Coffea cruda

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Coffea Cruda, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Coffea arabica., L. Mocha coffee. Nat. Ord., Rubiaceae.


I. [For the following provings from the beitrage the crude bean was employed; but no information is given as to doses or subjects, save that the latter were healthy.]

HAHNEMANN. – Oppression in fore part of head, at times changing into stitching – drawing pains in right temple, worse when walking in open air; gloomy feeling in head (3 hours); hemicrania, as if nail had been driven into parietal bone, renewed and aggravated after a meal, disappearing in open air, returning after short time in room; headache, as if brains were torn or dashed in pieces, coming on during walk in open air, and soon subsiding again in room; headache (after some reading) as if brain at frontal eminence, then behind frontal bone, were bruised, torn, or smashed (2 hours); cracking in brain in region of ear synchronous with pulse; weight in head and heat of face; rush of blood to head, especially when talking; headache on waking in morning, like a general tension of brain; he dislikes opening eyes, when stooping he feels as if brain fell forward, so great is pressure on temples and forehead; headache as if brain were too full an broken, especially in occiput, on waking from siesta, unaffected by motion, mental exertion, or open air (4 hours); an almost burning sore pain in left nostril; sudden, copious, watery discharge from nose; epistaxis; on rising in morning and at 6 p. m. bleeding from nose with weight in head and morose laziness, recurring for some day at same time; toothache, in shooting spasms from above down into nerve of fang; pain in a molar tooth, only when biting on it; in border of velum a simple pain when not swallowing, increasing during acts of deglutition (4 hours); a kind of sore-throat, swelling of velum, which feels like an accumulation of tenacious mucus; taste in mouth as of heel-nuts; bitterness in mouth all days, – food, however, had no bitter taste; bitter things had unusually bitter taste; food has good but too strong taste, so that he cannot eat much, – so also with tobacco (3 hours); diminished appetite (8 hours); very great and continued anorexia and aversion to food, drink, and tobacco, with nausea and disposition to vomit and salt taste in mouth, taste of food natural (2 hours); aversion to coffee; eructations tasting of ingesta, from noon to evening; great hunger before a meal, greedy, hurried eating; constant inclination to vomit, having seat in upper part of throat; about 5 p. m., nausea, he becomes faint, must sit down, then inclination to vomit; after eating agreeable food felt qualmish and nauseated; stitches in pit of stomach with pressure, after a few hour painless distension of epigastrium; in morning in bed continuous pinching pressure in both sides of abdomen, also towards inguinal rings as if hernia would protrude, without distension, only momentarily relieved by emission of flatulence; after walking in open air, fulness in abdomen; at different times of day feeling of pressure at pit of stomach, her clothes felt too tight, and she had to loosen them; some fermentation in belly and emission of much flatus, the whole day (4 hours) forcible emission of much but almost inodorous flatus; after 12 or more hours difficult emission of flatus in small quantity, which is constantly seeking escape, with uneasiness in abdomen; fermentation in abdomen and then vomiting, soon repeated, and on third occasion bringing up worms; stitching from out of inguinal rings, as in hernia; jerking stitches on side of abdomen, at every expiration; colic, as if belly would burst; desire for stool, but insufficient relief, though stool is soft; burning tearing in fore part of urethra; pressure on bladder, obliging him to micturate; increased secretion of urine (14 hours); emission of much urine at midnight (5 hours); primary excitement, secondary depression, of sexual desire. In morning on waking larynx is raw and hoarse; constriction of chest (immediately); fits of short cough in quick succession, with frequent abrupt scrapings (1 hour); he must stop coughing, all became dim before his eyes, and he felt as if reeling; violent irritative cough for an hour about midnight; sudden attacks of dry hacking cough, as if from a spasmodic constriction of larynx, which seems lined with dry mucus; when coughing it hurts side of chest, almost like a stitch; pain in sacrum while walking; lame pain in sacrum while sitting or standing; great weakness in arms and lassitude in whole body; tearing in left arm, so that she could not move it freely; flexor cramp in one or other finger; painful drawing or tearing towards in flesh of fingers (2 hours); pain as if bruised in nates under hip -joints, from ischia to femora, while sitting and walking, making him limp; least rubbing with woollen makes inner thighs sore, or at least causes very painful sense of soreness there; on left tibia a jerking, gnawing and smarting, both at rest and in motion, and a sensation as if marrow were bruised, with feeling of heat there; tremulous feeling in knee when going downstairs; crampy sensation in calf when flexing knees, and in soles when flexing ankles; below inner right malleolus a jerking stitching while extending foot, treading on heel, or touching spot; bruised feeling in all joints, especially of those that have been bent, in morning in bed, disappearing on rising; shooting jerking through one or other limb; after every walk her legs feel so painful that she must lie down; great weakness on going upstairs, soon passing off; pain in whole body, so that she has little rest; eruption and itching over whole body; little sleep; overwhelmed with sleep, he dreads apoplexy; at night in sleep he tosses about unconsciously, so that in morning he finds himself feet upper most; sleeplessness from 2-7 a. m., with colicky incarceration of flatulence under ribs, causing anxiety, and with feeling of (dry) heat over whole body, without thirst, and desire to uncover himself; very long vivid dreams at night; slight dreaming; aversion to open air, in which all symptoms increase; constant weariness of feet, extending way up thighs, after walk in open air; during walk in open air becomes sad, lachrymose and disinclined for business; violent thirst without heat of body or dryness of tongue; thirst at night. frequent waking to drink; dryness in mouth in morning without thirst; feeling of warmth with somewhat red face, but without thirst; at 5 a. m. and 1 p. m. violent chill in bed, without thirst; at 4 p. m., limbs feel relaxed, heavy, and strengthless, knees give way, with febrile heat and chilliness externally and internally; at 4 p.m., cold feet, and immediately thereupon headache and congestion to head, going off on walking in open air (24 hours); cold hands cold feet (2-3 hours); internal shuddering, even in chest, chill and immediately afterwards heat in had and sweat on face, – all without thirst; free transpiration towards morning; general feeling of heat in evening after lying down, he felt altogether oppressed at night general sweat, especially on back; at 8 p. m., heat, perceptible externally, all over body, with sense of great dryness in mouth and at same time shuddering in back and down posterior aspect of body, then hands and feet became icy-cold on which followed when in bed alternate heat and great coldness till after midnight, in morning bruised headache, which made every step he took hurt him; some chilliness and therewith heat in both cheeks; from 8-9 p. m., nausea as in stomach, a sort of faintness and giddiness, he must sit and lie down, and all his limbs felt heavy, with some chilliness; at 3 p. m., without preceding chill his face was hot and red, with much thirst, after this sweat all over, with thirst for first few hour; for two morning running she wakes at times, feels great dry heat all over, and must turn round, breath was hot, but no thirst or dryness of mouth; heat and redness in one cheek most constant shuddering; feeling of heat in morning in bed, nevertheless dread of being uncovered; a little out of humour; indifferent to business, loses interest while engaged in it; very cross; crossness, he is inclined to throw everything out of his hands; she has nothing but vexed, sad ideas, cries aloud, and can be appeased by nothing, but the ill- humour abates in the open air; great anguish, she knows not how to find ease, she trembles and cannot hold her pen; calm, composed, unperturbed mood (secondary) (STAPF’S Beitrage.)

2. FRANZ. – Meditation causes drawing pressive headache in upper forehead; he sometimes feels and hears a cracking in vertex while sitting still; in open air his sight is much more acute than before; taste in mouth as after sweet almonds; while yet eating some bread after a moderate meal, he felt an extremely painful pressure on left side of region of stomach continuing after he had left off; painful soreness on scrotum at least rubbing of trousers; obstructed nostrils, as in dry coryza; when keeping arms bent, a cramp – like and contractive sensation in them, almost a jerking; rheumatic bruised pains in left upper arm; his hands tremble when he tries to hold anything; feeling of numbness in fingers (1/4 hours); a finger which had been slightly burnt before taking drug, and almost painless, now is in violent pain; sleeps restlessly all night and must turn from side to side; frequent deep yawning; the air, to which he was accustomed, and which was agreeable to him, seemed quite cutting, water flowed from eyes, and he soon became tired(6.1/2 hours); repeated chills and shuddering in back, body having natural warmth; cold feeling over whole body, she has a chilly creeping on back a cold room, then sudden redness and heat in face, with cold hands, whose palms then become hot, dorsa remaining cold; lively fancy, many plans for future; contrary to habit he was in continual sentimental ecstasy about beautiful scenery, or which he was reading a description (3 hours); dose taken in evening was followed by great excitement and quickness of motion, all movement being performed with uncommon ease (12 hours); the utmost relaxation of mind and body; when reading he loses sight of his subject, and neither recollects nor follows, without, however, being conscious of other ideas; when not reading, a thousand ideas come into his head, and he thinks of things long past; want of memory and attention (48 hours). (Ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.