Cannabis sativa

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Cannabis Sativa, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Hemp. Nat Ord., Cannabinaceae. [There seems no essential distinction between the C. sativa and the C. indica; and their effects exhibit no sharp lines of demarcation, as the following pathogenesis show. Nevertheless, it has been thought well to give each a separate section, that any real difference of action may be utilized in practice. – EDS.


1. HAHNEMANN, Mat. Medorrhinum Pura, vol. i of original and translation. Contains 283 symptoms from self and 8 others and 47 from authors. 2. April 7th, 7 a.m., took 10 dr. tinct. – 9th, 7 a.m., 30 dr. No symptoms. – 11th, 7 a.m., 70 dr. At 12 noon, severe tearing and boring in right side of skull -a symptom often observed without taking medicine. 3 p.m., weight and heat in sinciput till e. 4 p.m., shooting in end of urethra repeatedly, not when urinating. (LEMEKE, Z. f. h. Kl., iv, 155.)

3. Nov. 26th, 1 dr. tinct. Strong erections in m. after coitus in n.; stools irregular, much pressing required attended with tenesmus, which continues after evacuation; sometimes has sudden call to soft stool; frequent urging to urinate, sometimes with burning, urine turbid; sexual desire goes off later. The first 2 d. on waking in m., vertically disposed, shining, white points extending in lines from one eye to the other, they go off some time after rising, later flickering before eyes, light and dark points hover in different directions before the sight. After 4 d., in left ear a ringing as if a stretched string were struck, which reverberates a long time; an inflamed pimple in right ear, very painful when touched, with swelling of inner ear, matter forms after 4 d., which is discharged mixed with blood; ebullition of blood to head with heat; at n. very hot, sweats towards m.; his nipple inflames, itches, is painful to touch; a pustule beside it which does not burst, but goes off after a few d. On hairy scalp, on nape and behind ears painful tender pimples, which heal up in a few d. without scabs; aching and itching in eyeballs; scraping and burning in throat for some d., he must hawk and has dry cough, in the m. much mucous expectoration. After 10 d. oppressed breathing, precordial anxiety, stitches between scapulae, aggravated after eating, relieved by sitting. After 12 d. vomiting after coffee of viscid acid slime. On stooping cramp in nates, must rise up immediately; several such attacks. – Dec. 2nd, 2 dr. Afternoon and e. his thoughts are confused and he writes in the wrong place, at same time heat and ebullition in head, but chilliness in open air, itching in fingers and hands; vivid agreeable dreams; depressed spirits. – 9th, 5 dr. Woke next m. at 6 o’clock with urging to stool, but nothing but wind passed and the urging continued. After a pipe had a hard stool, with nausea and inclination to vomit. – 10 th, 10:30 a.m., 4 dr. Immediately forgets what he was going to write, retching and inclination to vomit. After 3 h. needle pricks in tip of right ring finger. Later in afternoon, feeling of great coolness under nails; slight drawing in a hollow tooth, especially when something acid touches it. – 11th. Awoke with great nausea and inclination to vomit, especially when lying on right side; for several d. great appetite in e., eats too much and is sick; uncomfortable and depressed all day with eructation of air and fulness in abdomen and no appetite till n., when appetite returns; in e. chilliness, yawning stretching limbs and laziness; prickly feeling under left big toe as if great coldness were under nails; cramp in right heel; itching wheals on arms and nape, which soon go off; toothache drawing in a hollow tooth and violent shooting on sucking it out with tongue; right side of palate swollen and a lump on it as from a gumboil. – 12th. Woke in m. with nausea and inclination to vomit, all m. uncomfortable yawning, sleepy lazy, inclined to do nothing; rumbling in bowels, slight spasm in stomach, which feels empty, though he cannot fancy anything to eat. Imperfect erection during coitus without voluptuous feeling or ejaculation. Mouth of urethra somewhat inflamed, painful, and feels hard. Much flatus m., stool in small pieces, with flatus; after coitus without pleasure, strong painful erections at n. which woke him up; cutting shooting in orifice of urethra; spasm in stomach; nausea and hawking of mucus and vomiting, relieved by coffee; depression of spirits; in m. visible and perceptible pulsation of temporal arteries – 14th, 20 dr. 1st dil. Immediately nausea and vomiting at first of bitter then of insipid mucus with great straining; teeth on edge; afterwards hunger; l. cheek red but cool, right pale, right teeth painful. After 1/2 h. pinching in belly, like call to stool. After 1 h. ebullition towards head when writing; heartburn; woke, m., with urging to stool; in spite of much straining only wind came, the urging to stool and urine continued till he took coffee and smoked a pipe, when he had a broken – up stool, but vomited the coffee; itching in urethra; eruption of papules, which itch and smart, on chest and back. – 1st day, shooting in rectum, with a kind of contraction of sphincter, frequently, when walking; afternoon, a strangling sensation in left testicle when walking, the epididymis and spermatic cord swollen in lumps like beans. – 2nd d., sore – throat as if raw, with great dryness, worst m. in bed, after rising expectorated a lump of mucus and felt better, scrapy and dry in chest; 1 h. after breakfast general discomfort, especially in abdomen, as if blown out, with shooting cutting pains there and chilliness all over; eructation with taste of food, later of mere wind; teeth on edge; hawking of mucus difficult to detach that irritates throat; feet feel heavy when going upstairs; sensation as of sand in right rye; very distracted, cannot comprehend things easily, hardly knows what to write, confused thoughts; urging to stool after dinner and diarrhoea, later itching and pricking in rectum; sleepy for 1/4 h. after dinner; itching on chin and tip of nose; when sitting r. natis becomes painful and right leg goes to sleep; shooting pressing pain in left little toe formerly the seat of a corn; e., burning in eyes; spasmodic pain in stomach, m.; heaviness and going to sleep of right hand, relieved by moving it. – 6th day, violent burning of all skin, especially feet, hands, palms, and belly, all n., and next m. a painful pustule on nape. (SCHRETER, N. Archiv, iii, 1, 172.)

4. Mrs. S -. Dec. 2nd, 7 dr. tinct. After 3h. (at 10 a.m.), earache and pain in throat, then coldness with heat alternating with dull headache, aggravated by moving and stooping as if all within head were shaken, so that she must walk quite stiffly or sit quite still leaning against something, frequent stitches in head on left side and behind right ear; the stitches so violent they made her start, lasted at n. in sleep, so that she moaned and groaned and frequently woke. Pressure on eyelids so that she can with difficulty open them, and stitches round about orbits; some heat and fever, glowing hot face, but it felt cold when she moved; severe pains in throat, which is swollen outside and inside, with dysphagia; very tired, must lie down all d. Shooting in upper arm and bones of little finger, this lasted 3 d.; in the flesh on outer side of left tibia pain like a bruise, then shooting in whole left extremity; shooting and pain in left ankle joint, relieved by washing in cold water; stool thin and yellowish, passed by mistake, thought it was wind; pains in abdomen, cutting, not removed by rubbing, but only by drinking cold water; urine scanty; no voluptuous feeling during coitus; dizziness for some d., the room seemed to turn round with her. – 10th 10:30 a.m., 4 dr. Always giddy, things seem to whirl round; hiccup, m., itching shooting in vagina, and leucorrhoea after coitus; urine scanty; slight bellyache before stool. Itching pimples on neck, nape, and chest; gum around a decayed tooth inflamed, swelled and painful; head constantly dizzy, it felt as if moving from one side to the other. – 14th, 20 dr. 1st dil. Drawing pains in a decayed tooth with swelling of gum, e.; before stool always slight bellyache; stool sometimes loose, sometimes hard; itching around knee; a hollow tooth crumbles away. (Ibid.)

5. From taking some tablespoonfuls of an infusion of 3ij fresh can. sat. in 3viij water, – vertigo confused head, headache, tinnitus aurium, pale face, dryness of mouth, viscid mucus in throat, eructation, complete anorexia, loss of taste, cough; weak, often inaudible, voice, oppressed breathing and pressive pain all over chest, transient violent palpitation of heart, exhaustion, eruption on head and chest consisting of white vesicles filled with serum, with red areola, burning when touched. (KNORRE, A.h. Z., vi, 34.)

6. April 20th, 5:15 p.m., WIBMER took 5 dr. tinct., pulse being then 75. At 5:30, 10 dr. After 5 m., slight frontal headache, dryness of mouth throat and lips. At 6 p.m., 20 dr. Taste disagreeable. After 10 m., slight headache with slight throbbing and pressure. At 6:30 p.m., quite well. Then he took 40 dr., the pulse being 78. Slight headache came on. At 7 p.m., on getting up, felt the limbs much fatigued, this went off by walking. – April 21st. at 11.45 a.m., pulse being 80, took 50 dr. Taste disgusting. After 7 m. some drawing through forehead. After 1/4 h. frontal headache, which lasted till 1 p.m. After 3 d. the fatigue of limbs increased, especially of lower limbs, with violent pain in sacrum, which compelled him to sit and rest after the slightest exertion; at same time drowsiness and paleness of face. On the 6th day the throbbing headache, with heat of head and fever, recurred, compelling him to lie down. Venesection to 12 oz., leeches and cold compress to the head, relieved the headache, but the pain in sacrum, the weariness and fever, continued longer. There was also complete anorexia, thickly furred tongue, and constipation, though he had suffered from diarrhoea a few d. before. This condition kept him nearly 14 d. in bed, during which the symptoms gradually subsided, but there long remained anorexia and complete loss of tone in intestinal canal. The strongest purgatives in large doses were unable to clear out bowels of faeces and flatulence. For many weeks afterwards he suffered from weariness of limbs, impaired digestion, and great paleness and leanness of face. (Wirk. d. Arzneim. u. Gifte, ii, 230.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.