
2 q. Fever. – In first hours, some heat in head and face, or over whole body; on 2nd d. chilliness over whole body, so that she shivers, followed by heat, for a few m.; on 3rd d. rapidly creeping chills, even shiverings in various parts, chiefly beginning in face and arms and extending over back and chest, followed by heat, with anxiety and oppression at chest especially in forenoon and e.; the heat was so violent, that she felt she must spring into water.

2 r. After 6 – 10 general prostration, so that she had no desire to do anything Great fatigue in e., he goes to bed 2 h. sooner than usual, and falls asleep with unwonted rapidity. (Journ. f. hom. Arzneimittellehre, i 1.)

4. One of the women, after the action of the large doses had ceased for 8 d., took a drop of the 5th dil. of the tinct., and found many of the former symptoms return in redoubled force, extension and duration. (Ibid)

5. The second male prover, all his symptoms having disappeared by April 27th, took on that d. a drop of the same. He felt in hepatic region at border of the ribs three inches from linea alba shooting pain extending to gastric region, increased by pressure, that lasted 1/4 h. It came on while walking (He had the same symptom after 48 grs. of the powdered bark). Next d. had a rheumatic laming pain in right shoulder and some shoots over left eye. (Ibid.)

6. A girl, aet. 18, got from 11th Feb., daily at noon, from 25 to 30 and 40 dr. of a tincture made of 30 dr. of 6th dil. with 1 oz. water. Soon scraping in throat, relieved by drinking water. Woke at night with intense thirst-12th. On rising tearing pain in both renal regions, which extended sideways, forwards, up and down, involving the whole back between thorax and pelvis. On stooping and when seated the lower part of back felt stiff. Pressure in both eyes and pain when they are moved, with heat and burning in them, conjunctivae of border of lids very red, also the sclerotic partially. Pressive headache, as though the head would burst, or as if it was pressed down by a heavy weight, heat of head, dryness of nose and feeling as if she were taking cold, with frequent sneezing. The conjunctivitis much increased towards afternoon. The conjunctiva bright and uniformly red; great burning in eyes and pain especially when moving them. Could not see to sew as everything ran together. Light dazzles. Eyes quite dry. In afternoon great itching in skin of knees and thighs, scratching relieved transiently. – 13th. State much the same. Urine with much mucous sediment. – 15th After supper pressive sensations in stomach, as though it would burst. No stool for 2d. Several times during day violent burning, scraping, pitching in right cheek from ear down to lower jaw. – 16 th. Great weight, transient feeling of weakness in lower limbs, especially thighs, felt most when going upstairs and great weariness. All symptoms aggravated in afternoon. (Ibid.)

7. A girl, aet 14, who has not menstruated got 25th Feb., at bedtime, 10 dr. of the 6 dil., 26th, m. and e. 10 dr. 27th. 10 dr. m., 28th to 1st March, each d. 2 doses of 10 dr. On 26th pain in abdomen, m. in bed; at 8 a.m., bitter taste. – 27th. Aching pressing headache, great weariness and prostration. – 28th. Afternoon, repeated cutting in abdomen as though diarrhoea would come on. 1st March, m., and afternoon diarrhoea. (Ibid.) 8. A girl, aet, 19, from 24th Feb, to 5th March, at first 15 rising to 40 dr. of 6th dil., everyday one or two doses. – 24th. Pressive headache, as though forehead would be pushed out. From noon, burning in eyes, eyelids red on their inner surface and white foam on their borders; headache as though skull would burst, on stooping feeling ask of wobbling in head, and as if all would come out at forehead. Sometimes twitching tearing in temples; twice diarrhoeic stools., – 26th. Headache continues, but not so severe; sometimes chilly feeling, especially on coming from warm to cold; stuffy, pasty, burnt feeling in mouth and throat. Afternoon and e, eyes burnt like fire and were quite dry. When sewing blackness before eyes; daylight and lamplight dazzle.-27th and 28th. Eye symptoms continue; eyelids inflamed and swollen especially l.-1st march. Tearing in left shoulder, all over scapula, down back, especially on moving; this lasts several day’s – 3rd to 5th. Diarrhoea with cutting 3 or 4 times a d. The eyes,. which were better from the 3rd, became nose. Next d. all symptoms gone (Ibid.).

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.