
Proving Symptoms of homeopathy medicine Ammonia, described by Richard Hughes in his book, A Cyclopedia of Drug Pathogenesis, published in 1895….


Including ammoniacal gas, NH3, and its solution in water (Liquor ammonia, Ammonium causticum); also the ammoniac sesquicarbonate, 2[(NH4)2CO3]CO2, Ammonium carbonicum. [ “All the ammonium compounds introduced from without, and ammonia itself, have a similar action, varying only in intensity.” (NOTHNAGEL and ROSSBACH, Mat. Medorrhinum, sub voce).


1. HAHNEMANN, Chronic Diseases, Part II of original, Vol. I of translation. Contains 789 symptoms from self and six fellow- observers, obtained from amm. carb. 2. WIBMER, Oct. 20th, 1830, pulse 76, took gr. 1 1/2 of amm. carb.; in 20 m. repeated dose, and in 20 m. more took gr. 3; 30 m. later repeated this dose, found pulse-hitherto unchanged-only 70, but ate dinner with good appetite. Next day, in morning, pulse 68, took 3 gr. After 15 m., noticed throbbing headache in left frontal region, lasting 2 m., pulse 72. In 20 m. took 6 gr. After 30 m. head heavy and full, remaining so for 30 m.; in 20 m. pulse 74. At 10 breakfasted with appetite; at noon a second stool. At 1, pulse 76, took 6 gr., and repeated dose in 15 m. In afternoon transient slight headache. On 3rd day, pulse 71, took 6 gr. After 5 m. noticed slight dullness and heaviness in forehead, lasting 10 m.; and afterwards, for 5 m., slight throbbing in frontal region. In 20 m. took 6 gr. more; 10 m. after head somewhat heavy. In 20 m. more took again 6 gr.; in 10 m. noticed feeling of distention of brain, especially on right side, and scraping in throat provoking a dry cough. Finally, about 11 a.m., took 12 gr., followed by increased inclination to cough and increased secretion of mucus in trachea. Ate dinner with great appetite, and through day felt quite well. (BUCHNER’s Repertorium, vol. xxxvii, part 3.) 2b. On 6th May, pulse 70, bowels not having been opened, took at 10:30 a.m. 2 drops of sp. salis amm. caust. in 3j of water. In 5 m. slight confusion of head, rumbling in bowels, call to stool, after occurrence of which confusion went away. At 12:30 took 3 drops in same way, without any but local effect. On 7th, at 11 a.m., took 4 drops. After 1/2 hours, pressive feelings in occiput for 10 m. at 12:15 5 drops, without effect. At 4:10 drops in ss water. Besides local burning, felt in 7 m. pressure in frontal region, as though head would burst asunder, but without pain, lasting several m., then slight confusion of head with pressure in temples, gone in 10 m. Pulse was quickened 4-5 beats and rather harder; heart’s action not increased. On 8th, pulse 75, after stool at 10:30 a.m. took during 5 m. 15 drops in 3v water. After 20 m., feeling in head as if from middle of brain there was pressure towards both sides, but without pain or confusion of consciousness. This feeling lasted only a few m. At 4:30 took 20 drops in 3vj of water without any effect; and next day 25 drops with only slight pressure in forehead. (Ibid.) 2c. Wibmer also experimented with ammonium aceticum, benzoicum, succinicum and nitricum but the results were almost entirely negative. (Ibid.) (For this proving of amm. muriaticum, see next article.) 3a. BLAUFUSS, Jan. 13th, at 7 a.m., took gr. viij of amm. carb. At 8 liquid stool. In forenoon, vertigo and indistinct vision; headache in vertex; rumbling in stomach; aching in gastric region, extending in a sort of vibrating motion towards left nipple; great palpitation, pulse about half as strong again as usual; pain, especially in left side of chest, as after sitting long in bent position; inclination to vomit; rigor in walking across street. In afternoon, great drowsiness, and lassitude in limbs as after a fever; otherwise as in forenoon. On 14th same symptoms, only in slighter degree. 3b. On 15th, at 8:30 a.m., took 20 gr. There followed rigor, alternating with heat, especially flying heat in face; inclination to vomit; drowsiness; bruised feeling in limbs; an unusual sadness; no inclination to go out; headache as before, with sensation as after having been drunk. On 16th, symptoms the same. On 17th, slighter, but also great desire to pass water. On 18th, pain in chest, drowsiness, copious urination. On 19th, as on 18th; and on 20th, shooting beside left nipple on breathing, especially troublesome when seated. (MARTIN’s provings, Hom. Vierteljahrschrift, x, I.) 4a. FRIES took, Jan. 9th, gr. j; 10th, gr. ij; 11th v. On 10th, 11th, and 12th very tired in morning. On 11th headache and vertigo 1 hours after taking powder. On 12th, aching swelling of left inguinal glands, which went off towards noon, and was replaced by headache and feeling of illness, which lasted till evening and recurred slightly next day. 4b. On 18th took gr. x. In morning felt ill; in evening, and on morning. of 19th, great lassitude; also, on following days, heaviness of limbs. (Ibid.) 5a. GUNTHER, on Jan. 8th at 6 a.m., took gr. j. About 8, very great twitching in external canthus of right eye, like “live blood,” visible in mirror; eye was for 2 hours as if covered by a veil. On 9th, at 6 a.m., gr. ij. Great perspiration, especially in following night; sleep very unquiet; great flow of urine. On 10th, at 7 a.m., gr. v. Severe headache, flickering before eyes; very profuse perspiration, of fetid odour, continuing till soon; repeated call to pass water, urine very muddy, of peculiar smell, and with copious sediment. On 12th and 13th, slight perspiration, not so fetid; urine pretty clear; itching in all limbs. On 15th took gr. x without effect; but on 18th there appeared on right thigh a boil the size of a child’s fist, very painful, and not relieved by poulticing. On 20th it was cut open, and much pus and blood discharged. On 21st a pimple on left cheek near ear, not painful unless pressed upon; itching on back, arms, and shins; rigor, followed by stuffy cold, with confusion in head, lasting a week. (Ibid.) 6. HILPERT, Jan. 9th, took in morning gr. j. It caused feeling of coolness on tongue; in 1/2 hours aching in stomach and feeling of warmth in scrobiculus cordis. In evening slight headache. On 9th, took gr. iij. At 9 o’clock feeling of warmth all over body. On 10th, took gr. x without effect. On 16th, gr. x. Soon after taking it, dryness in throat; in afternoon, violent headache. On 19th, took gr. x without effect. (Ibid.) 7. HORN, Jan. 15th, at 6 a.m., took gr. x. Abdomen became painfully distended; had profuse perspiration, remained in bed till it went off; burning pains in sinciput. Felt very sick all day, and got no relief by discharge of flatus or by eructations. Pulse 76. On 16th, in afternoon, after drinking two cups of weak coffee, had congestion to head; towards evening rush of blood greater; pulse 112; had vertigo and cold sweat, such as usually accompanies a fainting fit; no appetite; inability to stand up well. Took gr. iij of naphtha aceti, which caused eructations with relief. Very hypochondriacal, and had bitter taste at root of tongue. During night many confused dreams about things that had happened many years ago. On 17th, fever was gone, but H-was very ill-humoured and miserable; after taking a glass of punch felt better. Abdomen, though still somewhat distended, was less so. On 18th and following days the ill-humour went off. He was very hungry, but had little appetite; and the feeling of nausea, which was combined with flatulent disturbance, had not left him. [ This attack of the 16th cannot positively be ascribed to the drug; but as the nausea and abdominal distension of the first day persisted, the prover must be considered as still under its influence, and his subsequent symptoms must be provisionally retained.-EDS.] (Ibid.) 8. KRUMBHOLZ, Nov. 8th. In evening two doses of gr. v each. Quiet sleep. 9th. -Seven powders (4 of 5 gr., 3 of 10 gr.) at 2 hours intervals, at 7, 9, 11 a.m., 2 and 4 p.m. No particular effect noticed, save somewhat copious urination. 10th-Four powders of gr. x, 3 a.m., 1 p.m. Still no particular action; all day lively, excited; sleep somewhat disturbed. 11th. -Same disposition. In afternoon occurred what had been already felt on previous day, scraping sore sensation in mouth, especially severe in inside of upper gums; one spot softened. In evening much flatus. 12th. -Same sensation in mouth, only slighter. Itching on outer surface of both thighs, on corresponding spot, began in n. and only went off p.m. In evening, again flatus. 13th. -Sensation in mouth almost gone, and other symptoms do not recur. (Ibid.) 9. KREUTZMAN, Jan. 9th. On taking gr. ij coldness of tongue. 12th. -After gr. iij same sensation, only stronger. Feeling of tightness in head, pulse somewhat quickened. 13th. -After gr. v same feeling still stronger, salt taste; all gone in 1 h. In evening took gr. x. On taking it nausea; coldness followed by warm feeling on tongue. In 1/2 hours lightness of head, feeling of coldness in course of longitudinal sinus. In a short time lassitude, much flatus. The following night quiet sleep. Everything now normal, only much thirst for beer, which lasted a week. (Ibid.) 10a. MARTIN, Jan. 12th. In morning, fasting, took gr. v. In 1/2 hours (after local effects) headache, nausea, general shivering. In another 1/2 hours warmth, especially in head and face, burning in lobe of left ear and around nostrils. At night dreams, and uncommonly profuse sweat. In evening on left natis a painful boil, great lassitude, sensitiveness to open air. 13th. – In m., fasting, gr. gr. j. In 1/4 hours confusion of head; pain in abdomen as if diarrhea was coming on; this going off, was replaced by considerable ill-humour and dissatisfied feeling; collection of saliva in morning; smell as of profuse sour perspiration. In 1 hours rigor, with weak feeling; then heat in face and drawing in teeth. The whole m. strikingly gloomy humour; lassitude; pale wretched appearance. In evening exhaustion, dryness of nose and lips, coryza. N. tranquil. 14th. -In morning early a stool, and-unwontedly-another during day. Boil not so painful; more cheerful. In evening, suddenly violent pulsation about right hip, soon going off. During subsequent day, uncommonly violent coryza, which lasts with unusual obstinacy. 19th. -A pustule appears on right commissure of mouth, with much burning pain. Before this several had appeared on left cheek, and on thighs. Coryza did not go away till 20th.

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.