ACIDUM SALICYLICUM (See vol.iv, p.15.)

In vol.i p.70, l 13 deom borrom, doe “SALICINUM” read “SALICYLICA”

1. 15. Dr. A. M. CUSHING took 5 gr. of 1x trit. daily for 5 day, when following symptoms appeared: – Nov. 23rd. – Distressing pain in middle dorsal vertebrae, with desire to press back against something. 24 th. – 0 Some distress in back burning day 2 p. m., sudden lame pain in left ankle when beginning to walk. Hard dull pain around body in epigastric region all afternoon. 5, lower bowels greatly distressed with flatulence, which soon passed off. 10, sharp pain in right eye – tooth, though perfectly sound. 25th. – 11 a. m., hard pain in right arm just above elbow, seemingly round bone, which soon passed off, same king of pain then coming below elbow. In n. hard pain in lumbar muscles, near spine. 26th. – In m. on waking from sleep hard lame pressing pain in chest on both sides, worse in region of nipples, also worse on right side, where nipple is sore. At n. 1. foot lame. 27th. – 7 a. m., sharp pain in region of floating ribs extending to liver and right iliac fossa. 8, pain and soreness in left breast, and in region of nipple. 28th. – 8 a. m., sore pain in both sides of chest just below nipple, with sense of tightness and desire to draw a long breath and more arms. 6 p. m., hard sudden pain in middle finger of left hand; sudden sharp pain in 3rd toe of left foot nearly compelling him to scream. At times pain in 3rd toe of left foot nearly compelling him to scream. At times pain in muscles of left thigh. For several day hard pain in right arm above elbow. During whole proving burning sensation in region of heart. A carbuncle appearing on back of neck led him to scream. At times pain in muscles of left thigh. For several day hard pain in right arm above elbow. During whole proving burning sensation in region of heart. A carbuncle appearing on back of neck led him to scream. At times pain in muscles of left thigh. For several day hard pain in right arm above elbow. During whole proving burning sensation in region of heart. A carbuncle appearing on back of neck led him to discontinue proving. (Publ. of Mass. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc., v, 30.)

11. 17. A young man of 22, convalescing from pneumonia, was given 5 gr. 3 times daily as a “tonic.” He was now taken with severe pain in right foot, seemingly in toe joint. He put foot into hot mustard and water, but it did not relieve; suffered all night; pain then went to above knee, then to shoulder and arm. The doctor gave Dover’s powders for the pain, continuing the “tonic.” Pain lessened, but at n. grew worse again, very severe and sharp in shoulders and both limbs above knees. Next forenoon pain in bowels, which more Dover’s powders did not relieve. At n., pain in left side about heart; distress for breath; palpitation; could not rest. Was very weak next day, and, beginning to be alarmed, Dr. Donaldson was sent for. He found “congestion of heart,” pulse very irregular. The acid was stopped, and nux vomica given, and patient began to improve at once. (Ibid.) Dr. Althaus describes a skin eruption, beginning like herpes but then assuming the appearance of pemphigus, spreading all over face and body, with aphthae in mouth and fauces, and haemorrhage from bowels, as resulting from the drug. He does not say how it was given or in what disease



The cases of poisoning, Nos. 2 to 4, taken from the Berlin klin. Wochenschrift, are referred by that journal to a Dutch periodical, the Nederl. Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 1880, No. 16. To this we have not been able to get access. In the Bull. de la Soc. de Therapeutique for 1883, however (p.3), Dr. Dujardin – Beaumetz mentions the cases, and gives an account of Dr. Meyer (s symptoms during life, which the German version omits. They were as follows: –

The toxic effects began to show themselves in 1/4 h. After 4 h. Dr. Tresling found him pale; pulse small and irregular, but not accelerated; skin cold; pupils contracted. There was sense of burning in mouth, and of constriction from throat to abdomen; patient complained of praecordial anxiety, and of heaviness and weakness of limbs, especially legs. Pupils suddenly dilated, and vision was lost, but it returned as they became once more contracted. Vomiting was excited, but there soon came on acute congestion of head, and therewith convulsions and stertorous breathing. M – then complained of deafness, and of humming now in one, and now in other, ear. After a subcutaneous injection of ether, pupils dilated again, and vision was lost; then vomitings recurred, and prolonged and violent convulsions. A second injection was made, but patient could not be restored to consciousness; pupils did not react to light; respiration became slow and laboured, and spite of electricity more and more difficult; heart grew feebler, and in 5 hours after taking poison M – was dead. P. M. showed great pallor of skin and muscles, while internal organs were strongly congested, save colon, rectum, and bladder, and bladder, which were anaemic. Heart was in diastole. At certain spots in arachnoid exudation was found, and there was in diastole. At certain spots in arachnoid exudation was found, and there was bloody serum in ventricles, and a sanguineous exudation on the choroid plexus.

ACONITUM (see vol.

i, pp. 72, 747.)

I. 40 J. F. B -, in full health, pulse 70 and regular, took 2 dr. of tinct. in water at 11 a. m. 11.5, pulse 78. 11:15, pulse 90, hard and thin; slight rigors along spine, internal heat with external coldness and pallor. 11:25, great restlessness, with numbness of left arm and oppression of breathing. 11:45, sharp pains in ears, with heat and redness of cheeks; felt anxious and uneasy; desired fresh air. 12, asthmatic breathing, with palpitation. 12:15, drawing pains in extremities; stinging pains in throat, with thirst. 12:30, sight of food causes nausea. 1:20, pulse 84; occasional stitches through chest during inspiration. 3, stitches and soreness in hepatic region, with heat in abdomen; soreness and stiffness of muscles all over. 3:15, pulse 80; perspiration on face and hands without cause; feeling as if diarrhoea would occur. 4:15, urging to urinate; urine scant. 6:30, pulse 75; urging to stool, which was copious, and attended by colic and tenesmus; perspiration increased after stool. 8:45, second call to stool, watery and copious, with relief of all symptoms. Slept well, and awoke in usual health next m. (IBID., Trans. of Int. Hom. Conv., 1881, p. 35.)

41. I have myself experienced violent palpitation of the heart, with much praecordial oppression, 1.1/2 hours after taking mx of tinct. It lasted about 15 m., and recurred at intervals during the following day (PHILLIPS, Mat. Medorrhinum, 2nd ed., p.


42. Dr. E. W. BEEBE, aet. 45; normal pulse 72, resp. 13. On March 26th took 10 gr. of 6x trit. 1/2 hours before breakfast. No effect. 27th. – At same hours took 10 gr. of 2x. At 10:30 a. m. pulse was 86, at noon 80, at 9 p. m. 86. 28th. – At 7 a. m. took same, pulse 70. 7:10, pulse 72; slight numbness of tongue and fauces. 7:30, pulse 68. 8, chilly while sitting near warm stove; pulse 68. 30th. – Took, at 7:30 a. m., 10 gr. of 1x; pulse 72. 8:45, pulse 92; slight headache; numbness of tongue and fauces. 10, pulse still 92; headache ceased in open air. 12, pulse 78. 1:20, feeling chilly; pulse 76. (Trans. of Amer. Inst. of Hom., 1885, p. 155.)

43. Dr. LEWIS SHERMAN, aet. 42, normal pulse 64. 1st day – At 8 a. m. took 10 gr. of 6x trit. without effect. 2nd day – 7:45 a. m., took 10 gr. of 2x dry on tongue. Soon after cool numb sensation on palate tongue and fauces. 8:15, pulse 76; surface of body cool and pale (these symptoms continued about 2 h.). 5th day – At 7:30 a. m., pulse normal, temp. 98.6, took 10 gr. of 2x. 8, pulse 74, temp. 98.24. Numbness in mouth an fauces more marked than before, and lasted temp. 98.24, resp. 17, took 10 gr. of 1x. I 8 m. pulse 66, resp. 15. After 5 m. more, gnawing nauseating sensation in stomach, followed by rumbling in bowels. At 8 a. m., before eating, pulse 84. 8:20, pulse 17, temp. 97.88. 9, pulse 64, temp. 98.24. All symptoms better after breakfast. Only mental symptom observed was a slight uneasiness, allied to fear. ( Ibid., p. 156.)

II. 14. The patient, Miss M -, aet. 24, took through mistake Zss of the tinct. aconiti red., which was followed i 20 or 30 m. by a sense of warmth in stomach, nausea, and oppression of breathing. Shortly after this followed numbness, tingling, and slight muscular weakness. She did to attribute her feelings to the drug, and in 1 hours from the time it was taken (4:30 p. m.) the dose was repeated. She started soon afterwards to walk a distance of two miles, and did not complain until about half way. On reaching her destination she began to stagger, and was soon completely prostrated. Her voice became different portions of body, but particularly in joints. I was set for, poisonous dose of aconite, I administered the usual emetic, which was quickly arrived. I found the patient in the following condition: Axillary T. 97.1/2; P. 32; right 10. Pupils dilated, extremities cold, loss of consciousness, extreme pallor of face with expression of great suffering, and there was a twitching of the mouth and eyelids. Emesis which had an odour of alcohol. The retching continued, and her condition each moment grew worse, the pulse becoming frequent and irregular, and respiration more difficult. By consent of Dr. S. I injected hypodermically fifteen mins. Magendie’s sol., just after which having slight convulsion. There was a spasmodic sol., just after which having a slight convulsion. There was a spasmodic contraction of the laryngeal muscles, respiration ceased, and the pulse was imperceptible. Dr. S. did not observe me inject the morphia, d remarked that if I woman; respiration had ceased, the feeblest pulsation could not be detected, the body was cold to the touch, and we had every evidence of impending dissolution. We had lost all hope in the case, but were endeavouring to detect a feeble impulse of the heart, when suddenly and to our surprise the pulse sprang up, about the rate of 40 per m. the laryngeal muscles were relaxed and respiration began. Very soon the cheeks were flushed, and heat returned gradually to the extremities. The thermometer was again placed in the axilla, and registered 98.1/2. The retching continued, and in 1/2 hours the pallor returned, there was general muscular tremor, and the pulse became frequent and irregular as before. Ten mins. Magendie’s sol. were injected, and an enema containing 20 gr. carbonate of ammonia and one ounce of brandy. She soon rallied as before, this time recovering consciousness; and complained of cephalalgia, burning sensation in the stomach, and severe pain in different parts of body. At 10 p. m. I injected ten mins. more Magendie’s sol., which seemed to quiet her, and at 12 she was asleep. The bladder had been evacuated four times since 8 o’clock. – 15th, 6 a. m., temp. 99; pulse 80. Has vomited only after the enemas, which were repeated at intervals of 2 h. She complained of great muscular soreness, and movement of the body is painful. She is very weak, her grasp being scarcely perceptible Champagne and mucilaginous drinks were given, and the enemas continued, but at longest intervals. 4 p. m., temp. 99.1/2; pulse 72. Vomiting has ceased, and but little nausea. Diuresis has continued, and she complain for the first time of pain in region of kidneys, paroxysmal in character, lasting but for a few moments at a time. – 16th, 10 a. m., temp. normal; pulse 80. Has rested well since evening before; diuresis diminished; no pain in region of the kidneys; cephalalgia and muscular soreness remaining. – 17th, 10 a. m., patient much improved; temp. normal, pulse 80. Has taken food in fluid form with relish. Muscular soreness diminished, and but slight cephalalgia, which remained for several days. Two day later she complained of a peculiar sensation at the roots of her teeth, and diarrhoea, which symptoms lasted but a short the roots of her teeth, and diarrhoea, which symptoms lasted but a short time. The patient gradually improved, the muscular soreness being last to disappear. (O’BRIEN, N. Y. Medorrhinum Record, Feb. 8th, 1879.)

Richard Hughes
Dr. Richard Hughes (1836-1902) was born in London, England. He received the title of M.R.C.S. (Eng.), in 1857 and L.R.C.P. (Edin.) in 1860. The title of M.D. was conferred upon him by the American College a few years later.

Hughes was a great writer and a scholar. He actively cooperated with Dr. T.F. Allen to compile his 'Encyclopedia' and rendered immeasurable aid to Dr. Dudgeon in translating Hahnemann's 'Materia Medica Pura' into English. In 1889 he was appointed an Editor of the 'British Homoeopathic Journal' and continued in that capacity until his demise. In 1876, Dr. Hughes was appointed as the Permanent Secretary of the Organization of the International Congress of Homoeopathy Physicians in Philadelphia. He also presided over the International Congress in London.