
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine cicuta, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Cicuta virosa, l. Water hemlock. Nat. Ord., Umbelliferae.


I. HAHNEMANN, Mat. Medorrhinum Pura, vol. vi of original, vol. i of translation. Contains 36 symptoms from self, 168 from 3 fellow – provers, and 37 from authors.

2. a. Dr. LEMBKE took, Feb. 15th, 6:30 a. m., 10 dr. tinct. 6:45 am., when walking in room tension in fascia of left thigh, anteriorly, superiorly, and externally, and in right hough mostly towards its inner border; heat in lower part of occiput. Vision seems clearer, pupils contracted. 7:45 a. m., drawing under skin above left tendo Achillis; the heat spreads from occiput to crown and the sides thereof, always deeply seated; rumbling of flatulence in bowels, much and long continued; flow of saliva; heat and weight in sinciput; when sitting, feeling in knees as after a long walk; dull shooting pains in fossa navicularis penis. 8:15 a. m., after slight exertion great weariness in legs and arms; when bending painful stiffness in back; pupils small and eyes sensitive to daylight. 8:30, testicles drawn up tightly towards inguinal ring; stool, with urine, soon followed by urging to make water, which could be kept back with difficulty. II a. m., bright red blood (about 3 teaspoonfuls) from right nostril. After a walk of one hour very weary. 11:30, great pulsation of temporal arteries; disinclined for work, cross and given to dismal reflections; pressure in sinciput. one p. m., no appetite; urging to urinate; after dinner great thirst for cold water. No desire to make water till 5 p. m., when slight urging came on, also great hunger which, however, is soon satisfied. Great disposition to study in evening – 16th, 12:45 a. m., 10 dr. During night frequent waking with feeling of having slept enough and of strength. When he rose at 6 a. m. no feeling of having passed a disturbed night. Passed less urine than usual during night 6:15 a. m., 15 dr. Immediately on touching nose some bleeding from right nostril, soon followed by copious epistaxis. 7 a. m., temporal arteries throb strongly; sinciput hot and heavy; skin congested; feeling of hot water in stomach. 7:45 a. m., both nostrils dry, as if stopped up, but air passes freely; heat rises up into face, especially its upper part; tension in left calf when walking; pupils small; pressure on eyes with sensitiveness to daylight, though weather is foggy; sometimes bright grey spots before eyes; pulse 75; heaviness in occiput; pain with fulness in forehead and right temple, later in left; tearing pain through left side of brain towards the arch of skull, from before backwards; erection without lascivious thoughts. 8:45 a. m., pupils very dilated and for several hours after. Little urine passed t – day. – 17th, 5:45 a. m., 30 dr. 6:30, dryness in throat; weakness in knees and dorsal muscles, after standing a short time; heaviness in sinciput with pressure deep in brain; stiffness in tendons Achillis and painful pressure in muscles at back of left thigh, when walking slowly, pulse 60; tension in calves; pupils contracted. 7:45 a. m., pupils dilated; pressive pain under left eyebrow on bone extends to temple and left zygoma; tearing in right side of occipital bone; testicles drawn up to abdomen; shooting in left eyelids; frequent urging to urinate; on back of left hand between first and second fingers, fine vesicles size of poppy seeds with narrow red areola, no pain or sensation in them, only now observed. 8:30 a. m., cheerful, disposed to work, when walking easy movements and elasticity of muscles all day. 9 a. m., compressive sensation in all muscles of left leg, as if the leg were constricted, when walking. 6 p. m., stool consisting of single hard lumps of faeces; swelling on right side of anus as from a pile under skin, whereby the orifice of the anus is narrowed, with tiresome sensation during stool; very little urine all day. Frequent erections at night – 18th, 6:15 a. m. 60 dr. Eruption disappeared. 6:45 a. m., pain in left calf; drawing on right instep towards inner side; tearing in extensors of left forearm, and at root of 3 last right toes; pinching on inner side of right big toe, for a long time, with very severe pain. 7:45 a. m., much inclined to stare; sometimes deeper breath than usual, more while sitting than walking; tearing in right lids; drawing pain under bone in upper part of forehead extending to crown; drawing in muscles on inner aspect of right thigh; great weakness of legs; pupils small; pressure on eyelids; tensive feeling in lower part of calves; tearing in lower part of extensors of left leg; pressure on chest, with occasional deeper breathing; abdomen distended with flatulence and emission of much flatus; nose stopped up; tickling in fossa navicularis and frequent erections. 9:30 a. m., stool rather softer than usual; very much disposed for work and walking. 4 p. m., a large teaspoonful of tinct. 5 p. m., pupils very dilated; staring almost without winking and as if a grey fog were before eyes; shooting in fossa navicularis; heaviness in sinciput; sometimes bright spots before eyes; deeper breathing when sitting; cold feeling streams through legs with tearing in toes, the cold feeling lasts longest in the right leg; oppressed feeling in chest and deep breathing; pulsation in sinciput and heat with strong beating of heart; pulsation in hand when holding on to chair; painful bruised feeling in knees; painful weakness in muscles of lower part of left upper arm; tearing in right peroneus muscle; drawing in back of left hand at roots of fingers; stopped-up nose; tearing under skull on right side; sinciput confused. 7 p. m. and later, much heat and weight in head; weakness and tearing in bones of skull on left side and internal pulsation and dazedness deep in brain. – 19th. At 2 and 5 a. m., stool of thin faeces with urgent irresistible call to urinate, which recurs as soon as the urine has passed. 8:30 a. m.; 3, 7 and 8 p. m., thin slimy stools with straining and much urine. 9 p. m. and 5:30 next morning, slimy stools. At night lascivious dream and emission of semen with drawing pain in fossa navicularis. The stools had this peculiarity, that without premonitory symptoms they suddenly came on with urging so severe that they could hardly be kept back, at the same time bruised pain in sacrum and general weakness; the stool itself gushed suddenly forth, and was followed by tenesmus; the urging to urine was at the same time frequent. – 20th., 8 a. m., thin slimy stool; frequent erections without lascivious thoughts. 9 a. m., 2 dr. of tinct. of arnica. 2 p. m., almost every hour a stool of black carrion – smelling mucus in large quantity, with straining. Appetite and sleep always good, very drowsy even during day, very weak, great thirst. Evening, 3 stools as above. – 21st, morning., stool of normal character. Yesterday he observed on the dorsal aspect of the Ist phalanx of the left thumb small red spots without sensation which disappeared in the course of the day. To-day there appeared on back of left hand a group of 16 to 18 small red spots, smooth and without sensation which disappeared in the course of the d. To-day there appeared on back of I. hand a group of 16 to 18 small red spots, smooth and without sensation which disappeared on pressure and reappeared quickly this eruption disappeared in evening. In evening and during night several thin stools of normal colour, with much urine and prolapsus of rectum. – 22nd. An eruption like the former one on a different part of back of left hand, towards the metacarpus pollicis; on back of right hand a small itching vesicle; in forenoon some thin stools.

Feb. 26th, 7 a. m., 100 dr. Immediately tearing on inner side of lower part of right upper arm; jerking drawing in posterior lower part of right leg to heel; suddenly great weakness in left thigh on rising up; the snow dazzles him, and on looking on a dark wall there seems to be a grey screen towards the left; flush of heat over back; pressure on left side of head under bones, repeatedly; transient shooting in dorsal muscles in regions of 11th and 12th vertebrae increased by deep breathing; head heavy and full; when sitting and rising up great weariness in both legs, less in arms, diminished by walking about room; stitches in muscles of right scapula; pressure under right os bergamot.; when writing suddenly painful weary feeling in muscles of right arm; pulse 60, large, full; tearing in left temple; breathing deep with effort; dull shooting in urethra; pupils sometimes contracted, sometimes dilated; sometimes in right shoulder, in one or other knee, or in ankles great weak feeling; constant painful tearing in tendons of left instep, when walking and standing; everything appears brighter, pupils contracted on clearer; prickling pulsation in right calf for a moment; frequent discharge of flatus; tearing in muscles of right shoulder. 8 a. m., lightness; firmness in movements, but this is only transient; frequent micturition; pressure in sinciput and in muscles of left upper arm, stiffness in right calf; more or less confusion in sinciput; tearing in tendons on left instep; drawing in left arm; 9 a. m., no more symptoms, only much urging to urinate 4 p. m., 100 dr. Immediately tearing in right nape muscles; drawing in tendons on left instep. 5 p. m., painful feeling of exhaustion in both legs and knees when sitting; hot feeling in both legs; pressure on crown under skull; drawing in tendons of right instep and left sole; creeping feeling in soles with pressure on various parts of legs; when reading slight pressure in eyes; shooting in eyelids; appearance of bright points hovering before eyes, mixed with dark streaks and spots; increased feeling of warmth in whole body; bruised feeling in forearms and lower extremities; drawing in tendons on backs of left fingers; pupils dilated; weight deep in occiput; veins very prominent; pulse slow, large, full; stitches in fossa navis.; pressive pain under left frontal protuberance; drawing under skin on outer side of right thigh; pressure in left calf and tearing in left toes; painful bruised feeling alternately in arms and legs, with hot feeling streaming into part, making movement difficult; frequent pain in loins and large dorsal muscles; pressure deep in brain in various parts. 6 p. m., sudden pinching in right sole; pressive pain in muscles of right arm; tearing on inner border of left sole, deeply seated; creeping under skin of right instep; severe pressive pain on ulnar side of left wrist; sudden tearing in lower part of right

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.