
9 b. On December 8th, 60 dr. at 7 a. m. He had had for 2 days some catarrh, with swelling of right ala nasi. Immediately after dose moderate epigastric pinching; frequent empty eructations; dryness, heat, and roughness in throat (Continuing till afternoon), with constant hemming; dulness of left head, with pressive-burning pain in left face and forehead, and feeling as if eye and nose were swelling (clearly marked and lasting); stitches above right eye, with itching of scalp. Soon after breakfast, when walking rather rapidly, some vertigo; frontal dulness; constriction and pressure in left cheek, extending into eye; warmth in abdomen, increasing to griping and ending in sweat; burning on tip of tongue, for several hours; slight burning and moisture at anus, after diarrhoea; prickling stitch like lightning from point of glans through abdomen to left flank. Towards noon, while walking, some colic with inflation (clothes tight). Immediately after dinner, pappy stool, with horripilation over head and back; soon after, while lying down, pain and rumbling in abdomen, with urging to stool and general horripilation; in 1/2 hour watery stool with griping, followed by continued and almost irresistible tenesmus. He became exceedingly sensitive to the damp weather legs were unusually weak; it was hard work going upstairs. On waking during night tearing in left tibia and ankle. In morning empty eructations; stool soft, pappy, having tickling in rectum; subsequently sensation of ball as large as fist rising up in pharynx, with oppressed respiration. In afternoon, continued sensitiveness, and griping and commotion in abdomen for several hour; another pappy stool after eating, with subsequent burning at anus and cramp in left calf. Exceedingly increased sexual impulse for several days.

9 c. December 26th. – 80 dr. of tinct. at 5:30 a. m. In course of 7 1/2 hours while seated and quietly employed, he experienced empty eructations, sometimes amounting almost to sobbing; nausea, with scraping in throat, former departing after drinking water; frequently recurring sharp pinching at epigastrium, with slight frontal dulness; constant roaring and throbbing in both ears, especially left; palpitations, and pulsation in whole body, most felt in back and left chest; itching with smarting and burning at various spots, especially of left side; prickling over right cheek-bone, as if eruption would come out, and exceedingly painful sticking burning on edge of left upper eyelid; sneezing; pressing and dull throbbing in left temple, with similar sensation about left shoulder, and itching of scalp; toothache on left side, with twitching extending into left arm as far as elbow; pressure on left scalp, increased by turning, as in rheumatism; aching in left sacro-iliac commissure, with formication in left sole, afterward in right; paralytic pressure in whole left arm, and fine shooting in skin in back of hand; persistent pressure in right malar bone and eye; heat and swelled feeling in roots of right lower teeth, similar sense of swelling in arms; heaviness and oppression in sinciput; intimations of vertigo and nausea; burning on dorsum of tongue; urgency to micturate. Immediately on taking only a few steps into room pain in bowels and excitement of right toothache; on sitting down again, pressing inwards and dull throbbing in right lumbar region; palpitation; feeling in right foot as if asleep; pulsation in left popliteal space; rumbling in abdomen; flying pains in left side of epigastrium; burning at anus. Subsequently, constant crawling and itching on whole left side of head; continuance of right toothache; dulness in forehead; feeling of warmth in right ear; burning on fore part of tongue; burning and feeling of swelling in under lip; scraping and burning in throat and hard palate (as from pepper) frequent erections. After 5 hours urgent inclination to stool, almost irresistible, and-in quick succession-two loose motions, with sore pain in bowels, better on bending forward, worse when upright; frequent yawning weariness of thighs, especially noticed when going upstairs; legs feel as if asleep; moisture at anus and perinaeum. Burning pain at stomach, even when eating; chills after eating, especially in upper arms, and repeated yawning. Pain in stomach and tongue, and eructation, continued all day and grew worse towards evening when another yellow, pappy stool took place, with griping; abdomen continued tender and inflated even after the evacuation.; little appetite at noon, none in evening; frequent micturition. 27th. – In morning pressive spasmodic pain in stomach, rising into throat; sense as of foreign body in throat, as though he had to swallow over a lump; pappy, but otherwise normal, stood. Burning on tongue and eructations continued all day, but less intense; moisture in perinaeum all forenoon; want of appetite in evening with nausea and malaise after eating; sleep disturbed by frequent walking. 28th. – Better feeling and appetite at first; towards evening burning in tongue and stomach again; empty eructations, causing burning in pharynx; twitching in left 5th and 6th ribs; in all upper teeth fine shooting and drawing, varying in intensity, with aching in left orbit, and same peppery sensation in mouth. Subsequently, sensation as of a coil in stomach and pharynx; sobbing eructations; salt taste or mucus hawked up; burning in stomach; pressing in abdomen; discharge of much flatus; prickling and crawling on different parts of body; feeling of numbness, swelling and heat in left foot, gradually invading whole leg, with itching and tickling, and lasting some time; pressing throbbing pain at inner and upper part of left leg, extending along back thigh to ischium (when sitting and walking). 31st. – The scalded feeling at tip of tongue, gastric troubles, occasional eructations, diminished appetite and depression of spirits have continued, with evening exacerbations. TO them was added a frequently-repeated throbbing, finally twitching pain in right upper arm at insertion of deltoid, whence it extended through shoulder towards upper teeth, and as far as temple and vertex; pain seemed in periosteum, and after its frequent recurrence arm there became sore to pressure. Every exacerbation, without exception, began with burning at apex of tongue. The gastric pains were always accompanied by pains in face and teeth. It was particularly observed that the symptoms appeared in groups, and were aggravated in evening and during rest. (Ibid.)

10. a. Dr. HAUSMANN began, November 8th, with 30 dr. of tinct. After 6 hours, symptoms appeared in following order: – continual tensive pain in bowels which feel as if they had been gathered into a ball, had fallen down, and now by like a pressive weight in hypogastrium, with also sense as if anterior wall of abdomen were wanting, and bowels would fall out forwards; occasional urging at anus as though a quantity of faeces were about to be discharged, with escape of only a little fluid mucus; diffusion of pleasant warmth, which seemed to deprive limbs of strength; weakness of all joints, especially knees and elbows; disinclination to bodily or mental exertion, even to visiting his dearest find; pressing pain in right hypochondrium, at arch of diagram, oppressing breathing. Nothing being felt on 9th, on 10th hours took 3ss at 12:30 p. m. In 1/2 hour sudden violent pressure on bladder, which was full, passing off as rapidly on emissions of abundant flatus in rapid succession, driving before them some mucous fluid. These emissions of wind frequently recurred in midst of following symptoms:- noises as from breaking of large bubbles in various parts of abdomen; frequent urging towards anal sphincter which caused at once an escape of slightest quantity of wind sphincter which caused at once an escape of slightest quantity of wind or mucus; pressure and tension at occiput, worst at inferior lateral protuberance 11th. – Very slippery, soft stool about 11 a. m. tensive pressure over whole forehead during its evacuation. Same symptoms as before, p. m., vesical alternating with rectal tenesmus; finally, entire relaxation for an hour, during which he was incapable of bodily or mental exertion. Spasmodic yawnings occur continually 12th. About middle of forenoon both last symptoms return. Sudden shock (from behind forwards) through hepatic region and then through head. Sensation at anus, as if successive slippery bubbles were escaping; and while walking discharge of much flatulence, causing rectum to vibrate. 14th. – Took a. m. 3j of tinct. At noon, after continual gentle urging and much easy flatus, a rapidly passing stool. At 1 p. m. pressive pain in left forehead, occasionally slightly vibration along edge of frontal sinus. Towards 4, first griping about navel, subsiding, then returning as cutting as if from chisel thrust deep into abdomen thence curving into pelvis, and finally cutting its way up again. Cutting continued in hypogastrium at intervals, relieved occasionally by passage of

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.