Antimonium tartaricum

Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Antimonium Tartaricum, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Potassic-Antimonious tartrate, 2K(Sbo)C4H4O6, H2O. Tartar emetic. 1. FRIED. HAHNEMANN. In 1/2 hours nausea, followed by yawning, with great watering of both eyes, then vomiting. Sensation at scrob. cordis like cold water, at same time is faint, like to fall, then follows heat on head. Cold sweat. (Archiv, iii, 146. No information.) 2. GROSS. After 1/4 hour stupefaction of head, as if bound up, with drowsiness, and tensive feeling in left half of head. Soon, feeling as if cold ran through the veins. Chilly as if soused with cold water, with goose-skin on arms, and repeated yawning. On Ist. night dreams constantly about incendiary fires from which he often wishes to escape, the fire breaks out in all places where he goes to, and yet the house is not burnt down. 2nd night, he preaches without notes and sticks fast; this incident confuses and bothers him just like the former, a great portion of the night.

The following symptoms are without note of time:

Headache round about in sinciput and vertex with tension and pressure. On waking at night always pain as if brain in left half of forehead were pressed into a lump. Constriction of head. Tensive in-pressing pain in left half of skull. Tension in temple as if pinched in, with stupefaction. As if head from both temples was pressed together with blunt instruments. Pressing in left temple. Long-continued, painful drawing pressure in right temple. Painful drawing in right temple going down to zygoma and upper jaw. Headache as if constricted, with drawing and digging, down to root of nose (afternoon). On right frontal protuberance obtuse undulatory pressure. Obtuse boring as with a blunt instrument under right frontal protuberance. In right half of forehead all evening an acute pain with sensation as it the brain there were pressed into a hard heavy lump. Above and across root of nose a stupefying tension as if constricted with a bland. Obtuse pressure above nose and left eye. Obtuse pressure on left zygoma. Painful drawing and at length obtuse pressure on left zygoma. Eyes tired as if they would close. Inclination to shut the eyes tightly. Burning in eyes in evening as if he had been studying long by candle-light. Drawing up along right side of lower jaw from chin. Tobacco not relished. Extraordinary appetite for apples and thirst for cold water; drowsy early in evening, which is unusual. Eats dinner with appetite, but when nearly satisfied has occasionally a kind of loathing. Hiccuping eructation of air. First eructation, then several times belching up of a fluid (as if from food) which he swallows, after which a sourish taste and a scrappy feeling in throat remain. Flow of water into mouth without nausea, but with qualmish nasty taste. Nausea with inclination to vomit rises suddenly from umbilical and gastric regions in repeated attacks. A kind of qualmishness rises from stomach. Cutting in abdomen and feeling as if a stone lay across hypogastrium, with great nausea; after retching six times and feeling of diarrhea without evacuation, vomiting (with great straining trembling in abdomen, and cowering together) first of food with sour taste, that remains for some time and is associated with a continued scrappy feeling in throat, then chilliness, then two diarrheic stools, the last of which is like water. After vomiting, great exhaustion, weariness, and drowsiness, loathing at all ordinary food, pale pinched features, swimming dull eyes, but with appetite for cooling things e.g. apple squash. In scrob. cordis a painful feeling as from incarcerated flatulence, late an n. flatus is discharged with relief. A stitch shoots downwards from stomach to left. side of abdomen and up again, pain there on expiration, and when touched. After dinner qualmish feeling in stomach for a considerable time. After the nausea feeling of emptiness in stomach. Cutting and pinching in abdomen as from flatulence. In abdomen repeated transient nausea like pinching, as if diarrhea would come on. Violent cutting and twisting in abdomen and tearing downwards through the inguinal region and through the thighs into knees like labour-pains; at same time fine but violent stitches at the navel with nausea and water brash; immediately afterwards diarrhea preceded by rumbling in abdomen. Must lie down and stretch himself on account of discomfort in epi- and hypo- gastrium, at last falls asleep (11 a.m.). Round about under short ribs acutely painful tension, so that he can hardly sit, but only lie, from incarcerated flatulence, which is discharged occasionally. Along with repeated nausea and pinching and cutting in abdomen, empty eructation and discharge of flatus with transient relief. A kind of strife in upper and lower abdomen between nausea and inclination to diarrhea, in which first the one and then the other prevails, with occasionally empty eructation and inclination to a natural discharge of flatus. Pressure in hypogastrium and pain with cold horripilation, as if menses were coming on. Repeated urging to stool. After repeated urging, a stool, which when passing seems to him to be almost watery but is in reality only pappy. A second stool a few hours after the first. (Twice strong sneezing.) Anguish with tightness of chest, and warmth seems to come out of heart. Burning prickling in knees. Under left knee on the external side a slow, regular, painful jerking, when at rest and when moving. Suddenly a transient aching prickling pain as from a blow over left instep. E., in bed on right side itching and gnawing, so that he must scratch. In left big toe sudden, regularly intermitting pulsating pain. Weak, uncomfortable, and prostrate. Great heaviness in legs and arms, so that she must let them fall down. Drawing here and there. Feels as if cold runs through blood- vessels. Tired and sleepy. Overcome by great exhaustion, warm feeling at heart, the arms fall down. Frequent violent yawning. Yawning and stretching limbs. In evening, contrary to custom, he becomes sleepy so early that he can hardly keep awake, and after 1/2 hours he gets wide awake and remains so till late at n. He looks pale and wretched, and is so chilly when he goes into the open air that he shivers. Great general discomfort coming from abdomen; he groans and moans involuntarily, and restlessness drives him from his seat and makes him walk about. Anxious and restless. Feeling of anxiety and heat at heart with stronger beats; it seems as if he felt them in his head. (Ibid.) 3. RUCKERT. Immediately confusion of head like pressure in temples. 1/4 h. Great throbbing in region of stomach. 1/2 h. Vomiting with headache and trembling of hands. 1 h. Trembling and drowsy, with tension in forehead, especially over left eye. Belching up of milk, and an acid fluid. Violent pressure in abdomen as from stones, as if full, worse when sitting, especially in a bent position, changing sometimes to pinching in umbilical region. 2 h. Eructation of a salt watery fluid. Nausea, vomiting. 3 h. On stooping, feeling in occiput as if something fell forwards. 4 h. Pressive pain downwards in sinciput to left eye, a shooting with an inclination to close eyes. Pressure in forehead, especially in m. Sudden, violent, startling stitch from abdomen through rectum. 9 h. Transient stitch in rectum. Ist d. Food tastes well and has some appetite, but can only take food into stomach gradually, it makes him feel better and relieves pressure in abdomen. In bed, evening, shooting in knee and hip. About 6 p.m., great febrile rigor, then after supper great heat with drawing in occiput. 2nd d. Slight shooting in forehead. Violent, pressive tension in abdomen, especially over bladder, much increased about 6 p.m., lasting 6 d. Enormous quantity of flatulence, with rumbling in belly and slight pinching; its easy discharge relieves. Stitch-like pain in rectum. Greater urging to urinate, which causes burning in urethra. Wakes at night with violent thirst and urging to urinate, when very little is passed. All forenoon continued shooting pain in posterior part of urethra. Towards evening. feeling in chest, especially left side, almost like a sore, in jerks, at same time a hopeless, desponding disposition. Slight twitching in left calf. At 11 a.m. great drowsiness; when he sits still he falls asleep immediately, has immediately very vivid dreams, during which the train of thought he had been following goes on. About 12 midnight, wakes with great thirst and urging to urinate. Febrile rigor attended with heat until 8 p.m., wakes at n. with thirst and urging to urinate. From 2nd to 6th days. The urinary symptoms last uninterruptedly 4 day, increase at first, then gradually diminish in severity. 3rd days. Attacks of vertigo, with flickering before eyes. Heat increased by movement. Shooting in temples. For several successive m., immediately after waking, pressive and tensive pains, especially in forehead, relieved by washing in cold water. In forehead, dull pain changing into shooting, going into temple, increased by coughing. After dinner violent pinching and aching in abdomen, not relieved by stool at 3 p.m., lasting till 4 p.m. Tension in abdomen going towards bladder. A very acute shooting pain in lower part of bladder, he thinks the pain of vesical calculus must be like it. Increased burning in urethra after urinating. Fever, comes first at 8 p.m., chilliness with transient heats. A peculiar internal trembling. 4th days. Dull pain in forehead as from a blow on head. Burning in ears. Chapped lips on waking at n. Cutting in abdomen. 9 p.m. The urine, at first clear like water, makes a flour-like sediment, which mixes easily on moving the glass, and gives the whole a milky appearance. The urging to urinate and burning in urethra increase, little urine is passed, the last drops are bloody and attended by severe pain in bladder. Uncommon tightness of chest. Some fingers get dark yellow spots of large size, which last 2 days. There occur on hands some small red spots like fleabites, without pain, and go off after 2 hours. Very restless sleep all n., she often wakes after anxious dreams with dryness of mouth and chapped lips. Pulse beats quickly and almost audibly, a general pulsation, which she thinks those about her must hear. About 6 p.m. fever like yesterday, with anorexia, afterwards increased pain in abdomen. 5th days. The urine has an inflammatory red appearance, and red bloody fibres form in it on standing. Cramp in calves, afternoon, which goes off on walking about. Fever, as on previous day 6th d. Fever as on previous day.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.