing in thigh-muscles; much boring and tearing in forehead, during day and in evening; burning and aching pains in muscles of right thigh when walking, making walking difficult and tiresome. E., soft dark stool; much tickling cough at night – 7th. After rising, morning drawing, aching, boring in wrists, fingers, knees, thigh – muscles. During day same pains as on 6th, especially boring in forehead and temples. A dark hard stool, and again in evening; same pains in evening. At night tickling cough. – 8th. After rising drawing in legs, ankle-joints, shoulders, forehead, muscles of thighs, wrists, knees, quickly changing locality. A small painful pile. 8 a. m., 5 dr. Much aching in knees and wrists when sitting, then in muscles of thighs; much boring, aching, pinching in calf – muscles; frequent boring in right side of forehead; drawing aching in wrists when sitting; a hard dark stool; the hard stool consisted of small lumpy faeces. Aching and drawing in fore arms when walking drawing in legs and knees; bruised pain; also when sitting. Boring aching in ankle-joints when walking; these pains are not worse when walking, but are as bad when sitting. Much tickling cough with retching almost to vomiting several times during day. Tearing and boring in forehead when walking. 2 p. m., light-coloured soft stool, partly in lumps. Urine darker than usual. 4 p. m., 5 dr. All day drawing and aching in same joints and parts of body, more when sitting than when walking. Much tickling cough evening and night. At night much flatulence in bowels.. – 9th, 6 a. m., a light-coloured soft stool. Besides above pains in limbs, much bruised pain in knees, arms, shoulder- joints, when sitting; tearing in right side of forehead. Drawing and burning in muscles of left axilla towards arm, later some pain in right shoulder; much boring in ankle – joints; drawing shooting in flesh of thighs; when walking drawing in muscles of calves and thighs, making bending legs difficult and painful; this frequently occurs when walking and hinders walking; much aching and boring in wrists and muscles of forearms; weary pain in arms. When sitting drawing in both groins, frequently repeated, and extending to pelvis. Severe and frequent tearing in right side of forehead, in and above right temple. Very frequently dry cough, with tickling in larynx, and inclination to vomit much aching and boring in knees when sitting; driving in soles; weight and pressure in forehead in evening. In evening a

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.