
7. WALTL took gr. iv of dried root. An hours after taking this, staggered in his walk, as if drunk; experienced giddiness, headache, drowsiness; face was remarkably red, sight (as of letters) multiple, not clear, and irregular, pupils much dilated; remarkable and excessive dryness of throat in spite of drinking water and chewing gum. Slept 4 h. and woke quite well.

From vapour of decoction of root twice experienced at unusual hours great desire to sleep. (BUCHNER, Repert. f. d. Pharm., xxvii, p. 71.)

8. PURKINJE took 20 drs. of concentrated aqueous infusion of extract. In 1/2 h. dryness of mouth, throat, nostrils, and eyes; also of palms of hands. In cardiac region, peculiar sense of anxiety, as when the pulse intermits. Urine and alvine evacuation more scanty; animal food excited sourish taste with subsequent scratching in throat; saliva diminished. (Neue Bresl. Samml., 1829, p. 437.)

9. SCHEIDTWELLER took a morsel of extract. After 45 m. his hands swelled up and became so dry that he could no longer lay hold of things without letting them fall, and forthwith there came an abundant foam into the throat, and a headache lasting 2 d. There was unwonted heat of face; the eyes were much swollen and very tearful. (BUCHNER’s Repertorium, viii, 399.)

10. SCHLOSSER. A minute dose of a solution of extract excited-pressive pain on left supra-orbital arch; immediate annoying weakness of sight in right eye while writing so that letters seem to swim, and a troublesome feeling as if right eyelid were paralyzed; right pupil shows a very large circular dilatation; distant objects seem to the affected eye clearer than those close by; in writing he is obliged to close the affected eye to see the letters; while walking in the open air and in bright light vision was weaker, better in darkness and twilight; the contours of moving bodies wanted clearness, and print seemed to affected eye smaller and paler; speedy dimming of the eye occurred when reading; frequent feeling as if the eye swam in tears and of increased heat. Coffee gave relief. (Allg. hom. Zeit., lvi, 147.)

11 a. FRANK took increasing doses of 1x from June 2nd to 4th, 1841. After 50 drs. at 8:45 on latter day, had in 5 m. oppression of head as in commencing intoxication. At 9 cloudiness had increased. He felt determination of blood to the head, throbbing of the vessels, and sense of the heart-beats within the skull [therewith also profuse secretion of watery nasal mucus, [ He had a chronic nasal catarrh, so brackets all symptoms of the kind.] and copious lachrymation]; conjunctiva was injected, and pupils (especially r.) so dilated as to call attention from others. Confusion in head was increased by moving the head, still more when walking. At 10 pupils were much smaller, right less than left; at same time he had very transient fine shooting pains in both eyes while walking in open air, with feeling of heat coming against them; to which in afternoon there was added sleepiness. In e. he took 40 drs., and next m. 50, without effect. On 5th, at 6 a.m., took 60 drs. Immediately cloudiness in head, and thereupon heaviness of eyelids, with feeling as if between them and balls lay a sticky mass, which hindered their natural movements; sleepiness; pupils again dilated, right more than left [The nose again humid, with much tendency to sneezing.] After 15 m. increase of cloudiness to actual vertigo, greater on movement, with unwonted firmness in legs, especially in calves, and a sort of formication. At 7:30 feeling as if cramp in calves would come on, several times recurring; sometimes shooting tearing through left knee, and creeping in left foot-sole, with still stronger tearing sensation in the left thenar eminence on upper third of metacarpal bone of little finger. At 8 a.m. drank some coffee, and thereupon followed tearing. in left calf and along outer side of ulna (in the muscles) to the wrist. The affection of head and eyes had gone off since the coffee. At 10 the vertigo on movement recurred, and therewith heaviness in eyelids and weariness, soon going off. The drawing in left calf several times recurred. Then came on, after a transient anginose pain, frequent cough with expectoration of scanty white thick phlegm, and thereafter an irritable roughness and dryness in windpipe (catarrhus laryngeus). Tearing in arms, hand, and foot continued. Pains in eyes, and also a hot prickling in right eye, were still felt. Twice an indefinable slight pain suddenly shot through two middle upper incisors. In n. he several times felt, on a small spot on outer side of left thigh between knee and trochanter, a slight rheumatic drawing. 6th. -At 10 a.m. each rheumatic drawing ends in a burning throbbing; on close inspection he found, on a small spot on thigh, a slight erysipelatous redness, which, however, soon passed away. Burning throbbing on inner side of left forearm near olecranon, and on posterior ridge of radius, increased by touch and slight pressure. These sensations often returned during day on the same and on other parts, such as just above left heel, over left instep, and on a small spot on outside of right thigh; and in evening at 6 there was added a similar burning drawing pain at base of scapula, near angle. These spots seemed to be hotter and to be worse on pressure. (The B. seemed especially to affect the flexor surfaces and the fibrous membranes, and to touch left more than right side of body.) 7th. -No med. since 5th, all the symptoms disappeared, but at 1 p.m., walking fast, the above- described pain in left thigh, left tibia, left vola manus, right upper arm, back of little finger, always in parts where there are no muscles. 8th. -At 10 a.m., took 60 drs. on an empty stomach, and in the evening before going to bed 3 drs. of a 50 per cent. attenuation of mother tinct. in water. No result. June 9th, 8:30 a.m., 2 drs. of tinct.; at noon same dose, and in afternoon 3 drs. Drawing in abdomen as from flatulence, rumbling and escape of wind, feeling as of urgency to stool; perceptible pulsation through whole body; glistening eyes, as if swimming in tears; conjunctiva bulbi shot with many red vessels; heaviness of lids, especially of right eye; at 7 p.m. griping transversely through abdomen just under navel, after which discharge of flatus with rumbling. Drawing on left tibia near knee; drawing in hypogastric region over horizontal ramus of os pubis on right side, occasioned by flatus, which soon afterwards discharged. Stool was markedly harder and scantier than is natural. The proving was here interrupted.

11 b. Aug. 19th, took at 4 p.m., 3 drs of 0/; 20th, 4 drs. in the m., 5 in the e.; 21st, 5 drs.; 22nd, 7 drs.; 26th, 10 drs.; 27th, 12 drs.; 31st, 18 drs. Very trifling results- eructations, gripings, oppression in head and feeling of heat in stomach ensued. (Frank remarks that 60 drs. of first dil. affected him more than 18 drs. of mother tincture.)

11 c. Proved a solution of 3ss of extract in 3j of water. May 16th, 1845. -Took half a teaspoonful. Occasional eructations. 17th, 8 a.m., half a teaspoonful, fasting. Enlarged pupils, quivering of left upper eyelids, dryness of throat and lips, without notable thirst; drawing and shooting in left side of chest. In afternoon took a teaspoonful. After 5 m. quivering in left upper eyelid, often returning; a transient stitch in left chest; eructations; dryness of throat and lips, spreading through whole mouth. 18th. -Last n. woke at a.m. with distension and griping in abdomen with troublesome nausea; emission of much flatulence brought relief. In m. tongue was coated white, appetite very poor. Quivering in left upper eyelid, eructation, slight nausea. At 2 p.m. he sat down to his meal without appetite, but this improved as he went on, and after eating tongue cleaned. 11 p.m., quivering and transient slight burning in the outer canthus of left eye. 19th, m., in outer corner of left eye he finds several red vessels on sclerotica; quivering; enlarged pupils had become normal. At 1 p.m. a teaspoonful. Emission of much flatus; dryness of mouth and fauces; congestion in head, sensible pulsation therein and some giddiness. The dryness in the fauces increased to a scraping feeling, and caused such dysphagia that only with difficulty and by almost constant taking of fluids, could he swallow solid food. Immediately after a meal violent chill, with chattering of teeth; limbs trembled while lying as in the cold stage of an intermittent. He soon fell asleep, and on waking was very hot, had wide pupils; glistening protruding eyes, as if swimming in tears; and redness of face. At 9 p.m. no appetite, and tongue very white-coated; feeling of fulness in abdomen, together with slight griping and rumbling and desire to emit flatus, which, however, would not pass. – 20th. – Stool since taking the drug obviously retarded. While eating white bread and milk pain under hard palate, in middle, which went up into nostrils. Pupils still dilated. 21st, 9:30 a.m., a teaspoonful. Tasteless eructations; flatulence and urging to stool, but with slight result. At 10 a.m. dryness in mouth and throat, dysphagia, water will hardly go down; frequent hawking of phlegm; feeling in eyes as if they protruded from their sockets; heaviness of lids; slight somewhat clouded, slight giddiness with determination of blood to head and tinnitus aurium. 9 p.m., after a meal, a teaspoonful. In bed while reading as usual the letters run together, so that he cannot go on. Sleep was sound. May 22nd, 4:45 a.m., dryness in mouth; he can with difficulty detach some tenacious slime from the fauces by hawking. Copious urination. This m. unusual drowsiness; the letters run together while reading. He sees without glasses, the letters larger, and also more keenly with left eye than with right which normally does not obtain. 28th. 8 a.m., a teaspoonful, fasting. Return of all symptoms. At noon slight humming in ears, flickering before eyes, recurrence of twitching of left upper eyelid; feeling of fulness in abdomen. No appetite or taste; swallowing difficult. 29th-Very frequent urging to micturate, though he could only pass a few drops at a time. Closing of l. eye. (Ibid., xxxii, p. 298.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.