
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Clematis, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Clematis erecta (vel recta) L. Upright virgin’s bower. Nat. Ord., Ranunculaceae.


1. HAHNEMANN, Chronic Diseases, part iii of original, vol. of translation. Contains 283 symptoms from self and 5 others, with 6 from authors.

2. F. ALB, surgeon, aet. 53, when 33 had fluent haemorrhoids; on their disappearance had for 7 months diabetes insipidus. Two years ago had several severe attacks of lumbago, which was cured in 3 months by sulphur internally, and in the form of sulphur baths; has had inguinal hernia from a child. – August 13th, 5:30 a. m., took 10 dr. first dill (2 to 100). 4 p. m., full and tense feeling in abdomen as after a full meal, increasing till 9 p. m. – 14th, 6 a. m., 15 dr. 7:30 a. m. impaired hearing for 6 morning, confusion of head until 2 p. m. relieved by open air, as if coryza were coming on, dry feeling in nose, appetite increased, cross humour. 10 p. m., 15 dr. – 15th. On waking, drowsiness and heaviness of limbs. On rising, intoxicated confusion of head, impaired hearing for 1/4 hour, accompanied by ringing in left ear, dry nose, jerking pain in right upper carious molar, that had never before given any pain, lasting 2 minutes, and recurring after 6 m. removed by rinsing mouth with cold water. After breakfast sneezed 8 times, followed in 6 m. by discharge of clear water from left nostril and such sleepiness he must go to bed. After sleeping 2 1/2 hour giddiness and constant sleepiness, not removed by open air, lasting till 2 p. m.; weariness, especially in thighs and knee-joints, cross disposition, indisposed to think, at same time forcing towards right inguinal canal with frequent protrusion of a hernia (which he had had since childhood) and pressive pain in right spermatic cord. 5 p. m., more cheerful; evening very hungry. -16th. Same symptoms, but milder. 18th, 6 a. m., of mother tinct., but as no effect was produced, at 10:30 p. m. took 10 dr. – 19th, 6 a. m. 15 dr.; 10 a. m., unusual gaiety lasting till 4 p. m. then sudden disinclination for work, cross humour, weariness of limbs, increased feeling of warmth, especially in face, quickened pulse, 82, dull pain in frontal protuberances. After 5 p. m. irresistible sleep when reading. Work up at 7:30 p. m.; return of heaviness and weariness in lower extremities, and after taking some soup the sleepiness returned, so that he had to go to bed at 9 p. m. Woke at 11 with jerking-tearing in the place where a left upper wisdom tooth had been extracted 7 years previously; the pain spread to left zygoma and temple, which lasted till 2 a. m. and returned after a sleep of 2 hours for a short time – 20th. Woke with weight in head, itching in anus, haemorrhoids swollen and moist with mucus, hurried call to stool, evacuation pappy, accompanied by much flatus, burning while urinating behind fossa navicularis, urine dark yellow, weariness. Took 22 dr. Cross humour, pressure in both frontal protuberances, frequent violent sneezing, watery discharge from nose, itching on hairy scalp on left side of crown, an itching papule above right eyebrow. 11 a. m., feeling of weight in left testicle, tensive sensation in right spermatic cord, rumbling in abdomen, extending to hernia, and in 1/2 hour another pappy stool. 10 p. m., in bed, violent itching in haemorrhoids, and slight mucous discharge. After reading in bed for 1/2 hour the above toothache on both sides; fell into a dreamful sleep at 1 a. m. -21st. On waking, both teeth felt too long, gums swollen, pale; the pain extended to canine teeth on both sides, making chewing impossible; Mercurius sol. v. removed this. (Zeitsch d. Verbascum d. hom. Aerzte Oesterr., ii, 278.)

3. AMALIA ALB, aet. 18 from 2 to 10 years had every autumn an attack of croup, and from birth had paralysis of right side of jaw with occasional lachrymation of right eye. Menses regular since 15. – July 13th, 6 a. m., 10 dr. first dil. 10:30 a. m. flatulent distension of abdomen with rumbling. Little appetite for dinner. 2 p. m., frequent yawning with drowsiness, which went off in open air. 7:30 p. m., transient chill over shoulders and back, full feeling in pit of stomach, drowsiness. – 14th, 6:30 a. m, 15 dr. 11:30 a. m., digging and pressure in right temple, forehead, and zygoma, anorexia. 2 p. m., irresistible sleepiness and sleep till 5 p. m. On waking cross, furious anger, weakness in legs, drawing in wrists and knees. – 15th, 5 p. m. same headache as yesterday. 1 hour later consistent stool, frequent discharge of normal urine – 16th., 6 a. m., 20 dr. 10 a. m., desire to work and cheerful humour till 2 p. m., when she became sleepy and disinclined for work. 7 p. m., sudden drawing, jerking, tearing and shooting in left lower sound canine tooth, which soon extended through whole row of teeth, and went to and fro, relieved by cold water in mouth. – 17th. The menses, previously always regular, came on 10 days. too soon, but lasted only 2 days – 19th, at noon, violent griping in abdomen, especially below navel, lasted 1/2 hour and then a pappy stool with much flatus – 20th., 6 a. m., 10 dr. mother tinct. Tearing – digging toothache in all right upper teeth, semilateral frontal headache. 11 a. m., nausea, with inclination to vomit, no appetite for dinner. 6 p. m., while walking in open air chill over shoulders, followed by heat for 1/4 hours, slight drawing in both wrists and insteps. 9:45 p. m., violent itching on both forearms and upper part of abdomen, making her scratch, which caused burning, a red miliary rash on itchy parts. Restless sleep at night with occasional moaning. – 21st. The eruption appeared as small papules, the itching changed to burning. The eruption was worse about navel, some vesicle among it; this lasted till the 23rd, when it desquamated with violent itching. 3 p. m., traces of menses appeared, which ceased by noon of following day. Since then well. (Ibid. 280.).

4. J. CZARY, veterinary surgeon, aet 40, in his childhood had catarrhal bowel complaint; 10 years ago pneumonia, otherwise always healthy. – June 7th. 1 hour after breakfast 5 dr. tinct. No symptoms. – 8th. 10 dr. after breakfast. After 3/4 hour gaiety, tongue dry, thirst. After dinner felt well. 4 p. m., firm stool. – 9th. 15 dr. after breakfast. After 1 hour transient gaiety, followed in 1/2 hour by persistent prostration of mental powers; slight drowsiness after dinner, no stool. – 11th. 25 dr., after 1 hour great excitement, disinclination to mental work, irritability; some drowsiness after dinner. 3 p. m., a firm stool. -12th. 30 dr. – 13th. 35 dr., same symptoms. – 14th. 40 dr., soon felt uncomfortable, irritable, unfit for mental work, dryness of mouth, increased thirst. After a plentiful dinner sleep for 2 hours 5 p. m., a firm stool with straining. Observed a small swelling of submaxillary gland which increased till 2nd, then went off gradually. Stools till 23rd every 3 days. After this the normal state was restored. (Ibid.).

5. Dr. M. EIDHERR, aet. 29, was never seriously ill. – July 8th, 5 dr. mother tinct. 1 hour after breakfast. After 1 hour felt excited, gay, stronger than usual, and with more inclination for reading and thinking. This lasted 1/2 hour, soon followed by weakness of mind. disinclination for reading and thinking, and a kind of intoxicated state, perspiration, pulse quickened by 12 beats, and thirst; in 3 hours these symptoms gradually went off. – 9th, 8 a. m. 10 dr. After 1/2 hour a semi – liquid stool. 9 a. m. increased cheerfulness and inclination for mental work, perspiration and itching of skin. 10 a. m., felt exhausted, anxious, sad, irritable, was vexed at trifles, and lost all desire for mental work. This lasted till noon, the itching till 4 p. m. Appetite for dinner increased. 2 p. m., drowsy – 10, 8 a. m. 15 dr. Same symptoms as yesterday. 3 p. m., drowsy and fell

asleep; no stool. Sleep at night disturbed by confused dreams. – 11th. Woke with confused head. 3 p. m., again drowsy. 9 p. m., hard stool, with straining. – 12th. Well – 13th, 8 a. m., 20 dr. 9 a. m., great gaiety, felt very happy, mental power increased; 1 hour later sad and very cross, no inclination for mental work, itching all over body, felt quite weak. This state lasted till 10:30 a. m. At 1 p. m. had only slight confusion of head. Appetite increased. 7:30 p. m., very sleepy, slept for 2 hours., sleep at night very restless, full of confused tiresome dreams. Urine passed at night scanty and dark red. – 14th. Woke at 6 a. m. with confused head. 8 a. m., 25th dr., same symptoms as yesterday. – 15th and 16th. Nothing but great drowsiness after dinner. Smoking, usually agreeable, caused nausea and vomiting. E. hard stool. – 17th, 8 a. m., 30 dr. Same symptoms. – 18th, 8 a. m., 35 dr. Low spirits, anxiety and general weakness after a few hour. Sleep afternoon and night not refreshing, constant disinclination to get up. NO stool to – day or yesterday. – 19th. 40 dr. same symptoms. The accustomed cigar again caused nausea and inclination to vomit. – Until 24th, though he took no medicine he had continued disinclination for mental work, great drowsiness, long unrefreshing sleep, dislike to get up, increased appetite, constipation, and low spirits. The lymphatic glands in right groin swelled to the size of hazel nuts; this swelling was gone by the 27th; the cigar still caused nausea. From the 24th the stool, which had been constipated, occurred several times a day, loose, without straining. – August 31st, 8 a. m., 5 dr. first dil. 10 a. m., increased warmth of body, thinking power and inclination for mental work increased. This lasted 1/2 hour, then the same copious perspiration, prostration of mind and body, disinclination for mental work; feet heavy, walking soon tired him; head confused, pulse quicker by 10 beats, occasional lightning – like stitches in various parts of skin. 12:30 p. m., only confused head, which disappeared in open air. – 14th, 8 a. m., 10 dr. 9 a. m., great cheerfulness, movements easy, skin perspired agreeably, increased thirst, flush, redness in face, pulse quickened by 12 beats. 9:45 a. m., hard stool, perspiration, vacancy of head, heaviness of limbs, a sort of intoxicated state. Pain in forehead lasting till evening – 15th, 8 a. m. 15 dr. Same symptoms as yesterday. Towards evening slight drawing and transient stitches in right ear, cheek, and side of neck; morning head increased pain. – 16th, 8 a. m., 20 dr. Cheerfulness for a short time was followed by discomfort, crossness and anxiety up till 1 p. m. Frontal pain till 5 p. m. 3 p. m., drawing in right ear, cheek, and neck, with occasional ringing in ear, pulse increased by 16 beats. Evening a hard stool with great straining. At night many confused dreams, waking with a start; the drawing pain still felt and accompanied by tenderness of parts to touch. – 17th. Woke with dull headache and great desire to go to sleep again. On rising the drawing pain was increased, and turning the head extremely painful. 8 a. m., 22 dr. no ringing in ear, drawing pain gone out of cheek but worse in neck and under chin; it was aggravated by touch, turning and especially bending back head, a slight swelling under right lower jaw. Saliva increased, urging to stool without effect. – 18th, 8 a. m., 24 dr. After 1/2 hour stool with straining; depression of spirits, great sensitiveness to external impressions, slight irritability and anxiety. The pain in right side of neck made movement of head in any direction painful, the right submaxillary gland not so painful, surrounding swelling less, but gland itself enlarged, left more painful of swollen. No stool. – 21st, 8 a. m., 30 dr. Pain in right submaxillary gland gone, but gland still swollen; left also less painful, very slightly swollen. Inguinal glands as before. Saliva increased. – 22nd. 32 dr. – 32 dr. – 23rd. 34 dr. – 26. 36 dr. No more new symptoms. The glandular

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.