Hartlaub. a. Confusion of head, and especially a sort of weight on vertex (1/2 hour); remarkable dryness in mouth and nose, also dryness of pharynx, with occasional stitching there (1st hour); eructations (1/2 hour); strong but not painful burning in stomach, with vinous taste in mouth (whole forenoon of first day); stool scanty, somewhat hard and difficult, with cutting pain in rectum (1st day); painless faecal diarrhoea several times in day; a sort of paralysis of neck of bladder, urine passes without slightest expulsive force, lasting some time, and so increasing that urine could scarcely be retained without effort (1st day); reddish urine; in morning in bed, while lying awake, discharge from relaxed penis, almost without sensation, of considerable quantity of normal semen, same thing recurring 24 hours afterwards (in a vigorous young man); a violent catarrh came on (2nd days) characterized by formation of much tenacious mucus in nose, without sneezing, hoarseness and painful detachment of same from chest, and (which he never has with a cold) nocturnal dry cutting stitches along trachea; tickling causing cough; soon after taking dose much tenacious phlegm from larynx and posterior nares, and therewith difficult and oppressed breathing, partly – as it seemed – from contraction of larynx and trachea, partly from dryness of nose; also violent palpitation for several minutes; fine but sharp drawing pain down a narrow line deep in right cervical muscles (2 hours), and fine stitches in skin of throat. ( Ibid.)

3 b. In 1/4 hour causeless anguish of mind, increasing by 1/2 hour to such a pitch that he feels as if he had committed a murder, it seems to come from stomach; in 2 hours it is associated with tremor of whole body, continuing while walking in open air; head heavy and confused; headache from forehead to temples; pressive headache over nose; dilated pupils with dim sight; ringing and humming in both ears; pain in left eyebrow as if pressed there by a blunt substance; flying, stitch – like pain over root of nose; quivering in gum of left upper eye – tooth; burning on tongue and palate, long lasting (1/4 hour); burning, scratching feeling in pharynx and sweetish disgusting taste on tongue and in whole buccal cavity; saliva of same taste fills mouth, and must be expelled, for 1/2 hour (1/4 hours); wishes to eructate, but cannot; increased thirst with much drinking, urine not increased in proportion, and slower than usual in following ingestion of fluids; nausea as though he would vomit; in region of stomach an indescribable sensation, she feels hungry without being really so; sense of fulness with pressure in stomach, feels as if eructation would relieve, but cannot accomplish it (3/4 hour); uncommon fulness in gastric region with anguish and restlessness (1 hour); cardialgia, lasting a long time; stitching, cutting pain through back and belly, quickly passing away (9 hours); belly much distended, and movement about as of flatus therein; renal region is affected with a continued dull sense of pain, late in evening borborygmus (1.1/4 hours); much flatus emitted; itching feeling in distal end of urethra, which at times is almost a cutting, without any voluptuous sensation; violent stitch – like pain in left chest, in cardiac region or heart itself (5 hours); much lassitude, as after strong bodily exertion; very anxious dreams whole night through; heated whole afternoon, as after walking fast on hot day, face therewith red and cutaneous exhalation increased. ( Ibid. ii, 219.)

Hering From emanations, – lachrymation and tension in upper lids; immediate urging to micturate; if any urine passes it is in small quantity and at intervals. Inflammation on border of right ala nasi, especially towards tip, running an irregular course, red and shining, with slight swelling and some pain (after several hours, not disappearing till 2 days); pain at 3 a. m. on upper part of nose, as if it had been pressed upon, then tension and erysipelatous inflammation and swelling from ridge of nose to both cheeks, especially right, colour disappearing under pressure and as quickly returning, cheek is hard to touch, – all this on 30th days, increasing on 31st, and going off on 32nd with slight desquamation (after several weeks, without notable cause a similar inflammation, especially on right upper lip, inside and tip of nose); after 6 hours small blister on gum, with red points, which after 15 hours disappears, leaving only a red spot, upper lip at same time much swollen but only slightly painful; on gum above left upper incisor appears a reed, somewhat painful, point, which gradually grows more painful, becoming at length a small round, inflamed, elevated spot, of yellow – reddish aspect, which is sore and painful on pressure, – therewith whole upper lip swollen; after some weeks a dental fistula, lasting several weeks, – red spot over tooth (now carious) has opening in centre, from which on pressure pus exudes; during hunger a sort of pain in pharynx (4th days); a sort of incomplete eructation almost like hiccup, which passes from pharynx to stomach (3rd days before dinner); slight pains over symphysis pubis, and downwards along ureters, which constantly become worse (5 hours); cutting and contractive pain from ureters down towards penis, sometimes from without inwards, somewhat relieved by pressure on glans; frequent discharge of scanty watery urine, at first without pain, but towards end with violent cutting, at the last it passes guttatim or in a weak and intermitting stream; when he goes to micturate, he can with great difficulty prevent some from escaping prematurely; urging to micturate far greater when standing, and especially when walking, than when sitting (5 hours); after 24 hours urine is again coloured darker, and pain on micturition is less; in urine passed during first hours, there floated, after standing, some thready mucus; for first time after 4 – 5 hours there were slight pains on micturition, and increasing urging thereto; pain on micturition is only at end of act, and is less the more urine is passed; slight stiffness in chest not affecting respiration (3 hours); if he bruises himself anywhere, spot burns for some time. ( Ibid., i.)

Nenning Depression, irritability (especially during pains), restlessness, vertigo; headaches of all kinds and in all parts of the head, among others – painful tearings in vertex, with sensation as if a lock of hair were being drawn upwards; intermittent painful twitching, now in right occiput, now on outer surface of left knee, long-lasting, always alternating, not disappearing on rubbing (2.1/2 hours); rising of heat into head, with perspiring hands which burn (1 hour after dinner); twitching of lids, biting and burning in eyes, yellow vision an hour long; a hot vapour issues frequently from the two ears alternately; frequent painful tearing in right mastoid process below ear, as with a knife, not disappearing on rubbing with frontal headache as from a weight there (1/2 hour); tearing about face, and heat in it; yellow tint of face and eyes (10th days); collapsed, hippocratic countenance; deathly pale face, dryness of lips and

throat, with and after pains (2nd days); a painless gumboil, yielding clotted blood only; slimy mouth, white tongue, blood in mouth; eructations, nausea, and tendency to vomiting; various pains in stomach and abdomen; acute stitch in right side of chest, then tearing between scapulae, then acute stitches in right shoulder, then same in right hypochondrium and scapula, returning to hypochondrium; hard stools, with tenesmus, followed by burning; the usual urinary symptoms, cold hands and feet with the strangury; burning in female pudenda; tension and contraction in front of chest, with dyspnoea and stitches all over chest, 11 a. m. – 8 p. m., relieved for time by lying down (stitches about chest frequently mentioned); abundance of pains, of no distinctive character, in back and limbs; in one prover, boring, tearing pains, with stitches, now in both knees, now in right only, extending downward to feet, upwards into hips, first right, then left unrelieved by camphor, but mitigated by warm, dry applications; whole body feels hot and sore; itching and papular eruptions; much lassitude; sleeplessness or disturbed dreaming; febrile chilliness or heat. ( Ibid. i.)

7. Ruckert. – Spasmodic stitches, drawing downward, from eyebrows to chin, and hot feeling in palate, as if he had eaten something burning (1st day); stitch on tip of tongue as if it had been bitten (do.); filthy, disgusting taste in mouth, several afternoons in succession; during slight but somewhat sudden turning of body, violent stitch during breathing on left side under arm, extending through whole body, just as if someone suddenly and violently transfixed him with a fine spear, arresting breathing for a moment; it occurred only once on other side, less violent, and not on breathing or motion, but in rest (2nd days); almost constant cutting pain in sacrum, especially while sitting (1st day); stitch in right shoulder – bones, through and through, pain and tension in little finger, for some day; pains in knees as if swollen, hindering motion, transient in left, in right lasting some day; whole body feels jointless and heavy, going up steps is very troublesome, legs feeling as if filled with lead (for 8 days); after any active or continued movement whole body is much heated, it also gets hot at other times, especially afternoons; restless beating of pulse in whole body, so that limbs tremble, for some day. (ibid.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.