
15 b. December 20- 28th. – Each morning took 10 gr. of Ix trit. On 21st, only some pressure on forehead. 22nd. – Increased secretion of urine, and towards evening confusion of head. 23rd. – Flying drawing stitches as if in periosteum of bones of both forearms. 24th. – Scraping in throat about uvula. 25th. – Throat reddened, and swallowing difficult. 26th. – A true angina set in, for which belladonna, and subsequently lachesis was taken. January 3rd. – After throat affections had subsided, began again with same dose, which took daily till 15. 3rd. – Frequent urging to stool, but no evacuation. 4th. – Taste of drug seemed to-day disgustingly bitter, and it continued all day. In evening, stitching drawing along left tibia to ankle-bones, with at same time burning pressure in left eye, both disappearing in 5-6 morning Later, a very hard evacuation, as if he were passing stones. 5th. – Pressure in both temples; itching at several points on surface, causing constant restlessness, so that he can scarcely remain seated. At noon, beer tastes remarkably bitter. IN evening, when walking, sensation as if all strength were failing; feeling of emptiness in stomach and thereupon voracious hunger. NO stool all day. 6th. – Towards noon, violent cutting pain, like an electric shock, through whole abdomen to anus. Soon after, urging to stool, but without evacuation till an hour later, when it came away in pieces of stony hardness. P. m., flying stitches in right chest from before backwards. During whole day, sensation as if tongue been scalded (had same feeling in pharynx during angina). 7th. – Towards 3 p. m. feeling of weakness in whole body returned, but without subsequent voracious appetite. Towards evening, flying drawings in extremities; single needle-stitches under left pectoralis. No stool. 8th. – The feeling in tongue recurred, but less severely. 9th. – Drawing aching in left instep. At noon, extreme sleepiness. After dinner, stitching-cutting pain or right instep, as if a nail were driven through. 10th. – Soreness of scalp at vertex, as if on that spot hair were being continually dragged up. 11th. – Feeling in scalp continues, and is accompanied by drawing-pressive pain in occiput. Both symptoms disappeared towards evening 13th. – Drawing stitching in joints of both insteps, lasting a. m., often recurring, and not interfering with walking. It was worse after coffee and wine, and accompanied by drawing pains in bones of lower extremities. These pains lasted all next day with inconsiderable remissions, but in less intensity; upper extremities were similarly affected p. m. 15th. – Pressive pain in sacrum, diminished by movement. 16th. – Rheumatico-gouty pains came on more violently than ever before, sometimes in joints, sometimes in long bones of extremities, but were not lasting. P. m., drawing aching in both shoulders. 17th. In evening in addition to pains, heat in head and palpitation, which continued next day in less degree, and disappeared the day after. 20th. – A.m., feeling of repletion in gastric region; rumbling in abdomen, with great inflation; violent colicky pains continuing for an hour, but disappearing after two evacuations following each other in quick succession. N. restless from flying stitches in hepatic region; on following day continuous pain in left knee- joint impeding walking. Up to February 1st was still troubled with “rheumatic-gout” in joints and long bones of extremities, of greater or less intensity at different times. (Ibid.)

16. a. Dr. WATZKE took, November 3rd, at 8 a. m., 1 dr. of tinct. No symptoms save slight nausea towards noon. 4th. – 4 dr. at 7 a. m. Head somewhat affected soon after dose. Towards 9, much rumbling in abdomen; at noon, same intimation of nausea as yesterday; resales night with horrible exciting dreams. 5th. – 7th dr. at 7 a. m. Towards 10, sense of distension in umbilical region with compression in throat and nausea. These symptoms

lasted all day, and became worse some hour after dinner. Towards evening disgust before eating and inclination to vomit.6th. – No symptoms save occasional slight drawings in scapulae 7th – 15 dr. at 8 a. m. Frequent eructations soon followed, and towards noon 2 brown, thin, almost watery, painless stools. Nothing else. 8th – 11th. – Constant sensitiveness of umbilical region; frequently returning long stitches in right elbow and forearm. During whole day borborygmi and empty eructations. 14th. – In morning, fasting, 95 dr. In 1 1/2 hour (immediately after breakfast) rising of bitter white frothy fluid; violent intermitting pain about umbilicus all forenoon in spot bout size of hand, – a bruised pain, aggravated by walking, but not by pressure, and more tolerable after eructation; therewith at times jerking stitches from navel to loins and spine; intimations of nausea; urging to stool (which could be repressed). Towards 11, constant burning pains in spot on right chest; feeling of roughness in throat; pressure in both temples; smarting in eyes; painfulness of eyeballs; excited fretful state of mind; taciturnity. After dinner, abdominal pain worse, gnawing and boring, compelling him to sit, lie, or bend forward; violent tenesmus came on, at first with pappy, copious, strong-smelling stools, which, an hour later, were watery, scanty, yellowish, and almost inodorous. Twitching pains while walking in dorsa of both feet towards tibiae. Colic diminished somewhat after cafe noir at 4, but became much worse again after supper, with confusion of head and frontal aching increased by stooping. Restless night vivid dreams, frequent waking (apparently produced by persistent painfulness of umbilical region). 15th. – A.m., occasional stitching pains in right chest; two pappy, yellow, painless stools. In evening painfulness of whole head and eyes, very much aggravated by bending forwards; constant colic with (repressible) urging to stool. N. very restless; umbilical region unintermittingly painful; profuse perspirations towards morning. 16th. – Colic (after moving about) more violent, gnawing, somewhat diminished noon, but not entirely remitting for whole day. P. m., frequent pressure on, and oppression of, chest, dull stitches in chest and sides. During whole day sensitiveness of head, as though compressed, especially in sinciput and temples, with painfulness of eyeballs, aggravated by stooping, better in open air. 17th. – After quiet night awaked in morning by griping in bowels and tenesmus, followed, however, by perfectly normal stool. Griping disappeared after black coffee, but returned in course of forenoon, accompanied by rumbling and movements in abdomen; sensitiveness of head, pressure on temples and painfulness of eyeballs, came on again. Bruised pain in right middle finger at noon; after dinner, yellow, diarrhoeic stool, without tenesmus or pain. In evening painfulness of umbilical region; stitches in back; spots on from of thorax that were sore an painful, as if bruised. 28th. – “I am not yet free from effects of dose taken on 14th. I am constantly annoyed by a feeling as of a stoppage, a compression, a coil in the umbilical region, sometimes more, sometimes less. At times, especially towards morning it increases to a piercing or cutting pain. I generally wake in morning with colic and tenesmus, and have every day several thin pappy stools. I have frequent attacks of the painfulness and aching in sinciput and eyeballs, and the dull stitches in flank checking respiration. Since 24th I have perspired very profusely over whole body every night towards morning and urine is of a faint flesh-redness, throws down a light-brown, flocky, irregular transparent sediment, and leaves on vessel small, hard, and rough reddish crystals, which adhere so strongly that they cannot be washed off. Umbilical pains were much alleviated, and head-troubles immediately disappeared, on supervention of these ‘critical phenomena. ” December 1st. – To-day for first time urine is bright again, but of a somewhat deep wine yellow, and containing a transparent cloud. Every abdominal symptom has now disappeared. 4th. – The morning sweats and cloudy reddish urine, with brown flocky mucous sediment, have returned for 2 days past; the pressing, sometimes gnawing pains about navel come on, especially in morning fasting; movements and rumbling in bowels are bowels are often experienced. On evening of 3rd, gnawing pressive pain in inner ball of left foot, and painful stitches in cardiac region on going to bed. 10th.-Since 5th several little boils on hands, and stye in left eye, following usual course. Nothing else now, have feeling of tension and pressure in region of navel. On 18th, while writing, exceedingly painful, long stitches in right metacarpus, frequently recurring in course painful, a few morning and embarrassing extension of hand and fingers. An hour, later while reading, same symptoms recurred, only pain was more constant, stitches more intense and longer. same symptoms (quite unprecedented) were repeatedly experienced curing following days.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.