
16 b. Proving with triturated pulp. December 26th and 28th. – 10 gr. of 3x, fasting, each morning Transitory stitching, drawing, twitching, itching, burning, smarting in different parts of body, now here now there. January 10th. – 10 gr. of Ix. After 3 hours, griping, especially about navel, with easily repressed urging to stool (lasting 2 hours); diarrhoeic stool after dinner, without colic or tenesmus. During next day, especially in forenoon, frequent reminders of gripings, weakness, nausea; also fretful disposition and strong aversion to drug. 14th. – 1 gr. of same at 8 a. m. produced more transient griping. After 2 gr. hour later, painful gripings, and long – lasting movements in region of stomach, ending in loose stool. Towards evening, pressive pain in several places on thorax, in hepatic region and over heart, impeding respiration (for several hours) 15th. – Long stitches on inner side of left thigh, from ischiatic tuberosity towards knee, in forenoon, when walking (frequently repeated for several morning). Towards noon, griping about umbilicus, and sensitiveness of abdominal integuments aggravated by pressure. 22nd. – 10 gr. of 3x, in morning, caused movements in abdomen, frequently repeated during day; on following morning constant violent smarting on middle of tip of tongue, as if part was sore; drawing stitching pain on outer side of thigh, while walking.

16 c. In December, 1843, W – proved tincture by rubbing it into abdomen. From 10 – 40 dr. produced very slight symptoms, – transient gripings, several small evacuations in day, with frequent inclination for stool; clucking in groin. From 50 dr. rubbed in towards midnight, unusually noisy discharge of much flatus in morning, movements in bowels, sensitiveness of abdominal integuments, repeated but easily resisted inclination for stool. From 100 dr. sensitiveness about anus, with frequent urging to stool, which was unsatisfying and diarrhoeic, but painless; clucking in a spot below navel; painfulness of abdominal integuments, especially when walking; griping and frequent micturition with apparently increased flow. ON following day same symptoms followed a similar application in evening painfulness of whole head, most felt in frontal region, aggravated by bowing or turning head, with incapacity for intellectual work, lasting some hour (Ibid.)

17. Dr. WEINKE, aet.30, strong, in good health. November 19th, at 9:30 a. m., 12 dr. of tinct. An hour later, while writing, painful pressure in dorsum of right foot towards great toe, with slight numbness of right leg; less felt on walking, and disappearing in 15 morning. At 10:15 took 15 dr. more. Towards 3 p. m., pappy stool, with slight griping and rumbling, and later, transient stitches in left chest. At 7 p. m., semi-fluid stool, with a perfect storm of flatulence. All p. m. feeling as of having taken cold in bowels, so that diarrhoea would follow. 23rd.. – 20 dr. at 10:30 a. m. Abdominal symptoms recurred in 1/2 hour. P. m., lassitude. 30th. – 60 dr. at 10:30 a. m. Recurrence of sensations in chest and abdomen shortly afterwards, and at 11:45 of those of foot. At 2, sudden tenesmus, copious pappy stool, same sensations in belly, sleepiness, disinclination to study. At 4, similar stool, followed by flatulence and debility. For three following weeks heavy sleep, full of dreams; heaviness of legs; swelling of both feet; persistence of pain in right dorsum (as if in periosteum); at right edge of tarsus a tumour size of pigeon’s egg, soft, pale, painless; same pain in left foot, but no tumour. While these symptoms lasted, bowels were sluggish but stools not hard; constant flatulence; urine apparently rather diminished. (Ibid.)

18. Dr. WURSTL, subject to gouty-rheumatic pains, toothache, diarrhoea, etc. proved drug in doses of 1 – 10 dr. of tinct. He experienced short attacks of these very symptoms, apparently traceable to drug; but after proving was over found himself perfectly relieved of the pains, etc., which formerly annoyed him so frequently, and stronger and more healthy than ever before. [Under these circumstances, we have deemed it best to omit Wurstl’s detailed sensations, as of doubtful purity. – EDS.]

19. a. Dr. WURMB, aet.36, strong and healthy. November 8, 9, 10, took 1, 2, 4 dr. of tinct. without result, save that on 11th his usual stool was absent. On 11th took 6 dr. 10 a. m., whereupon came oppression of head, worst after dinner, nearly disappearing towards evening; frequently micturition. 12th. – 8 dr. in morning, without effect save a second stool p. m. with slight burning at anus following. 19th and 20th. – 10 and 15 dr., with nothing but quantity of inodorous flatulence. 22nd. – 25 dr. After 5 hours violent urging to evacuate bowels, demanding attention; copious faecal diarrhoea with great discharge of wind. 23rd. – 30 dr. in morning. Little appetite at dinner, though food tasted well; pappy taste in mouth for 1 1/2 hours thereafter; pretty violent pressing pain in left little finger about 6 p. m., particularly towards middle joint, soon disappearing, then same pain in all right toe – joints, save those of great toe, for 8 morning. 24th – 40 dr. in morning. Usual effects on bowels p. m. 25th and 26th. – 20 and 30 dr. caused similar symptoms, but colic was more violent and lasted longer. 27th. – 40 dr. a. m. Continued perfectly well all day and had no evacuation; but slept badly following night, often roused by vivid dreams, every time finding himself in a perspiration. 28th. – 50 dr. at 8:30 a. m. Pressing and throbbing in first joint of left great toe, as if boot were too tight, going off on moving about; heaviness of feet, most troublesome in forenoon, as though he had made a long pedestrian journey; while sitting constant sensation in both feet as if they were going to sleep. Itching including scratching here and there, especially on scalp. Soft stool after dinner. 29th. – Heaviness in feet felt again on waking, going off on moving about; hard insufficient stool about 5 p. m. IN night many and vivid dreams, waking him nearly every 1/2 hour, when also he found prepuce retracted and somewhat constricted. Each time he brought it forwards he found it retracted again at his next waking. 30th. – 40 dr. at 8:30 a. m. and 20 at 5 p. m. Aching in hypogastrium soon after dinner, ameliorated by discharge of abundant foetid flatus, and disappearing after stool at 4. Sensation of violent pressure in left temple all p. m., better while sitting, worse standing and waking, specially violent after micturition. N. as last December 1st and 2nd. – Frequently repeated aching in an upper hollow tooth; drawing in right ankle;

very transient sensation of pressure in different parts of body, especially finger-and toe-joints; insufficient stool. 3rd. – 50 dr. a. m. After 6 hours griping in hypogastrium, abundant discharge of flatus. Colic paroxysmal, very violent, obliging him to bend forward, continuing 2 hours, and only ceasing after expulsion of soft stool. Very weak in evening before going to sleep, and on waking next morning but better after moving about; no stool on 4th, frequent micturition; itching in various spots on body; feeling of pressure in joints. 5th. – 60 dr. at 8:30 a. m. Oppression of head, most felt in right frontal region, continuing all day. Colic p. m. as on 3rd, also lassitude, itchings, and pressure in joints. In evening while sitting left foot feels as if it would go to sleep. 6th. – Save drawing in calf and thigh and absence of evacuation, no symptoms. 7th, 8th, and 9th, 40, and 35 dr. taken in forenoon produced almost identical phenomena.-i. e. symptoms of head, abdomen, and bladder as before; also pressure and weight in sacrum. On 9th, in addition, transitory drawing in various joints of upper and lower extremities, especially fingers and toes, disappearing instantaneously on motion, as rapidly returning in rest. This last symptoms troubled him quite often the two following day, when he took no medicine. 12th. – 40 dr. Usual abdominal symptoms p. m. 13th. – On getting out of bed, drawing in left ham, as if tendons were too short; oppression of head; pressive drawing in joints of toes and fingers, as well as in right knee. Joint troubles remained all day, but not long in one place. 14th. – 45 dr. a. m. Soft stool and frequent micturition. 15th. – Transient drawings in several joints, and in left neck (especially on turning head). These returned for several day but with less violence and frequency. On 17th, in evening also for several hours violent pressure in sacrum, and left foot felt as if going to sleep. On 18th, in evening sprained feeling in all toes of left foot when going upstairs.

19 b. Provings of triturated pulp. – 19th. – 12 gr. of 1st cent. Joint pains still perceptible; nothing else. 20th, 21st. – 24th and 40 gr. No symptoms, save on morning of 22nd burning at orifice of urethra after maturating for 1 hour. Took 50 gr. that forenoon, and same next morning. Oppression of head, insufficient stool with burning and stitches at anus, and burning in urethra after maturating. 24th. – 20 gr. of a 1 – 20 trit. After 3 hours, cramp at middle of left thigh with usual abdominal and joint symptoms. Towards 5 p. m., prostration, with chills, violent thirst, and quickened pulse; this febrile excitement lasted for 1/2 hour. During it was possessed with idea that he was not in his own room. Well in evening 25th. – No stool. Joint pains returned paroxysmally, especially while walking about. At 7 p. m., while walking, cramp-like drawing inner side whole length of right thigh; felt very much debilitated, but only when at rest. 27th, 28th. – 30 and 40 gr. developed succession of symptoms over 12 day., – drawing and pressure in joints; hard insufficient stool; on January 3rd 3 small boils on neck and larger one at lower angle of left scapula, with burning pain; drawing in inner side of left thigh. By 8th perfectly well. Took 15 gr. on 15th, 30 gr. on 16th, 18th, and 19th, of Ix trit. with usual abdominal symptoms only.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.