
wind or mucus, till towards 5, after a very painful pressure, a quantity of thin bland faeces passed involuntarily at a single impulse, and thereupon pains in abdomen all disappeared. In evening while in society, violent long-continued pressure on both sides of occiput. At night much pleasant dreaming. Pressure and weight in left forehead on waking in night left eyelid feeling thick and heavy; slight pulsation in left hypochondrium. Next day, head befogged, difficulty in collecting thoughts, no interest in things. Slight exertion caused fatigue and made him perspire; morbidly sensitive to open air. Easy stool p. m.; frequent flatus as before. 16th. – While walking, drawing and tension within right knee, several times; painful tension in right shoulder on first walking, continuing and becoming worse from moving arm; at one time tensive and pressive pain at attachment of diaphragm, both sides. 17th. – Mist before right eye in morning lasting several hour, not removed by rubbing it. 18th. – Frequent, loud, and long – continued ringing in ears; sexual impulse highly excited. 19th. – At 10 a. m., shimmering before right eye, in shape of circle with rays, pressure in ball in eye, upwards and outwards, aggravated by rubbing with finger, ball feeling harder than natural. This lasted some days.

10 b. June 7th, 1863, at 1 p. m. took 100 dr. of a very concentrated tinct. From 6 p. m. he had several attacks, at short intervals, of umbilical colic, followed by liquid stool, with much tenesmus, sphincter seeming paralysed. On endeavoring to repress Urging pressive tension e on in hypogastric parietes, and acute aching at angle of right scapula, with tensive pain from thence downwards. At one time a great, white, very bright right came at side of and below line of vision of right eye; but as he turned eyes sideways to see it, it vanished. (Ibid.)

11. Dr. MACHAUER, aet. 28, took from 7th to 14th November, 1863, doses of 5 – 20 dr. of tinct. without effect, save usual colic and diarrhoea and some constriction of, and stitches in, chest. Doses of 15-25 dr., rom 20th – 25th, did no more. On 26th he took 30dr. After 6 hours violent griping and cutting about navel, increasing from hour to hour.; abdomen tense, inflated, painfully sensitive to touch; some diminution of pains after 2 watery stools. During night great restlessness and sensibility of abdomen, so that it could hardly bear lightest pressure: this continued next day. Increasing doses of Ix were then taken for 14 days, but without result. (Ibid.)

12. Dr. PUFFER took for 6 days in succession, about noon, 4 or 5 dr. of tinct. Immediately after dose bitter taste and eructations; 1 hour later rumbling in bowels. and disturbance as if diarrhoea were about to come on, with discharge, however, only of foetid flatus. Subsequent stool was hard and insufficient. On one occasion stool, as first knotty and dry, was later diarrhoeic. Sleep was broken by lively dreams and frequent call to micturate; urine remarkably increased (Ibid.)

13. a. Dr. REISINGER, aet 30., strong and healthy. November. November 3rd, 4th, and 5th, took 10 dr. of tinct. morning and evening without effect save on evening of 5th and following day stiffness of right forearm with painfulness of extensor muscles. 6th. – 15 dr. in morning. After 5 hours flatulence and a soft stool, with colic, rather aggravated after evacuation, and accompanied by chilly feeling over whole body. 7th – 11th. – 15 dr. on 1st day, and 20 dr. on others, were followed by nothing but eructations, griping, and flatulence. 12th – 25th dr. followed in 5 hours by 3 loose stools, and colic lasting throughout day 13th. – 26 dr. in morning. Toward noon slight drawing in right upper arm, remarkably increasing after dinner, and becoming almost painful, but decreasing again when walking in open air. 14th. – 15 dr. Same drawing all day; towards evening gripping and loose stool, with burning at anus, also cold feeling of whole body, followed by hat without thirst. Drawing continued into next forenoon.

13 b. On 19th and 20th, in morning, took 5 gr. of Ix trit. No symptoms on 19th, but on 20th nausea, empty eructations and pinching in abdomen, with accompanying transient headache in left forehead. (Ibid.)

14. a. Dr. ROTHANSL took, November 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 4, 5, and 12 drops of tinct. without effect. On 5th, 14 dr. Pressing in scrobiculus and constriction of larynx, compelling frequent swallowing. 6th. – 16 dr. Same pressure in forehead and root of nose, as if catarrh were coming on (for 3 hours) On 7th, 8th, and 9th, 18 dr. each day. On last day disturbance in abdomen and three pappy stools, with feeling of coldness in whole body. ON 12th, 13th, and 14th 20 dr., without effect. On 19th, k 15 dr.; violent colic starting rom umbilicus, with emissions of flatus giving relief; this continued all night, and entirely deprived him of sleep. 20th. – Constriction of larynx, disappearing after 1/2 hours in open air; night sleepless from cramp – like pressure in scrobiculus and constriction of stomach,-latter so sensitive that he could not endure pressure of lightest covering. Towards morning loud rumbling nd escape of flatus upwards and downwards; which relieves. Took 15 dr. a. m. Tensive headache in right temple; single flying stitches in right flank. P. m., cutting and rumbling in abdomen, with flatulent emissions (which relieve); diarrhoeic evacuations (so also on two following day). 24th. – 25 dr. Aching in both temples, in open air first worse, then entirely disappearing; burning, while walking, along left tibia; constriction about umbilicus and in larynx. 25th. – 30 dr. Abdominal cutting immediately after eating, diarrhoeic stool with tenesmus. 26th and 27th. – 35 dr. each day. Same symptoms as before. Colic continued all night of 27th and 28th, with extreme sensibility of abdomen; general lassitude, with beaten feeling in sacrum on 29th, and pressive headache on morning of 30th.

14 b. December 5th and 6th. – 3 dr. without effect. On most day from 7th to 19th, 5 dr. 7th. – Great oppression of chest before midnight, driving away sleep; after midnight restless sleep, with vivid trouble some dreams. 8th. – Early, pressive headache in temples and annoying twitching of right upper eyelid (last continuing during 3 following day). twitching of right upper eyelid (last continuing during 3 following day). In evening pappy stool; at night slight spasm in stomach, rising along gullet to throat. 9th. – Sudden transient vertigo with darkness before eyes in evening while sitting down. 13th. – In morning in bed rumbling in abdomen and slight headache; at noon, tensive pain in left thumb, impeding its motion. 14th. – Weight in both knees; in evening tearing in left knee, disappearing on walking. 15th. – Repeated tensive pain in left thumb. 16th. – In evening considerable headache, and unfitness for any kind of occupation. 17th. – Noon and evening, slight colic after eating; extremely restless sleep, with vivid nonsensical dreams; troublesome oppression of chest. 18th. – In evening deadness in knees when opening, so that it was difficult to get upright again; night very restless, full of dreams. 19th. – Drawing pain in right thigh as far down as knee – a symptom which continued in nearly equal intensity for next 3 day. The intestinal canal was torpid during all this time, evacuations hard and occurring only every 2nd or 3rd day. 23rd. – In morning took 10 dr. soon after dinner, rumbling in abdomen, constrictive pain in umbilical region, and a pappy stool; during succeeding night. colicky pains, with emission of flatulence. 26th – 28th. – Took 5 dr. each morning 26th. – Cutting abdominal pains after dinner and supper. 27th. – Headache and stitching in right patella, from morning. IN evening, rumbling and cutting in bowels, two pappy stools. 28th. – Stitching in patella returned, coming on when walking but going off on continuing to do so. The following two night violent attacks of colic. Distinct colocynth symptoms were felt by prover for 4 days after taking last dose – stitches in patella, frequent griping in abdomen, cramp in stomach at night relieved by eructations, restless sleep, tossing about in bed. (Ibid.)

15. a. Dr. WACHTEL, aet. 30, sound health, took November 16th – 19th daily doses increasing 1 – 4 dr., with scarcely any effect. 20th. – 5 dr. P. m., twitching at anus and thereafter two ordinary stools. 21st. – 5 dr., with no special result save unwontedly copious urination. 22nd – 24th – 10 dr. each day 22nd. – Soon after dose, pressing feeling in orbits, towards root of nose. P. m., feeling of heat in nape, burning and twitching in rectum and anus; soon after, three fluid, mucous, but painless stools. 23rd. – Feeling of stiffness in muscles of nape on moving head; after dinner flying stitches in hepatic region and sacrum; in evening feeling of dryness in eyes. 24th. – A.m., urging to micturate, with discharge of great quantity of clear watery urine (returning nearly every hour). P. m., confusion of head with pressure in orbits; feeling of coldness through whole body, especially in knees (though room was warm enough); later, ineffectual urging in rectum, soon followed by itching in anus and office of urethra. In evening, uneasiness and weakness of whole body, especially of lower extremities; craving hunger, especially for bread and beer. 25th. – Took 15 dr., and increased by 5 dr. each day till 29th. Symptoms observed were: Confusion of head; scraping in throat; rumbling in abdomen; constriction in umbilical region; distended abdomen; feeling of emptiness and soreness of bowels; pappy stools with burning at anus; itching on various parts of body, obliging him to scratch; flying stitches in hepatic region, sacrum, dorsum of right foot, and great toe.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.